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Everything posted by Tohrazer

  1. done some hard mode raid boss content with 2 melee dps so far, 8 man
  2. id really love if someone could link me to somewhere that shows what drops and where, and to which boss for example, what drops unassembled columi force frontline mainhand weapon? is it just any hard mode flashpoint/normal operation, or is it a certain guy in a given flashpoint/operation? etc
  3. great! incase this is being looked at id like to state that when tanking in Eternity vault, i noticed that alot of my abilities werent firing properly which as you can imagine as main tank is pretty irritating, also on a side note id like to quickly add that sometimes when rubble falls on soa he doesnt become vulnerable however, the abilities i struggled to get working the most were hilt strike and blade storm which are our main two snap aggro abilities to fire off at the start, as you can imagine i dont appreciate when the boss ignores me and starts shooting some healer only to notice neither of my keypresses actually did anything but seriously, great raid apart from that and thanks for acknowledging this! regards,
  4. so, remind me why it is imps get purple crystal handed to them for opening a few champion bags?
  5. agreed, its a pain that some colours give certain stats etc additionally, i dont think its very fair that every L50 imp that pvp's for a week gets a purple PVP lightsaber, when republic are stuck with a horrible colour? afaik the only purple lightsaber in the movies was wielded by a Jedi what does bioware have against republic? why this constant bias towards empire? all the cool animations, all the unfair not-so-mirror abilities, item looks, etc etc
  6. Eve is amazing, if my friends played it i prolly wouldnt be playing swtor, having said that, swtor rocks aswell despite some major flaws
  7. agree, i did that with my guild the other day, we scored 5-0 in a couple of minutes with some passing, then spent the rest of the game farming imps and passing the ball to one another, after awhile we got bored and started throwing it to the imps and ganking it back off them - to the point where they were running and trying to dodge having the ball land on them, i was crying with laughter, is that wrong? lol
  8. honestly pve server players are never as good as pvp server players on average, neither at pvp nor PVE, the greatest wow pve guilds are almost always on pvp servers, when pvp vs pve server cross server bg's happen, pvp server wins literally 90% of the time in my experience - in wow atleast, there is definitley a trend
  9. how could you NOT know? this is the reason my guild did roll republic, or you guys didnt follow the game at all?
  10. huttball is my favourite wz! we had a hilarious game the other day, we scored 5-0 then decided to pass it to one another like hot potato waiting for it to explode, then we started throwing it to imps and ganking it back off them, eventually they were running like rats to get away from having the ball passed to them, so funny, i was in tears
  11. on my server the Good republic teams roll the empire premades, we have a ton of high quality L50 players, when i queue with L50 guildies we rarely lose anything and constantly beat the imp premades, i've had winstreaks that last all day/night infact the best and closest game i've had so far was republic vs republic huttball, it was 3-3 and i managed to gain posession of the ball in the last few seconds to secure our win, nailbiting stuff i realise im privelaged in that i have a ton good friends that happen to be amazing pvpers, etc - but im sure you're capable of rustling up a premade and learning to play together with them since you're able to find the forums and complain constructively
  12. when you take down their carrier (either the guy with the killing blow or the guy that picks up the ball the enemy drops) gets a "X HAS RECAPTURED THE HUTTBALL" or when someone scores it says "X HAS SCORED THE HUTTBALL" because i've lost count of the amount of times i score all 6 goals and do most of the carrier take-downs and get no mvp's because i wasnt running around hitting everything uselessly the whole game, its actually way faster to grind out commendations to just play badly and optimise medal gathering right now, even adding 1 medal for scoring wont fix this, im still missing the other 8 id otherwise have, medals that my team mate "cup mc drooler" gets every game, along with mvp's - basically getting like 2* my commendations per game
  13. are you kidding? its great news, champion bags are PVP dailys
  14. thanks, im glad someone gets it, its pvp like the BEST pvp games, aka player created content
  15. kill mails give you something for your kill, you can be top of the monthly leaderboard in your guild for example, its a big thing
  16. its great that you addressed many of the concerns people have been talking about, a few things you missed that im sure we'd all love to know: combat responsiveness? healer frames updating properly? outlaws den chest respawn rate or valour or something? having to remake group inbetween every match? mirror-class imbalances? id encourage you to look into the workings of Eve onlines kill-mail system and the online boards that utilise it also! but on the whole your update is really good, thankyou for saying something!
  17. have you guys even SEEN the thread on the general forums? theres a vid of a guy unable to use an ability for like 6+ seconds with no lag/framerate issues etc, it was an animation issue
  18. that makes no sense at all, maybe he did alot more pvp when levelling? when you're unable to get champion bags?? brains, i wish people could buy them
  19. thats incredible i do 1-10 in about 2 hours 40 minutes
  20. "wait till there are more 50's" what? i was stood there capping objectives in the middle of like 17 imps yesterday, 17 at any one point doing their daily seems like there are plenty of 50's, not 1 of them so much as batted an eyelid in my direction eventually when 1 guy did attack me after the objectives, i fought him back to where all his imp friends were, who let him die as they were happy with me for helping them with their objectives very ridiculous
  21. yeah and ofcourse stasis on CD as its free damage + focus but this is all super obvious, what i want to know is why i keep losing aggro despite this? having DPS wait doesnt seem viable, hard mode bosses have some really strict enrage timers you have to meet, for example the bulwark in hard mode directive 7 is a reasonably steep dps race i am in no way saying guardian tanking is impossible, or that i could never get aggro, the bosses spend the majority of time hitting me, i just hate that they feel the need to turn around and hit the other guy sometimes - i dont think shadow/vanguard have that problem
  22. thanks guys for your input, i think my issue with understanding how we're meant to tank is mostly a mathematical one, soresu form adds 50% threat right? so if someone did exactly the same damage as us, theyd get 100% threat of their damage, and we'd get 150% threat of the same damage, the problem is DPS do like 3,4 or even 5* as much dps as us from what i can see? my friends are constantly talking to me about 4k+ crits all the time etc, normal hits for well over 2.5k constantly, that kind of thing unless im mistaken that would make keeping aggro very hard against a dpser that is trying, no?
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