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Everything posted by EvilGoodOne

  1. Hey guys, that, uh, whatever he is, likes it. Thats it, wrapping the whole thing down, Bioware got it command and maintain course and we shutting up forever.
  2. Hm, if they'll delete all pub classes and add 4 new ones for empire that would be nice indeed.
  3. Lucky for ya, iron eyes, i cant play for 10 min without getting sick because of strobe.
  4. This thing flashing like stroboscope, my eyes hurt, can you turn this stuff off?
  5. People who play on evil side at least know how to type "immature", full story at 69.
  6. Those "objectives" aint yours and have no ur name on it, so i can grab anything what i please.
  7. Good thing i am always a group leader and can kick people who whine about those who watch cutscenes. Go back to wow pusskings of crymountains.
  8. 24 and have no hope for 4 wave. Tomorrow, folk.
  9. 11.24.2011 here. We are screwed, arent we guys? I mean, 19 if we lucky?
  10. Well said. Uncustomizable HUD kicks my manhood ten times more painfully then stupid waves of ega.
  11. Oh i so want to play right now. So quiet and peaceful, you can close your chat and imagine that you are playing kotor 3. <3
  12. 11.24.2011 20 Dec, after sittin trough queue of 1000 ppl.
  13. Точно, соберем всех англичан на одном сервере и запрем его нафиг.
  14. Peace is a lie god damn it, let the ****storm continue!
  15. C'mon, live and let live. This is just a game, they don't hurt anybody.
  16. Um, yeah, surely bioware lives in fairy tale and expect people to be gracious, understanding and civil. /facefoot SWTOR whine is nothing compared to dragon age 2 whine.
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