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Everything posted by CalvinDu

  1. Maybe you should use your eyes instead of your nose when reading forums. Hmm that doesn't sound very profound, I'll admit. ... Is this accusation going to be very common in this thread?
  2. Wrong about me being burnt to a crisp, I'm still enjoying the game at the moment for what it is, just can't see my self forking out money every month for this type of experience. Please, what did I say in my last sentence? But you're right about one thing, this game is enjoyable in small doses.
  3. Wrong. Just read what halou said, it's honestly pure gold and reflects my opinion.
  4. Why thank you, may I have your crystal ball as a parting gift?
  5. /face palm, Sorry but read the 1st page. Are you blind to all the instancing/sharding of planets? Or is it just me?
  6. I haven't been on these forums very much at all since the game launched, rather spend my time in the game that I'm payin for itself than here. But hey I'd use the search for similar threads but.. Yea.
  7. The only other MMO game that I know that is heavily instances as this game is Guild Wars.. and it's F2P FFS.
  8. I'd rather not stay unhappy, I do help they fix the game. But like I said, if te game stays as broken as it is by the time my 3 month sub is up, I'm definitely not going to play.
  9. A monthly subscription fee for a Single player online game? The online 'massive'-ness of this game can be compared to Fable 3 FFS. Still I enjoy it, but can't see my self resubbing after maxing my alt.
  10. I'm playing on a standard sized server, the maximum amount of players I see on a planet varies between 40-50 players. Just wondering if one day that will increase? The sense of 'massive' just doesn't exist for me when I barely ever encounter a fellow player. I find the limited amount of players per planet also makes it harder for me to successfully form a group for specific heroics in any reasonable amount of time. Are there any plans to get rid of this limit? (sorry in advance, I'd search for the answer.. but yea)
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