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Everything posted by MilesTeg_cy

  1. I think the most fun class story is smuggler's. You wont regret
  2. Tatooine without any second tought. Bec. Tatooine is the closest planet to Dune
  3. I had the same problem a month ago. Reinstalling the game solved my problem. Consider that too if you haven't done already. CS couldn't be much help as they always were.
  4. Isn't it true that the people want to the things in this game which they can not in real life? I believe every person has a tendency towards being good natured(aware that he/she is living in a society) or evil(or careless to other people). That is why a "good" person can feel a uncomfortable if he/she choses a DS character in a virtual realty. And the reverse may be true. There is another truth about human nature. Every good person has a dark side, every "evil" person has a little light in them. Bec. there are no perfect human beings on this world. It is all about the tendencies and the perception of truth around us. Doing the wrong thing has a fear in it for some people. Just feels like to be a sinner. It is hard coded to the real character of the person and this real character projects to the characters that they have created in the virtual world. If there is an inconsistency between them the bells start to ring. The ones that are comfortable with the inconsistency is sure about who they are or happy to be a "bad guy" at least here in the virtual world.
  5. And sometimes a scav node is visible on the minimap but it is not on the actual map. I can see a star indicating that there is a scav node there but no matter what I can not see it anywhere. Also once I've seen a scav node appered on a tree Ofcourse it was out of reach.
  6. Use the shift key on your keyboard to split a stack. Splitting will give you more chance of successfull RE.
  7. I've come across the same bug today. It is a class mission and can not be abandoned. What the hell should I do now? Created a ticket already. Lets wait
  8. I've married with Akaavi and very serious with her. Planning to have 5 children. With the children, the smuggling dynasty will grow. Risha is not as "solid" as Akaavi. She is cute but this is no beauty contest, this is war. So I prefered the tough one I'm DS lvl IV (almost V) btw. Akaavi goes better with the DS.
  9. I've hit the same wall around lvl43 myself but it was only about my gears. After spending some money the problem was solved. I recommend a gear level up after every 4 levels.
  10. You are a lucky guy, you know that? If only I could make my wife play SWTOR with me
  11. Even Hitler was an innocent baby. Everything and everyone has a story behind it. Still 3D was not enough to make me "like" the first episode.
  12. Star Wars is a 12 Knights and the Round Table story with futuristic touches. The Jedi(Knights) are after the Holy Grail(The Force-"religious power here") in the name of righteousness(Republic) with (light)sabers in their hands and some family issues in it. SW is a derivative of an other well known story as you see and this new story has "some" science, "more" fiction in it, that's all.
  13. This topic must be sticky. Almost like a walkthrough or a guide for how to make new generations a Sci-Fi/SW fan You, sir, be proud of you little angel and we be proud of a dad like you
  14. Laminoid is a Grade 1 Scavenged Compound. So one of your skill should be Scavenging(if it is not already) in order to find that one. Another option is GTN, check GTN frequently for the sellers. http://www.torhead.com/item/8JK5QiN/laminoid#comments
  15. I would show the universe that I'm stronger than the force and destroy all the force addicts. Watch jedi and sith to become taxi drivers and such for the rest of their lives. Also would change that stupid name. What the hack "Star Wars" mean anyway? Are the stars in some kind of war? Why do they fight each other?
  16. I have the same ones with my smuggler. Happy with them
  17. Chance factor is very high actually. Otherwise it wouldn't be a game but a mass production Don't kick him out, make him wipe the floors
  18. My smuggler's ego if off the charts. Even a general offers for some additional warriors to go along with him, he would probably refuse. It is all about EGO. A lot of players are playing that one man army story game just for feeding their egos. You are being the hero of your life for about 2 hours a day or more playing that character.
  19. There was a similar topic yesterday but no matter how deep I've digged I couldn't find that one. Forum search option must be enabled ASAP.
  20. Do you have plans for this? That would be fun just like it was in UFO:Interceptor. Groups attack other groups in space and more social acts without gravity Ship modification will gain more importance also.
  21. It doesn't have to be a phone application, bu can be a web application. I would love to see my toon on web from work computer, access GTN and reach crafting skills. This could be a pay application also.
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