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Everything posted by Kalliadies

  1. Honestly I feel all classes are scary good in their own way. It is one thing I LOVE about this game. Any class geared right and played well to their strengths is amazing. Most of the population is only looking for a 1 class beats all. I only have one heavily geared 50 (my main), but I have messed around with most AC's and found them all to be scary. At this rate, I will end up with lvl 50s of each AC
  2. You could be right about that. I am enjoying being out of the spot light for now. Our strengths have been cloaked pretty well from players eyes due to our subtleness on the scoreboard (people tend to see damage done and kills, these are inflated values) and players writing us off as weak. but with so many more people rolling marauders, they will certainly start to notice.
  3. As I understand it (sniper is my main) Our Primary attribute isn't being calculated into the shield probes strength (probe scales with healing bonus which we dont get from our primary stat..). I dont know if this was an oversight or intended. I combine shield with Power adrenlas/relics to enhance them. Other than that, the changes made to sniper for 1.2 are fantastic. Cover while rooted is a massive win for us, and was one of our major flaws. I was of the opinion our defensive cooldowns were the weakest in the game while I was still a greenhorn, but having played sniper since early access I can tell you we are no where near as weak as people have been lead to believe.
  4. Very true, I wasnt presuming to comment on anything outside of a 1 v 1 (which is rare as you pointed out). I am all too aware that tanks and healers supporting a Merc is down right scary. your names are familiar to me. Swiftsure right? (must be swiftsure from your comment, there are alot of marauders rolling. I've seen maybe 3 good ones since launch)
  5. Apart from the ramp scenario I would have to agree with this (assuming strictly 1v1 with no outside help) Not to take anything away from skilled mercs though. The damage these boys can do is pretty significant. I would like to gear out a marauder and merc at some point, but my main is just too cool (and happens to stick it to the massive influx of marauders )
  6. I guess its a case of practice on both sides of the fence. I only have an alt merc that I play for giggles. Never had any real trouble knocking back anyone where I wanted them. hell I would even get cocky and drag them close the the fire pit. while they are trying to avoid being knocked off I instead knocked them in the pit. good times. but yeah...screw trying to face marauders ANY where else in any other scenario (good ones that is)
  7. I mean in your case if they knocked you off, you would just grapple them down. = goodbye merc
  8. You have to read this in context Mate. The whole conversation is a Merc on a Ramp in Hutball. Pommel Strike is AMAZING in this instance. Having the 15 second concussion charge (jet boost?)just makes it better. They are one of the best, if not the best ramp controllers.
  9. I was strictly talking about a marauder (melee), you as a PT would pretty much destroy a Merc in any scenario. sorc knock backs have a delay. stock strike doesnt
  10. Instant knockback isnt hard to direct (with good latency). If one knock back fails he has a backup. Odds are in their favour unless they arent very good.
  11. On even even ground, yes easy kill. The scenario is a Marauder fighting a Merc who is perched on a ramp . Charge, knocked off immediently. Knock back will be ready again before the oponent makes up lost ground. The marauder isnt going to be able to kill a merc in 1 global cooldown.
  12. your forgetting the mercs knock back every 9 seconds, he will always have an answer for your charge. All that you achieve here is blowing force camo, and wasting time. The only time you are going to get your damage off, is If the merc stuffs up his kb, or is occupied with someone else. The merc doesnt need to kill you. Hes controlling you.
  13. Fresh 50s that didnt prepare for 50 do get destroyed pre 1.2 I Myself made sure I had one Champion bag and 1000/1000 commendations before hitting 50. This automatically gave me 2 centurion and 1 champion pieces the moment I hit 50. I had inserted all my custom gear with 49 purple mods and enhancements. I added to these with the purple enhancements from doing the dailies on Illum. The break into 50 period wasnt as bad as I had heard. I was still nuking harder than most and being a general pain. This is my opinion from solo queuing on The Swiftsure as an Imp (republic players and premades are nearly always better). I find that the majority dont know how to take snipers down, more they just know you are squishy and dont take hits well. They are so caught up in the fact that you are squishy, that a great percentage of them are completely ignorant of what you are actually doing. Snipers need to know all the other classes to time abilities properly. When you can do this, you can take advantage of the fact that all the enemy sees is a free kill. Anything short of a well played stealth OP or Tank Assasin that comes after my sniper usually gets their intention returned with interest.
  14. They were easy to kill with the 10%....Missing an extra 5% wont matter. well duh....PTs are one of their hardest counters. Now put this in a team environment with a healer and tank doing their job to make sure the commando has great uptime. I still see it as a net buff.
  15. This is the reality of it. If my team mates can hold their own, I will stick it to the enemy and rarely die. If my team are incompetent or heavily out matched I end up on the front line trying to do the job they couldnt. This is when dying happens. I have my hands full shutting down marauders these days god I love being a sniper I cant wait for dual specs. I have 2 specs that are perfect for either situation.
  16. Im pretty sure he was refering soley to Huttball. Marauders have 2 charges at most. Commandoes have 2 knockbacks, 1 on a 9 second coold down, the other on a 20 second cool down. I know when Ive played my commando on the ramps in hutball, its insanely easy to control the ramps. Any marauders wanting to cash in on being awesome, will find himself promptly relocated to the pit. Commandos dont need to kill you, you are being punished with downtime.
  17. You could be right about that. Marauders and Snipers rang as the sleepers to me before launch aswell. Not in the sense of stupidly OP, but more towards heavily underestimated/misunderstood. I knew snipers would be rare and unfavourable based on mechanics, so I couldnt help but choose one as my main in early access. Havent looked back since.
  18. Viable specs arent the problem. Players not understanding the strengths of each spec and trying to make them work in a role they arent optimised for is the problem.
  19. Exactly. If this is the case (which I believe is the whole reason for the change) marauder players will be shocked at how much this affects them. Infact, this ability was the only thing stopping me from killing them outright as my sniper. The same crowd saw the patch notes for Commandos and only saw OMG they nerfed grav round. Thats not what I saw at all. Fully automatic and demo round ftw.
  20. people are so over dramatic about the patch notes. Most of the so called buffs are "improvements" to specs that no one uses in PvP. Having multiple, viable specs is a good thing. I for one was happy to see that Force cloak can no longer gain 100% damage immunity, which should mean I will actually be able to screw up their incombat stealth.
  21. Worst PvP spec is pretty damn hard to make a call on. I have played every AC bar 2, and found them all to be amazing in their own way. I myslef have mained a sniper since the beginning and find it incredably powerful. Players make specs look the worst or the best.
  22. Both are really good picks I prefer the assasin because it is strong vs everything. Marauders do have a counter class but there isnt many of them.
  23. Finally, someone else who read the patch notes the same way I did.
  24. ok. Is playing a tracer Missle spec Lame? yes, do we love killing them and ripping on them? yes But you sir/maam are just ignorant Ofcourse they only use 3-4 abilities in PvP. their entire spec is based on them and it provides the best results.
  25. When 1.2 hits, this change will be depressing for snipers, but I'm sure we will adapt as our gunslinger brethren have had to.
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