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Posts posted by VelvetSanity

  1. You mean a police box.


    Police call box, for Doctor Who reference.


    Or, a phone booth, for Bill and Ted reference. :D


    Either way, they’re both effectively a type of phone booth. ;)

  2. There's also the possibility of taking this idea and incorporating it into the existing game. Since things are shifting back to Empire vs Republic and both sides are scrabbling for resources, why not have both sides racing for some sort of archive that they believe will have some exploitable knowledge and either want it for themselves or to make sure the other side doesn't get it.


    Turns out the archive has holocrons which send our heroes consciousness back into those earlier periods for adventures and when they come back thinking it's all in thier heads, surprise...the gear they got from then came back with them.:eek:


    I don’t suppose the holocron you have in mind looks like a phone booth of some sort? :rolleyes:

  3. Ignoring the obvious isn't going to magically make anyone reconsider the previous choices and why it drove people away in the first place. Neither is ignoring the idea of what could be done to bring SWTOR back and get more people to agree to your petition.


    I'm one who sees negatives and can see the positives that can come out of the negatives.

    (of course i'm willing to discuss the issue and you'd be surprised what my point of view is for SWTOR, that assumes anyone is bothered to ask, and so far no one has)

    In that case, please do share it as I am genuinely interested in hearing your view! :)


    Seconded. Let’s hear it.

  4. I think that he is gone temporarily but now I think Vaylin is still stuck in your head like Valkorion was, and that it is just a matter of time before Vaylin starts talking to you like Valkorion was


    I like this idea, particularly if it drags out as a long Vaylin healing/redemption subplot where in the end, she’s freed and becomes a force ghost companion (or else still stuck in your head) and helps you with difficult choices by providing a different perspective. (If stuck in your head, you could visit her by meditating, along with just directing thoughts/speech towards her) and maybe Valkorion’s actually gone forever with Vaylin taking his place.

  5. I’d love to hear from devs on this topic, it’d be interesting to hear about, if nothing else.


    Maybe they could detail some of the cut content and have us vote on some of it to restore? That would be a fun way to include fans/community in finding ways for the game to develop/grow. (Of course, the devs and writers would have complete say in *how* they go about restoring/adding/including it.)

  6. I can understand that, though I would not say no if they ever added some of the jewellery options to humans along with opening other stuff to species customization.


    Jewelry would be nice...as long as it’s not only for humans the way so many of the hair options are :rolleyes:

  7. Personally I think Inquisitor is a worse sinner in this regard. I can't count the amount of times s/he declares "Murder and mayhem await" or some such.


    I always treated those responses as “I know what it is you want to hear me say, you’re so pathetically easy to please” snark :D

  8. I just want to say...


    Personally, I believe that KOTFE/KOTET resulted from EA refusing to give them the go-ahead to make KOTOR 3.


    Also...what if Acina isn’t actually controlling Malgus, but it’s been the other way around from the start, and Malgus just wants people to *think* she’s the one that holds the power, so he can see who tries to take the throne for themselves without putting himself in the crosshairs?


    It’s never the king on the throne that you need to worry about, it’s the advisor whispering in the king’s ear...

  9. All species other than humans need more customization options. Humans have far more than enough already.


    And some species have some pretty severely immersion-breaking visual bugs/glitches, too. Like Cathar teeth poking through the skin when using body type 1.

  10. You're probably near, or beyond, your (or the companion's) equipped weapon range. Move close before attacking and it should work better.


    I know it's not SUPPOSED to work that way, but that's the work around I found since it's been broken.


    You mentioned a workaround, good job, now they’ll never fix it :rolleyes:

  11. Funny thing, my SI never wanted to kill Asharra...but *did* want to kill Talos - at the end of Hoth she told him “no, you can’t come with me” and then boarded her ship..to find him stowed away in the cargo hold. It was so frustrating that I couldn’t have her choke or lightning him or *anything*, much less kill him. (She has a severe hatred of humans that was beaten into her from a young age - Andronikus is about the only human she finds tolerable: “he’s not half bad, for a filthy human”. Her hatred of humans is the primary reason she’s DS)


    She did worry about Asharra for a while because of her stubborn “I was born to be a Jedi!” nonsense - she was worried that’d get Asharra and anyone around her killed for no good reason, especially in the Empire.


    For her, every kill choice will likely come down to “are they filthy humans? If so they die, and if not they live” when I reach that point. :)

  12. Indeed there is, but it costs so many credits that you'd be broke before getting all companions on one character. It's about 250m credits per character. And since they keep forcing companions, the nightmare never ends... LOL


    That’s ridiculous. Go to fleet, find the companion gifts vendor, buy 470 of the companion’s favorite, costs less than 5mil credits.


    470 of them will take the companion’s influence from 1 all the way to 50.

  13. I have no idea how Foundry handles loot or mission rewards, I’ve never actually tried using it. A good option would be limiting the types of mission rewards, and have XP/credits be automatically calculated based on the number/types of enemies encountered.


    Like, say mission rewards might be limited to decorations or toys, with the value determined by a calculation based on the size of the map, the number of enemies, the number and length of conversations (toss in the number of ‘player response’ points in those conversations for good measure). The bigger/longer/more involved the mission, the more and better the decorations it gives out.

  14. Ewww! Gross! Oh, you meant *that* meaning of "screw Zash". Never mind, as you were.


    You weirdo. LOL

    Vaccina had already learned to dislike and distrust humans growing up as a slave, Zash was just the icing on the cake that made that dislike take root and become a significant part of who she is.


    Syvari Lun: Cathar Jedi Sage

    Song: Crystal

    Artist: Stevie Nicks

    Dedication: “to Lana, with love”

    Cathar are well-known for being highly passionate, which makes Syvari’s zen-like calm demeanor really stand out. However, the saying “still waters run deep” is especially true for her. She cultivated her demeanor to conceal her own confusion and uncertainty; unlike every other young girl she knew, she never obsessed over boys - never really had any interest at all, actually.


    She grew up knowing that every Cathar has a duty to do their part in helping their people and culture recover from the Mandalorian Genocide (known as the Battle of Cathar to the rest of the galaxy). To this end, she attempted dating Iresso just to find out if she *could* accept a male as her mate. While she could admit that the pleasurable moments were indeed pleasurable, she quickly decided that no, she didn’t want to be mated to a male, and her confusion grew when she reflected on this.


    Then Lana came along during the Revanite business and Syvari found herself drawn to the reasonable and pragmatic Sith, until finally, just before they parted ways on Yavin, Lana kissed her. Suddenly, all of her confusion and self-doubts were washed away in an instant of blinding clarity and rightness. Even the pain of knowing that the next time she saw Lana would probably be from across a battlefield was tempered and eased by the newness of the lack of self-doubt and confusion.


    Phexia Ivoire: cyborg Mandalorian bounty hunter

    Song: Another One Bites the Dust

    Artist: Queen

    Dedication: “when I take on a bounty, I always collect.”

    Seems pretty self-explanatory to me. :D

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