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Everything posted by CalvinDu

  1. It wasn't even on their agenda until that thread came up, that is what was ridiculous. We all expected they were working hard on t, but in fact weren't. Even now they are just discussing the possibility of fixing the muddy textures.. Instead of actually working on it.
  2. At least according to Stephen Reid, there's a strong possibility we're stuck these muddy textures for a long time. I've noticed many of you have this false belief that it will be fixed eventually, I don't blame you it seems like common sense. But spend time in the 'official high resolution textures' thread and you will see the responses from the devs. The textures as they are now are staying that way for the foreseeable future. They've stated that the 'medium' setting was not supposed to exist, but in fact is our 'high' setting. There are supposed to be only a 'high' and 'low' setting. An UI issue is their sad excuse as to why this game has worse quality textures than a game as old as WOW. You'be been falsely advertised for months about the quality of te visuals of this game, and the final product is and will not reach that kind of caliber. Get your voices heard, get informed, go to that thread and state your opinion on this matter. That is all.
  3. It's worth it for some people. The people who were dazzled for months by the false advertising done by this company. And the fact that a game like WoW can have higher resolution textures on armor compared to this muddy mess really gives the impression to a lot of people that try really have no excuse. Also Stephen Ried's 'Dark Side' response stating that the 'medium' setting was never supposed to exist.. so the medium we have now is in fact the high setting. Absolutely ridiculous.
  4. Surprise, surprise.. A game as old as WoW has better textures than this game and runs smoother to boot. It is simply and absolutely ridiculous.
  5. Is there an official Bioware response as to why planets like Alderaan on my server have 4 shards and only contain about 40-50 people on the planet at peak time? Why we have so many low pop servers still? Why there are no character transfers upon release? This is ridiculous.
  6. It's not absurd at all. WoW definitely has far more better quality textures on their armor sets than this game. When a game as old as that has higher resolution textures on their toons than a game released in 2011 of the same genre, there is something wrong. But you know what's even worse? When the company falsely advertises the otherwise for months only to release a game that is subpar to everything they told us the game will be. Next gen MMO my arse.
  7. Look Stephen, we're not happy because the cutscenes have far better texture resolution than the actual game's muddy-ness. But the fact that you people falsely advertised the graphics for months showing us that the game will have higher end graphics when we get a game that doesn't even compete with other recent MMOs when it comes to the textures. Acknowledge your faults and perhaps there will not be as much public anger.
  8. I'd say the appeal is less. The quality of the textures on the armor sets in this game is.. appalling.
  9. So that article basically said that this game just simply cannot support the higher resolution textures that Bioware falsely advertised to us? How can a game like World of Warcraft have higher resolution textures on armor etc. compared to a game released in 2011 by a developer such as Bioware is COMPLETELY beyond me. I have lost so much respect for EA and Bioware after this release. That's the God honest truth.
  10. It's false advertising plain and simple. The screenshots and gameplay videos they provided for the release of this game does not represent the final product. This simple issue(and many others.. ie. sharding on low pop servers etc) really drives home the statement that this game is indeed still in beta.
  11. Ya I honestly can't believe it my self. The Houses areas are ghost towns for me.
  12. I'd have to agree, it's false advertising. High resolution textures are absent from this game, FACT. The fanboys can deny it all they want.
  13. I wish he had a few more lines within our ship. Beginning to sound like a broken record.
  14. You have my sympathy. Don't listen to anyone who tries to justify a game that is released before it's any where near ready. This game is definitely still in beta.
  15. On my server Alderaan has 4 shards, peak hours there's only 40-55 people on each shard lol
  16. All those drop down menus then.. BOOM one of your crew fails his or her mission and you have to go through that whole process again.
  17. Places like Alderaan and Tatooine are full of ghost towns, the game definitely laks that MMO feel most of the time.
  18. ^this Star Wars The Old Ghost Towns But honestly.. no more instances please and thank you.
  19. Haha I'd have to say I was happy to leave this planet the first time around. Fighting in warehouses sure can drain you. But cityscape when you're outside is absolutely beautiful in my opinion.
  20. Cool your panties. It's not like I yearn to be around hundreds of players constantly when I'm playing this. But when I have to go through a crap ton of hurdles just to form a group for specific heroics due to the lack of players per planet(due to you guessed what..) even during peak times on a HEAVY server, then there is a problem. You can say you have no issues all you want, but spamming general chat and finishing 5 or 6 quests before I find just a couple of people(who are 75% of the time tanks) is not my cup or the dozens of members in my guild.. of tea.
  21. I'd choose C. Both, as both are essential in a massive multiplayer online game which a player must pay a monthly fee for to continue playing the game.
  22. Sorry what can I say? This game just doesn't give off that 'open world' feeling that WoW/LOTRO/SWG gave off(infact I'd say it's miserable in this department) And no, I'm not going back to WoW, especially experiencing the awesome voice work of this game.
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