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Everything posted by Dingoo

  1. I admit I was mainly showing skimpy outfits mainly cause my toon is a female sage/sorc and I'd like to see more eye pleasing outfits (as a force magik user should be, least as a sith. beautiful, sexy but deadly) besides skirts and hoodies or pope hats from some rejected batman bad guy... You mentioned TERA.. well this isn't TERA... BUT! Least they have a nice variety of gear and so does a lot of games compared to this game, most of the time they copy paste a base armor, add some crap to it and off to CM with it. Take a closer look in your collections and you can see the repetitions. They could use some people from TERA, Aion, RIFT and even WOW to make some star wars themed gear that wasn't just a copy/paste crap... Though what this game really need is appearance slots. There is armor that are lower level that looks a lot better then some of the top gear atm...
  2. ATM there is not really any strong pvp guilds on the imp side for harbinger, at best its friends list checks and occasional pub's playing their imp toons, lose and go right back to their pubs.. solo queing is ok for comms if you care less bout your rating and getting raped vs good 4 man pre made. And have played imperial side all along atm its just pathetic on imp side pvp wise. Not saying it was great before the server transfers but it was never this bad either... I remember one game I played a while back actually gave a buff for the weaker faction if losses were to much (GM enforced/monitored) to equalize. Seeing how bioware "balances" classes this should be right up their alley. Not sure there will ever be a solution less the community it self on this server starts doing something. Another reason for imps losing more is cause a lot of players has quit caring to even try winning, and in a way I can understand that thinking as well, you see premades (and we know the names by heart) a lot of people instantly quit to recue in hope to bypass the premade from goof or xedrix just to mention some.. which sure doesn't help the remaining team. I know not everyone does but a majority do. I've done it. Call it QQing and go cry in a corner but don't come ***** bout no one on imp side queuing either, you got what you wanted. complete easy mode domination. Heading to bastion probably, tougher players but more even win/loss scoring.
  3. Seeing my last post about a similar suggestion seems to have been removed I guess I'll start a new .. I'm sure to say quite a few players (both male and female) would love to see more "sorcery" looking outfits for the light armor wearers.. this of course goes for any other classes as well.. Your CM armor making team really should look at some of the fan art for ideas (seems the department is low on them and are recycling a lot).. Here are a few of them as suggestions (art property of originators): http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/135/1/9/swtor__sriin_art_trade_by_evanyell-d4zwd7y.jpg http://www.wallsave.com/wallpapers/1280x800/swtor/967098/swtor-world-class-fan-art-by-elfguy-star-wars-tor-gamingfeeds-com-967098.jpg http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/097/d/a/swtor_agent_valnoz_by_anthros-d4vb6ue.jpg http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/188/3/c/ashara_zavros_from_swtor__2_by_firstborn_shadow-d56e6vi.jpg http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/310/e/4/female_swtor_request_by_influenztial-d329ay3.png http://th07.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2011/348/2/a/red_dragon_by_takeofffly-d4j34ca.png http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/048/b/2/elara_makesa_swtor_fashionista_by_wicked_juti_by_swartlover-d5vbn8y.png http://th06.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2012/199/8/6/swtor__a_model__s_toys_by_evanyell-d57rzpw.jpg Of course these are just a plain handful quickly looked up links.. there is a huge community out there that you should utilize better... take off your blinds and look wider is my suggestion
  4. Well being bit of a dress up geek wouldn't mind seeing more female only clothing dancer outfits etc.. Now The Stylish, fancy, Elegant and Reveler's armors were nice per say though basically no different then the other besides color :/ I'd like to see a version of that and the "leia" outfit top without the "loin cloth" part (which imo should have been attached to the belt or a belt..). Course seeing a leather vest similar to the mira one but dyable and as a signle piece would do as well.. besides these items would not be hard to make seeing the models are already there Far as I see it female sorcerer's and magic users always had very skimpy gear in most games.. c'mon swtor.. let the force flow
  5. Dingoo

    Sorcerer PvP

    Reading this post I play in 55 and lowbie with sorc/sage and you cannot compare low level pvp to 55.. And yes lightning is our burst spec (once done right -> whats smash again?), madness is our mobile burn spec. Healing spec is prob one of the best ones in the game, heavy burst heals and aoe healing. And yes the sorc can be squishy, we are after all wearing light armor XD As for being a OP class? no not really, looking at burst for multiple classes we're pretty right were we should be. Though I would like seeing more defense added.. but its unlikely to happen. Are we underpowered? far from it, though I do agree that Electro net should not disable our force barrier seeing we're pretty much stuck in place anyway... (imo Electro Net is a bs skill from bioware to please their QQ'ing merc/mando players)..
  6. Even though polarity shift says your immune to interrupts for period of time you can still be stunned, knocked back and "interrupted" but your immune to an actual interupt skill.. yay.. so the skill is just good for its alacrity boost at the moment.. either it needs to be fixed were your immune to stuns and knockbacks as well for 6 sec or rewrite the damn tool tip..
  7. This is more a suggestion to the developers and for the community's delight? Personally I like to "pimp" my characters and give them their own "look" for either pvp or pve. I'm sure I'm not lone spending hours looking for armor combinations for that specific look.. Now after spending sometimes fair bit of cash to move mods and add augment slots etc. Why not let us make the items legacy bound if we wish? 1. Make a item which can be used on a piece of armor much like you use a augment kit atm (I refer to this as "Legacy Mod" from here on out), you will need to use a mod station to edit this feature into the armor. 1 Legacy Mod (this will also be a consumable) per armor piece of course. 2. Make Legacy Mods available from any legacy vendor in SWToR (Reputation would be a requirement of course, I suggest legend) for maybe 300-500k a piece and/or from the Cartel Market for a reasonable amount - About 500 cc per item? pricing of course would be up to the developers to decide. Now why would they add this seeing there is already Legacy bound armor in the game? Well I know a lot of people why play both Republic and Imperial sides and with same classes and they often use Legacy gear to be able to just mail it in-between so they don't need to grind out 1 set for each toon on each side. And I think the developers intended this for that use as well. I loved the idea when they released the Legacy gear... however.. the armors are few and the looks.. bit lacking to be honest.. This would be a nice addition to the game as at least me personally like to have my characters run around in style Also I'm sure there would be a good business idea for the CM for these items
  8. I read this thread and its stupid to argue about it really. this game was made with gear in mind for progression for both pvp and pve. Now some in this thread want to remove the progression in gear from pvp cause they get stomped in pvp? Well then how about we remove progression completely for both pvp and pve and make this into a GW2 clone. Trust me the game would lose a lot of people pretty fast. I'm personally not looking forward to change gear again since my characters are geared up to Conqueror, but even its the strive to become better that appeals. If there is no destination why take the time to travel? As far as it goes for the Bolster system they introduced in 2.0 it was horribly broken at release and a long time after. Multiple patches has been done to fix exploits, glitches in it. At current version its almost definitely to advantage to just hover around 1900 bolstered expertise which means some pieces of pve gear gives you an slight advantage over pvp gear. I've seen plenty players with full 69/72 sets just do fine (ok dps/survivability) in a warzone with around 15-1700 bolstered expertise. Someone suggested to bracket how much expertise one had.. that would require quite the limitations to make it work. No I suggest to return a "introduction" set for new 55 pvp players, recycle the partisan set maybe? But if so everyone should be able to get a free set of 66 gear for PvE as well... Though with the bolster at its current form I haven't seen much of an issue gear wise, what happens in 2.4 will tell more I'm sure seeing another set for PvE is introduced at 78. which currently probably will blow the 67 pvp gear out the window for some pieces expertise or not. If you get "1 shot" its more likely to be that the other team focused you at the time and burnt you cause your a, heals b. heavy dps class.. PvP is not fair nor static like PvE. I find most people who complain about the gear difference in PvP is the people in endgame PvE gear getting rolled cause they think its the same mind set to play PvP as PvE.
  9. MONKEY BALLS! There is a real life outside the game.. but I feel unsafe without my sabers :/
  10. Dingoo


    Bioware don't give things out.. but.. U may get a title: "Harbinger LOST"
  11. Dingoo


    Hell to the no this cannot persist.. Cosplay time! XD
  12. Dingoo


    Fckin mickey d always fcks with the order.. they had it coming XD
  13. Dingoo


    or the damn rat ate the hamster.. womp rat fever!!
  14. Dingoo


    hell lets just post vids til **** is back.. fck it..
  15. Dingoo


    how u think the hamster feels? :/
  16. Dingoo


    They lost another hamster in a wheel accident.. Patience, once the guts are cleared of the hamster and a new one purchases from the local pet store (run jimmy run) we'll be back *****in bout the lag again. XD
  17. Ok title might be bit misleading.. What I'm looking at a lot of people on the server trying to get to see new endgame content are often looking for a group finder spot, they may not be in a guild or the guild doesn't have enough online people for a ops themselves. Now I like the feature to use GF for this but there is often a catch that comes with it and often a pug op will fall apart due to a wipe or two cause some people or most just don't know the fights (most of us has seen this) and its often hard to find enough tanks to refill if they leave etc... We all also have seen people looking for healers, dps and tanks (rare breed) but often if not always they ask for them to know the fights.. of course it rules out a fair deal of players. Now my suggestion is pretty simple, make these ops into 4 man tier 2 flashpoints, kind of like how lost island was versus the other 50 Hardmodes at the time. 1. Keep the mechanics as much as possible (good trainer for new players to be better in 8/16 man ops) 2. Difficulty level.. Hardmode of course only option. The tweak will of course take some thinking but I can see to be able to do it well a 50/50 mix of 66/69 gear would be needed (much same as for regular SnV/TfB SM/HM's). They should be tougher then a 55 HM but bit under or at par with SM 55 Ops just tuned for 4 people. 3. Drops.. I guess as further you can get the better the rewards in the op. Let maybe the final boss drop 72/75 piece and rest 69/72 depending on amount of bosses in the operation. What's the advantages? well its easier to find 4 people for this (note this is a reason Bioware themselves used to remove the ranked 8 man from pvp in 2.4) and people would be better prepared for 8/16 man SM/HM ops in group finder. I can see this helping the player community cause we'll get a more competent player base and less frustration. Of course this is just a suggestion but if Bioware really cares bout their players why not take a serious thought about it? Its more content for MORE endgame players, more rewards and its already in the game (more or less)...
  18. I have to give it to bioware, your definitely doing your best to rid yourself of players that's been here since the start... why august 11th? I'd like a name on who set that date.. why not from launch of the xpac? and give all who bought the xpac the title? more fair, we all spent the $10 (was no option too really if you wanted to play with your friends and whatnot was there.. besides quit, which some did) on it. I know they don't owe any one **** but then don't give anyone anything be the fair way to go about it. sure people would still be *****in but this is just another lovely slap in the face to a big crowd. I couldn't care less about a title nor cc's but a unfair treatment is a unfair treatment no matter how u try sugar coat it...
  19. I'd like to see a rare crystal (maybe just purchasable on cc) that has rotating colors?
  20. What is needed is more warzones to cycle through at the moment to few warzones as it is... even with the arenas coming in (3 small arena maps) we could use at least 2-3 new maps as well.. Why is it the PVE people always gets more additions then PvP? and this bs pve server or not we do have just as many pvp.. And removing the 8 man ranked will/was a bad idea... combined with 4 man arena queues it would have been excellent.. but oh well
  21. Dingoo

    PvP lvls.....

    I still agree with the first poster, and far as bolster goes its more or less as broken as before.. As a level 10 versus a level 29 its a joke, bolster or not. as a 25+ your cool downs and skills/trees give you more defenses and/or damage output then what the bolster does to the level 10. If you ever have tried to kill a level 29 and not been twinked at lower level you aren't going to do **** to the 25+. Why there is only 3 brackets at the moment is due to Bioware's "trust" in their bolster which is of course "working as intended" and the fact with a shorter level bracket (like in most game 10 levels) without a cross server queue you would be waiting hours and hours for a pop. Best thing to do is keep your self at least in mid level (20+) for 10-29 and around 45+ for 30-54, also make sure to keep your gear around 2-3 levels from your level (seems to work best for bolster). I do agree that the mid bracket should have been cut at 30-50 and 51-54 should had their own just due to fact of some skills at 51. but whatever.. "working as intended" <- make this your mantra and carry on
  22. Since start of the first week of 2x XP weekend its been noticeable worse at night for me (eastern time). It seems to basically start to get a lot of lag around 9-9:30 > 10 pm EST. Affected things are: 1. Mail lags out 3-5 min to get items out), gets worse with time 2. GTN Lags out, unable to add items, buying items goes back to the mail issue once bought. 3. PvP que button bugs out, a reset of the UI is needed to re enable it (ctrl+u x2) also gets worse with time 4. PvP matches are FUBAR, been in a few now that's been 8v3, 1v6, 4v4 or worse, won one in 30 sec cause was no other players from opposing team could enter.. 5. Login from character screen can take up to 3-5 minutes (server congestion for sure) I am assuming this may have to do with the server shutdowns and transfers to the west coast servers and peak hour for their players mixed with the old west coast ones. This seriously needs to be addressed pronto, my suspicion is that its a server stress test this first weekend to see how much load they can take as a reference on what they need to add/upgrade to accommodate the new transfers, been nice to let your customers know ahead of time if this is the case. Would be nice if Bioware could at least acknowledge that they have a problem and working on it.
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