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Everything posted by Megaloz

  1. The only reason we congregate is because: There is no LFG System All OPs and FPs have to go through Fleet to get into them There is no optional server wide channel to chat, hence, you run to fleet because there its the biggest chat channel where people are So we are "forced" into fleet, not that we WANT to all congregate into fleet.
  2. There was just a recent interview that they stated something was going to come before 1.3.....from the "updates" we have been told are coming.
  3. Were in the biggest IP we know of, with a huge galaxy of information, with so many planets, species, etc...... And what does Bioware do, to help us immerse ourselves in this galaxy, with all its beautful planets? Force them in the Fleet!!!! I hate the fleet, i hate how pretty much everything is centerized in that one floating metal ship. Its alienated us from letting US choose where we would like to make our "home" base of operations. I mean at least pick a planet, thats popular among SW fans to do this....but know, you dont pick any planet, you pick the fleet. Seriously....
  4. I would say low. And the reason why? It might be possible, they will release server transfers before 1.3. I mean 1.3, is not even talked about a date for even hitting the test servers at this point. And then the time on test server, and then release.....yeah were looking at a late June release for 1.3. So ya, i think server transfers will be here before....thats my gut feeling.
  5. Yes you get to finish whatever time is left on the account.
  6. Bioware are complete noobs when it comes to MMOs - FACT EA are complete failures when they touch an MMO - FACT LA seems to let anything fly So what did we expect? Im so so disappointed in this game. For once, finally, id have an MMO where i can get all my RL buddies and family together, and play an MMO! And they did! But because this game lack soooooo many things, ive lost most of them and down to a couple guys now. Im borderline pissed off with these companies. How can they take such a huge IP, with such a huge budget, and with such a vast knowledge of all the MMOs out there that have failed and succeeded.............and yet FAIL SO BAD as they have?!?! Im speechless.... This has 0% fault with the timing, and 100% with the people who made this game, and how utterly poor their decision making was in creating this game. I swear if i had the power, i would fire so many of those morons in a heartbeat and bring in some people who have a clue to what their doing for a MMORPG game for 2012!!!!!
  7. I agree on more achievements, but more variety in rewards. Enough with all the titles...seriously. And if you whine about elitism, then don't participate in it, but don't punish the rest of us who enjoy those benefits and rewards.
  8. I think the bottomline is, like many of the features BW has lacked on in this game....is to give us MORE. We wouldnt be complaining about housing....when it comes to "ship" housing, if BW actually supported that idea. We dont have ANYTHING to customize it with. No furniture, no decorations, no trophies, no customization of the lighting, the floors, the ceilings, theres is absolutely nothing. And im not 100% sure on this, but you cant have anyone see your ship too. I think EQ2 had a good system for that. Sure it was "instance" housing, but when you clicked on a door, a window popped up of all the player names who reside in that room, that set their room available to view. Of course the biggest difference in EQ2 and here, is they actually had TONS of stuff to do to your house on launch day, unlike here.
  9. This is niche mmo, and not to everyone's liking...but EvE Online to me, is the pinnacle of how an MMO should be built from the ground up, when it comes to setting the technological structure of it. Its an MMO....on ONE server. - You...can...not....beat...that. Obviously, this will NEVER happen in SWTOR....but, being able to do what WoW is about to due, could help, with combining servers together to fill up low population areas. Surely there must be the technical horsepower in server technology today, with mostly everybody on high speed internet connections, to support, much LARGER servers, where we wouldnt need 200+ stinkin servers. Talk about alienated your community, wow. Heres my breakdown: Server Mergers happen - Knocks out like 100 useless dead servers Server Transfers happen - Weeds out the remaining useless servers Cross Server Linking to create Super Server happens - Now you might just have a handle of these servers that hold a much, much larger playerbase in each. But im only dreaming...
  10. If voices were so great why have they lost hundreds of thousands if not in the million yet of subs. Why the serves so insanely dead now? Because voice is not what keeps people playing Why is WoW killing it with 10 million or so subs? Is it voice? No. But SWTOR has said they are basically cloning WoW and trying to compete with them, but ToR with voice is failing miserably, and WoW with no voice is doing outstanding. I tell you why, because they neglected to put in sooooooooo many must have features in an mmo on launch day that they didnt realize that their holy voice feature would not be enough to keep people playing. We had 0 guild features We had 0 customizable UI tweaking We had 0 LFG tools We had 0 Open World PvP incentives to even fight We had 0 functionality of the hyped up "Alliance" system that was on their website and for us to setup We had 0 ways of customizing our appearance or matching sets We had 0 use for the abysmal market system We had 0 functionality or purpse of the light/neutral/dark system We had 0 implimentation of the Legacy System We had 0 ways of transfering servers I can go on and on. Point is.....voice in itself....is it great? Sure. Given a choice between voice and no voice, we'll pick voice. Their problem is, they forgot to add so many other must have features, that have absolutely killed this game....and unless they REALLY pick up the speed, they will continue to lose more. I hate to see this game fail, because it has tons of potential, but man, these devs, really need to wake up, learn fast, and implement fast. Voice .... does ... not ... cut ... it.
  11. Well there is just some things, in 2012, for an MMO, to have at launch. I mean cmon, just look at the guild structure. You could not have had a more barebones system then that. The UI, completely untouchable....i mean cmon man. Were not asking for miracles. Were just asking for basic must haves that people come to expect in 2012 from a launch MMO...especially a AAA one like this. Just get opinions on people who quit, and see what most say why they did...chances are its because one of those features are missing. If the Voice part of the MMO was so great, it would of kept more people. But its not. You know what, everything is difficult to code, everything takes time. But do we still not push ourselves to go that extra step? Do we just "settle" and hope for the best? Did James Cameron "settle" for doing the minimum in Avatar because the things he wanted in that movie were to hard to achieve? No...he said screw that, i dont care how hard it is....i want that in! Im gonna work you guys like crazy but in the end, well have something special. God he had plans for that movie since Titanic, but that didnt stop him. Basically, i just feel SWTOR, was pushed out the door....too soon. Im a firm believer of just taking your damn time, and make the product right the first time. Lets be realistic, with an IP like this, you really think people would not play this game if it was 1 or 2 years later when it launched? How long did Starcraft fans have to wait to get a sequel? Since what 1996....and it came over 10 years later. Last i checked it sold millions and is kicking butt. So no i dont believe in, they have to release, because they have too. But i guess when your bought out by EA....well...you probably dont have a choice (thats a whole other topic) Anyways they just relied on voice, and story to carry this MMO several months post launch. Well, its not doing good at all, because people, expect more in a MMO these days. It sucks, i know, but its a fact. And developers today, with ALL the past experiences that have been out there from other MMOs that have failed....you would THINK, they would learn from them. But like in real life, even history doesnt prevent people doing the same mistakes again.
  12. I use to play Earth and Beyond when it was online. In there, everything was handled via the "Market Channel". There was no broker, or auction house, no LFG tool. You couldnt link items, and so forth. Everything had to be socialized. You wanted to hit a sector, you talked in market channel. You wanted to auction off a rare item, you talked in market channel. You wanted to lead a raid, you talked in market channel. Now im not saying its great not to have tools to make things easier, BUT, i will say this....the community, that game formed, is without a doubt, miles, upon miles ahead of what you see in TOR. You got to know almost everyone on server, because you had to communicate with them. If you wanted anything done, you had to communicate. Nowadays, you dont have to say one word in your entire MMO life, and still accomplish everything. Is that a good thing or bad? Well it definitely dont make a better, close community, i tell you that.....and i actually miss that part of an MMO.
  13. Would be nice but we have to get through all the updates that will basically add the essentials to what this game should of had at launch, then, we can start getting to the good stuff. Dont expect anything like that for at least couple years if it ever does...though i doubt it, they are focused on our ships for "homes".
  14. The following features and additions, we would have a much different state of an MMO. It should not have been rushed out....so sad. I mean lets take a quick glance of some features for what should of been a much better launch: (delay time for all this to have launched with how fast BW works, probably at least one year delay). Would people have cried? Probably, I would probably be one of them. Would we still play it when it launched? Most likely. Would we be happier 6 months after it launched then we are now? Most likely. Lets take a look (yes some features we have now, but after few months when it launched) Game engine that doesnt crawl to death on the most super high end machines on just regular fleet population (like support up to 6 CPU cores, etc) Server Transfers Legacy System with at least 1.2 and 1.3 features already in to start - GOT 1.2 STUFF NOW Ability to share datacron discoveries among all your legacy characters (rather then hunting them down for each one) Guild Banks - GOT NOW Guild Achievements/Levels Guild Calender Guild Taxes Guild In-game recruitment ads/pages Guild ledger (option to show who leveled, who killed what, who got legacy, etc...) Guild logos and ability to put logos on ships, capes, robes or w.e. other place Built in notepad for keeping track of things, etc... Alliance System - So hyped up pre-launch and setting up through webpage - then on launch, it dont exist? Ok... Fully customizable UI - IT GOT BETTER NOW Functional world pvp - Illum Incentives to World PvP - Anywhere! (risk and rewards) Bounty System LFG Tool Combat Logs in realtime - STEP IN RIGHT DIRECTION NOW Solid working crafting system, with option to get more in-depth crafting and remove RNG factor Appearance tab or functional RE on any gear to wear anything you want and have best stats still Optional server wide channel (broken up in level tiers 1-9, 11-20, 21-30, 31-40, 41-49, 50) Customizable speeders (modify engine, looks, handling, strength, etc...) Customizable ships (outside painting, lighting, inside color scheme, tons of furniture, decorations and what not to add, etc...) Ability to allow others to come to your ship and fly with you (and view your customizations you done to it) PvP Ranking System Space combat more then Starfox type of rail game Ability to have someone ride on passenger seat on certain speeders Day/Night Cycles on certain planets Chat Bubbles Ability to sit or lie down on any seat/couch/bed in-game High resolution textures - WE HAVE THAT NOW Alot more video options to allow us to customize more settings Target of Target - KINDA HAVE THAT NOW End-Game gear to look ALOT better and more "Star Wars" theme Bigger stat differences between raid gear levels/tiers (there really isnt a "awesome gear, omg, look at those stats, i so want it, type of feeling with anything) Very minute bumps in stats, that in the end, is eh...and hence, the incentive to get them. Alot more variety in set bonuses (perhaps ability to BUY an item, that has DIFFERENT set bonuses, you can ADD to your gear Non-buggy Eternity Vault and Karaga's Palace - ITS MORE POLISHED SINCE LAUNCH More end-game World Bosses (that dropped unique loot, even better loot then your typical EV/KP table) Something like Avatars in EQ2, something so good, your willing to sacrifice a set bonus piece for one of these. Not have everything being networked through the fleets, open up so people can relax on other planets of their choosing at end-game (should not have all FP/OPs have to go through fleet to get to them). Wont some of you prefer to chill at Tatooine cantina then the Fleet? Ability to swim Additional content for water based content, on surface and below surface of sea....think Gungans. Ability to mentor or you can call it make a padawan for force users. Achievement system beyond level 50 and outside of Legacy fluff. (like actual useful things that directly boosts your character, like EQ2 as an example, that directly enhances your current skills, and gives you new ones as well) Fully functional Dark/Neutral/Light system - Real benefits and cons when you are one of those. (As of now its completely useless) Much more customizable and functional market system (get rid of 2 day limit and add longer times, Eve Online can put up for months, and their market system is astronomically more complex and in-depth then this...so no excuses) Add option to make auction for item Ability to further enhance your companion past 50 as you can enhance yourself - better stats, better skills, new skills. Ability when creating Legacy name, hit Check If Available button, too see if the name is available first, before you commit to this permant choice (Right now, you basically type the name and hit enter, and thats its, no checking) Ability to zoom out at character login screen and view your character, from all angles and distance. More customizations on character create screen (more body styles come to mind, im looking at you missing body style between 2 and 3) Ability to recustomize certain parameteres of a characters look, after creation Ability to customize or tweak characters voice, through pitch or other methods Make casinos functional at Coruscant and Nara Shada (the tables, slot machines, mini-games to gamble credits or other items, etc...) The obvious few more Flashpoints and Operations at 50 couldnt hurt either. RESTATE - More options at level 50 then just raids/dailies/arena pvp.....which goes back to guild achievements, world bosses, getting stuff for your ship, your speeder, gambling at casinos, advance your achievement levels (which buffs your current skills more and adds new ones), doing more space things (if it wasnt on rails), further enhancing your companions So i can go on and on, but were talking about launch here, and i think this game, had it had these things also added in there at launch....would definitely keep people playing alot more and the devs wiggle room to pump out more content without people bored out of their minds yet. And it would directly compete with MMOs already out, INSTEAD of playing catch up, like it is now. They talk so much about how they love guilds, and want it to be the best....yet....guilds was one of the THE worse launches to date when it comes to features for it Well were about 6 months now after launch.... What you guys think?
  15. If it doesnt have server transfers its epic fail anyways regardless of what features it has. Dont get me started on same gender crap...really...resources for this...now?
  16. I finally just told my buddies, this cant go on any longer. Were on the Naddist Rebels server, and it royally sucks. Its dead and boring. I knew if another couple weeks go by, myself and my buds would quit. So i just said, lets just reroll on the most populated server, get on opposite faction, and enjoy a fresh spin on game. Well guess what, were having a blast! We went from a dead server, dead faction (republic)...to a living server, thriving faction....actually this server both factions are jam packed...its amazing. I feel like at launch day, its exciting, and feel no regrets.....and the best part? Ill transfer my beast characters from the dead server to this one when it allows it, and in meantime im having fun and making a new beast character. Win - Win Try it? (Old server average fleet 30, average 2nd planet 15 --- new server average fleet 200, average second planet 100)
  17. Until they add true incentives to pvp people in open world, as in, anywhere...tatooine, hoth, corescaunt...wherever......i could give a crap about "arena" pvp. And 1.2....sorry, its taking way too long. Ive already lost 3 RL friends, and now its so boring id quit too if i wasnt stuck with a 6month sub.
  18. Im not opposed to adding more things to do besides pvp and ops. It adds depth to an mmo, and makes it more full. Even Eve Online, that added ability to get out of your ship, i think was a great addition. Was it needed? No. But is it nice to have as an OPTION? Yes. So again, some of things you guys talking about arent "needed", but they sure as hell wont hurt, and can only add value to the game. Unfortunately for SWTOR, it has to play ALOT of catching up just to get the fundamentals of this game up to par where it should be, so I would not expect anything cool in this regard until the first year is over with. In fact i think they themselves stated the first few updates wont be incredible awesome in terms of...fun stuff...but more of stuff that just HAS to get in.
  19. Figured some would like a straight up topic that gets to the point instead of searching through pages on a vague 1.2 release date topic....shrugs.
  20. In case some of you are wondering, no, there is no update coming next week. This is confirmation from them just posted: "Just to confirm, we are not going to be deploying Game Update 1.2 on Tuesday. This was a minor text error that has since been corrected. I'll be closing this thread and redirecting you all to this main discussion that is currently underway. Rest assured, that you will know ahead of time when Game Update 1.2 is going to be released." Thanks http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=3775494 The waiting continues....
  21. Nice, finally this super mythical, of biblical proportions update is coming out Tuesday (jk its not that awesome, but its been overhyped like no tomorrow). Well see if this brings back a few friends who quit....i doubt it though. I forsee game updates 1.2, 1.3, 1.4. and 1.5 will all be related to just getting the game in a state where...its "solid". Then after that, the actual fun, really cool stuff will start coming out. - Of course thats just my opnion
  22. 1. It could be adjusted to having an extra tab channel called Galactic and this could also be level bracketed to filter each tier. 2. That is a piss poor excuse to try to reason why we should all be forced to go to fleet for everything. 3. Characters transfers is just a band aid, people will NOT go to low population servers...and guess what, those that are there, who have no choice of leaving, are stuck in a low population server. Result - still many dead servers. 5. Its not really a question of doing stuff outside the fleet, the problem is almost all end-game stuff requires you to be at the fleet to do the "other" stuff at endgame. 6. So i guess Eve Online is dead. No, world pvp is not dead, you just need to add rewards and concenquences to pvp, and people will do this on any spot you can pvp...right now its only in instant arenas.
  23. You know if some hate the general chat idea so much, they could just keep general chat the way it is, and add a new channel called "Galactic" or something that could implement the EQ2 style bracketing server wide. And if you dont like it, close the tab....and rely on your General tab. Win - Win.
  24. They could break up General chat in level tiers like Everquest 2, and you could only enter channels if you character was the appropriate level. 1-9 10-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50 That will help filter a blob of people and still keep it server wide for your level bracket
  25. No you will find your share of morons in EVE too....you will find this in any game, you cant control that. But theres ways to remove such players from chat. But to avoid a crucial feature in-game because your afraid of some idiots on chat of how they talk, how often they talk, is nonsense.
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