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Everything posted by Jay_Stocker

  1. Im a BM Combat Medic and all ive done is take the Level 56 mods out of my old champion gear and use it with Ilum/Belsavis Armouring and add it to moddable armour and i've been breezing through hardmodes, which is awesome because im the first to admit im rubbish at PvE. this will make it better than the tionese gear (perhaps a bit of difference in bonus stats and set bonus) but prety sure the columi set that drop from the ends bosses is still better. either way, it gets rid of expertise rating which is pointless in PvE
  2. ahhh the good old days where we had jedi consular wizards.... straight away when you mention wizards in SW i think of Lars calling Obi-wan it, but you are correct that its said in epiode 1.....but theres alot of things in episode 1 that need to be left forgotten....
  3. i certainly wish somebody would try....
  4. yeah i think bioware could do great things with naboo and make it look amazing. but was naboo in the galactic community at this time...? cant remember and cba checking wookieepedia...maybe im thinking of endor..
  5. ive played MMOs for years, and got a razor naga for SWTOR....there is no way in hell i would go without it now. wasnt first sure when i ordered it but its totally worth it.
  6. and why would they care about the prophecy and fulfilling it if they already think there are no sith to imbalance the force..?
  7. Best one on my server so far legacy is 'DaBeen' with his character name 'Flicks'.....god knows what his alts are called....
  8. thread starter....you are a fool.... the incentive is to get 3 of your FRIENDS to play. ive so far got 6 IRL friends to sign up (before the trial offer) and i love running hardmodes with them....thats MY incentive.
  9. this. im sure bioware are trying their hardest to make everybody happy but even they cant do anything about the **** community of players on your servers.
  10. how do you kill that...which has...no life?
  11. when reading the patch notes i thought exactly the same....but for the daily its play 30 warzones..? no thanks, not everyday. im still going to ilum
  12. and the fact my friend bought the CE version for £50 yesterday when i spent £130 on mine at launch...amkes me feel even more stupid.... i love SWTOR but regret it soooo much
  13. chose my trooper long before launch, mainly due to predicting everybody would go force user class. commando combat medic just touched my soft side for other games such as Battlefield and then youtube videos from beta showing a Team Fortress healing style wsa even better.... However, now i wish i had made a vanguard instead and done healer on another class....but invested too much time on it to change now. ahhh well...
  14. it is quite poor designing that republic and sith share the same design, and then you do space missions for neutral station or class stories and even they look the same. similar to them having the same designs for thedocking stations, how come both republic and sith have orbital stations on ilum when they are at war? but, the beauty of MMOs is constant updates.....but i think they have bigger things to deal with right now
  15. i fully support exactly what youre saying, and cant believe you've got these kind of responses. im 59 and 50% valor. UNTIL you get 60, it really is a case of you can win or lose, just get medals and ilum buff and youve got a good amount of valor grinded. but what once you hit 60? its ALL about wins. there are plenty of matches that i want to leave, the team is awful, or we've been put up against 2 premades or whatever and its clearly going to be a loss and once im in it only for the wins there will be no incentive to carry on playing. its not like we dont like pvp so only want to rush through it, we wouldnt of invested this amount of time in getting the valor if we hated pvp and ONLY stayed in matches we won. dont blame this guy, or me, coz i can see myself doing it a fair amount when i hit 60, blame the fact the only way to get BM bags is WINS rather than participation like it is with other bags
  16. this. its great when the team finally gets their act together to attack an objective as a team, but then as soon as all the defenders are dead they will just run off or all charge after 1 guy lingering near the tunnel. you should stay, and wait for any speeder spawners and like OP said CC and knockback and you should have plenty of time
  17. HAHAHA funniest thing ive heard today. +1
  18. didnt know it was in the game, im assuming its like other MMOs where it just responds to any private messages with Do Not Disturb, so when youre busy and miss a whisper you dont seem as impolite, same way it tells you when someone is /afk
  19. linked here from the torocast podcast. love the show, and love the idea. bringing it back
  20. YES! i love being attacked when im not 100% health and still come out on top, and popping my droid.
  21. depends on what you prefer mainly. however i do tend to see Shadows picking up more medals per match, but perhaps thats just some good players im coming across. personally, ive made my republic Shadow and making my Sith sorcerer because, despite hating facing them in pvp.... lightning is much cooler than rocks and other lightside actions
  22. but hutts dont have feet? usually just remind people to call out incomings, especially in voidstar i always tell them to never leave a door undefended and have the majority of players keeping mobile between the two. WTB Chat Macros
  23. players that leave objectives undefended in civil war and voidstar. if you cap the turret....stay there... if you happen to be the last one at the door....stay there.... you still get defender medals, just take one for the team if you are the last there and call for INCOMING!
  24. definitely. i find body type 3 upper torso is stupid, but type 2 looks silly when i have my assault cannon
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