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10 Good
  1. Patch 2.1 did not fix this issue. Please fix. This armor should not look like he has a bra on...
  2. I just got this from a box and Aric was the first person I thought to put it on. TO my disappointment... I really really hope they fix this soon. Skins for all of the customizations that work with this type of armor please.
  3. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=5707675#edit5707675 maybe? Dev tracker... Because of that I'd guess they don't feel a need to reply in EVERY thread about the same topic.
  4. I would love to see, upon ctrl+left click for us to get to see what my character would look like on a new ride. I'd imagine it couldn't use the current preview, so have it appear on the character for a short time with no speed bonus, viewable only to the player that clicked, etc. However you'd like it, I would love an in game way to see what my character would look like actually on one. Also +1 to weapon preview.
  5. Pretty much what the title says. It's really annoying to have a crew skill complete and decide to close out other things I'm looking at. Have it queue or something behind them. Very intrusive in it's current implementation.
  6. It really makes no sense that there are lightsabers or blasters that can only be held in the offhand. I've found a look of one that I really liked, only to find it was offhand only. Classes either can or can't dual wield, so why restrict the classes that can't from using a certain style because it's offhand only. Offhand items, make sense. Shield, focus, etc., but offhand only weapons, do not IMO.
  7. I still vote COMPROMISE. Add a check box option for all I care that will show high resolution textures on my player character, my companion, and equipment preview (which should always show high res when on the "high" graphics setting).
  8. How can I put this to the designers... OPTIONS ARE GOOD. I think that covers it. Leave "Low" and "High" as they are now. Add a new selection of: "No High Resolution Textures" (Pretty straight forward) "View High Resolution Textures on Player Character and Player Companions" (Let's people see themselves and companions in high res without the major issues in your post of trying to show everyone, gotten in game would make people happier that you are at least trying to do something, and quite frankly I'd be happy with for a while) "View High Resolution Textures on all in game characters." (Could be added at a later date if enough people continue asking for it, and with the above option as a compromise, worked on over a longer period and done right, if at all) PLEASE DO THIS (or some variant there of because it would pacify me quite well to just see myself and companion in higher res textures during normal play)
  9. Exactly and I can't find a main hand with this same look, which I really like. Oh well.
  10. Just a warning to anyone else that happens along this thread, there is such thing as "offhand" only lightsabers. Personally I think it's completely idiotic and is the first thing that really bugs me in the game. How could a lightsaber be offhand only? Makes no sense that I couldn't just put it in my other hand and use it. Yes, I know I can't dual wield (SI) and wasn't trying to. I liked the look of this one and wanted to equip it in main hand. Purchased using commendations. I just never considered that this would be like "other" games and restrict something like a lightsaber to offhand only.
  11. I'd also like to see sorting by slot on the AH. Head, Wrist, Legs, Etc.
  12. I think you just group up and the class with the quest goes in first. Any other class can join them but their own.
  13. I think I remember reading somewhere that you need to buy certain ship upgrades to get through those shields. It also yields some sort of achievement. Again, if I remember correct.
  14. True, but I think most people would know enough to keep up, or, perhaps, the app could show your current credits somewhere on the display.
  15. I would like to see a mobile app (web &/or phone based) to send companions on missions during those (miserably long) times people can't actually be in the game playing (work, school, etc.). Would feel the non-play subscription time has more value, and thus the game. Edit: I'd also think this may help with the queue times on a lot of servers since many people are just logged in to accomplish sending companions on missions.
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