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Everything posted by Saacius

  1. BW and EA giving refunds? You do know who were dealing with here right? These companies are notorious for being massive money grabbers who care little for their games and communities as long as they are making money. Honestly even the fan boys can't defend how big of a **** up this is on bioware's part. Just let the game die IMO, its not like it wasn't already on its deathbed, good riddance.
  2. Can't say this isn't really surprising given BW's track record. This just seems like a last minute money grab. This game has been dying for a while due to lack luster pve content and almost no features for pvp. Hell 85% of the servers are dead. This is pretty much the nail in the coffin for this game, as they were planning to have 1.2 bring in more subs and convince people to resub, but thats not happening now. And it just seems like they are going to try and string as many people along with the Legacy feature crap and try to milk it for all its worth. It was..... sort of fun while it lasted I guess.
  3. Big enough to put this game on life support if it vanishes.
  4. This is what happens when you let Warhammer devs work on pvp for your game. Just saying, they stay true to their awful track record. And this is not in the slightest surprising.
  5. Bioware just shot this game in the foot. Especially with GW2 beta coming soon and D3 releasing next month. Not to mention this game has already been bleeding a mass amount of subs just about every week, and 75% of the servers or more are practically dead. Good night sweet prince.
  6. Assassins have better animations, hands down. Assassin also has some of the best companions in the game, while the Sage is widely considered to have the worst, most annoying, and boring companions. Most people hate the Sage story. Just because it is pretty slow and dull, not a whole lot going on with it. That said the Inquisitor story line isn't really about a back stabbing political schemer like Bioware said it would be. And it is rather slow as well. Overall Assassin>Shadow by far.
  7. Does the lack of gear design really surprise you? I mean they spent a majority of their budget on dialogue after all..... It could be worse though, you could look like a Consular.
  8. Yes we're a strong class in the right hands. But the other classes are so far ahead of us for a fraction of the effort we have to put forward compared to them. If you can play a Marauder well, just think how easy you can faceroll with the other classes. Marauders have had the exact same issues as they did in beta. If BioWare didn't take care of them then I wouldn't expect much from them now.
  9. It's never actually good IMO, out of all the stories this one has got to be the most predictable.
  10. So since ALL sage gear looks like trash, what alternative do you have? 9/10 moddable items I picked up leveling my sage to 50 made me look like an imbecile.
  11. Compared to other stories, yes its bad.
  12. Good thing I came into this game with very little expectations of the developers. The last thing Juggs and Guardians need is mobility. BioWare said that all ACs would have around the same dps early on in the games stages, which is clearly not true for the moment. Yes Guardian and Jugg dps is viable with a ton of work, but is far behind what other classes are capable of with a fraction of the effort. This means that any Guardians and Juggernauts will more than likely be pigeon holed into tanking for their raids or not raiding at all. There are also long standing issues with this class that have been around since the early stages of general beta testing that haven't been resolved. I think I'll just cap my Juggernaut and reroll.
  13. If healers are just laughing at you, you're either extremely under geared compared to them or you're doing something very wrong. When I play my Marauder (sentinel mirror) I destroy healers because they can't actually heal while I'm on them. Close quarters charge + force choke + my interrupt on a 12 second cd = dead healer. Once I have used all of those charge is usually back up again or the healer is dead due to my crazy damage (annihilation).
  14. Sith Assassin is easily one of the if not the strongest pvp class in the game. Your toolkit is so absurdly large, combine that with very strong damage and you can counter practically everybody.
  15. My tracer missile at 35 hits for 900, when my target is stunned shoulder slam does upwards of 1200 for me.
  16. It's only job is to assist you clear non elite trash faster while leveling. Everybody gets abilities like this and none of them can be used on elites or pvp. Also it has reallllllyyyy high base damage, you didn't actually expect to use it in pvp did you?
  17. I leveled an assassin to 45 in beta, but when I made my shadow the first thing I noticed was the difference between project and shock. Hope they speed up the animation or something.
  18. Yup. Guardian/jugg dps is plenty viable atm. http://guard-this.com/2011/12/28/guardian-dps-operations-review/
  19. ITT Kids don't understand how bolster system works and that a level 12 can put out the same damage as a level 50 horrible marauder. Seriously, have you guys seen Stmp play on twitch.tv? He easily puts out 400k+ every single game, most of the time without a pocket healer. The one thing that Marauder isn't lacking in is damage / killing power.
  20. Weird, I haven't had problems fighting Operatives on my Merc yet. But I do get wrecked by them on my Marauder.
  21. I can't even begin to imagine what they were thinking when they designed most of the armor sets in this game. It seems like the sets are either really good looking or so horrible you would rather jab out your eyeballs than have to look at it for any period of time. On top of all that, every class has a ton of recycled armor designs 1-50.
  22. There is a difference between overall damage and damage per second. I can roll my face on the keyboard with a level 25 assassin and still get 200k damage.
  23. That's nice, I guess. OT. Your dps is fine until end game, most people have absolutely no clue as to what they are doing until then. And I'm sure soon they will bump up Jugg dps to be on par with others.
  24. I have had a few times where I'm out questing and have been 1 shotted by npcs. But I have never had it happen consistently. I would submit a bug report
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