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Everything posted by Sportiva

  1. But is this statement accurate? I am so confused. Or am I?
  2. They aren't optional if you are trying to do the Iokath daily.
  3. I don't disagree, but I don't think the design was to make Healers the de facto tank in a WZ but basically that is what has happened. As a Healer I am protecting my teammates more by getting beat on and healing myself than I protect them as a tank.
  4. Oh please, get a sense of humor ... first thing I thought of was a some sort of smart alec Bruce Jenner comment. TUX just beat me to it.
  5. That's not the issue ... the issue is that Healers are not properly awarded for their utility to a PvP match. I main a tank, and I almost always top the WZ scoreboard while providing as much utility to my team as a mammary on a nun. Yet, on my Healer I will routinely get less than 8 medals even though I am more valuable to my team.
  6. I can understand leaping to a enemy being prevented as it puts respawning player into a tough position, but I think eliminating Guardian Leap/Intercede is stupid because that tactic involves some teammate coordination plus it create utility for Guardians/Juggs.
  7. It's as annoying as hell, and the fact that it has been going on for awhile and it hasn't been addressed is inexcusable.
  8. I think whether it is GC Crates or CM Crates, BWA doesn't appreciate how deflating and irritating it is to get duplicates.
  9. LOL ... my idea for a simple flat tax to get excess credits out of the in-game economy is ridiculed. Yet, we have multiple posts arguing about the validity of using a fictional currency to pay for the fictional operating costs of a fictional modification station that isn't even needed to remove or add modifications to an item. That sure sounds like the most rational and simple solution to inflation in the SWTOR economy. Well done, gents.
  10. I don't think the devs come to this section of the forums anymore. Heck, I'd be happy with the already created hood-down version of Exiled Master. I think (can't remember for sure) that the Lana Beniko legs look pretty decent with the Exiled Master's chest piece.
  11. It would be cool, but I doubt it is possible because speeders become skills after you activate them.
  12. No one that wants these robes is denying that they want a version similar to Ob-Wan ... talk about straw dog arguments. The issue is that the vocal minority opposed to these being added to the game are engaging in an argument over semantics to mask the fact that their opposition is purely personal; primarily against Alec.
  13. You're hung up on the interface for how BWA would recapture the credits. I am sure there's a better way to handle collecting the credits than I have thought of. The point is that by tying the credit sink to activities you are destined to create inequities in how much is a fair credit sink. Why should dying in PvE cost credit while dying in PvP is free? Why should pulling out a Legendary mod with lower stats be more expensive than pulling out a superior Artifact quality mod? Why should the listing fee for a speeder on the GTN cost $3750 while Cartel items have a listing fee of less than $100? Plus, this modifies player behaviors. How many times does someone rage quit an Op due the cost of repair bills? That certainly doesn't engender a good community. Quite honestly, BWA does not have that many credit sinks so they gouge the fees on a select few activities. That's the issue that I have. My preferred method for dealing with excess credits in the economy is a flat tax; however, if they added credit sinks to almost every activities but at a lower and more logical rate, I think that could be a fair solution as well. For example, they should have plenty of metric telling them how often a player rips out a mod vs. dying in a Op vs. dying in PvP vs. traveling in the space ship, etc etc. If the credit sink fee was proportionately based on the frequency of the overall activity, I think that would be a much better system.
  14. No because the people disagreeing are either just trolling or blindly supporting anything & everything BWA does. I fail to see how your interests as a SWTOR subscriber & player are harmed by these robes being added to the game. Additionally, the BWA developers are big boys & girls; I am fairly confident that they can handle the multiple requests without your help.
  15. I would assume so ... the system could generate an email tell the player how much was deducted from their account.
  16. I didn't contradict myself ... perhaps I wasn't clear, but I am defining credit sinks as payments tied to an activity in the game. I don't disagree that there needs to be a mechanism to pull credits from the in-game economy, I am arguing that it is stupid to use a "use tax" model as it discourages players from pursuing certain activities or content. And yes, I think a straight flat tax would be a far better way to get credits out of the economy.
  17. This is a little bit off topic but not too far ... I've always thought credit sinks in MMOs were stupid ideas. They are basically taxes to pull credits out of the economy to prevent hyper-inflation. The problem is that credit sinks discourage certain in-game activities or certain in-game content. A game developer should be encouraging players to participate in all facets of the game. To me, an MMO should just have a percentage-based tax to pull credits out of the economy equally across all players.
  18. That's bogus ... the complaints about the many "Jedi" sets is always the same. The question is why BWA has ignored the feedback. All of the "Jedi" sets have one or more of the following flaws: 1) Superfluous armor attachments (generally on the shoulders) 2) Belt outside of the outer robe 3) Short-sleeve outer robe 4) Disjointed chest / pant models (i.e. flaps that magically disappear from the chest piece) 5) Hood-up
  19. This 100x over ... it's just like the post a while back that class balance wasn't possible due to a person on maternity leave. If your organization is dependent upon one individual in any one function, your organization is a failure.
  20. So I'm very happy Tier 1 gear is easier to get & the CXP system is a modicum more alt-friendly; however, it is going to make CXP level 1-90 even more tedious as a character won't gain anything useful from those levels. IMO, this is just more evidence that CXP needs to be legacy-wide.
  21. IMO, one thing that is desperately needed is to de-link the GSF queue from the GSF queue. You should be able to enter a WZ and not lose your spot in the GSF queue when you are done with the WZ.
  22. For the most part, I really like GSF. The combat is fun and challenging. My only complaint is that it needs more variety in match styles ... Death Matches & Node Camping getting boring after awhile. I would love to see them add a match similar to ground PvP's Voidstar. Basically, you would have two phases 1) where your squad is defending capital ships and 2) where your squad is attacking capital ships.
  23. I thought the same thing as well. I thought I had missed something. It's just poor writing.
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