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Everything posted by TheRiddick

  1. GW did it right... 3 early leaves/ getting team reported for afk... 1 hour ban from pvp. BW really should have looked around at other mmo's imo. as far as DC's go... if you DC more than 3 times in an hour... stop queing, you aren't doing anyone a favor especially yourself.
  2. But hell what do I know. I just log on to get my daily then be bored for a few hours .... :/
  3. I have been thinking about this recently, We all know juggernaughts and inquisitors have a huge benefit in hutball due to their ability to 1. jump to enemies/teamates, 2. pull teamates to themselves 3.speed boosts. This gives a huge advantage to these classes because you can hardley keep up. Now i will admit this is not gamebreaking... but my suggestion is that when you do these abilities you fumble the ball. that way the game is able to be played without any class having a huge advantage like they do now. what do you guys think? suggestions, flames, whatevs... just speak up.
  4. I am leveling a sentinal right now and I am totally excited for this armor (excluding the helmet... the helmet is gag) for endgame! I think it is sweet looking! It would be even more awesome if the headgear for females was some sort of tiara. not sure on what would look good for guys, but overall the armor is pimp (without the gawd aweful helmet) .... i could go on for hours about helmets in this game... most are just very unatractive... very!
  5. Expertise is flawed in its inception, its great for those who have it, horrible as hell for those who don't. It hinders pvp progression in numbers because all you you "leet" people ground pound those new to pvp. I have full PvP gear and I too believe stats like expertise hinder the growth of pvp. Many people have said before, make gear equal for pvp and pve... I dont care if the higher pvp/pve gear has better stats... you had to work for them. that being said stats like expertise have NO purpose other than dividing the community and hindering growth. GET RID OF IT. Guildwars did it right, all armor values the same, makes competative pvp possible, everyone is equal, its about skill. Those who argue to keep expertise are those who are lacking in skill that NEED the advantage to be "competative". there i said it. there is no other reason to keep it.
  6. The people who QQ about brackets being implemented are those who are lvl 50 in lvl 35 areas ganking people and calling it world pvp... they have no idea what real pvp is and all their arguing about teamwork is for naught... know a elitest troll when you see one.... that is all. 50 brackets are exactly what this game needs and bioware's implementing them shows it to be so. nuff with the qq... take ur leet behind and play warzones... since obviously you are god mode masta and any team is absolutely honored to have you! I still cant believe people are on the forums actually saying that brackets are bad for pvp and people just need to learn to play... man you guys have issues. edit: i can see you wanting to play with guildies... that makes sense... but it is better overall to segregate to get rid of people like the op, who find it their joy in life to grief people.
  7. Yeah I have complaints about pvp but it is important to realise this game just released, there will be more content coming... Unless these people are like Cryptic developers and only release PvE content for 3 years not adding to the pvp content at all if after a year there are no changes to PvP then complain all you want no one will flame you
  8. obviously we have differing opinions on your trollness... by telling someone to try harder, when they are prolly trying their hardest anyways, you are a troll, but meh we are getting nowhere, in my eyes you are a troll, in your eyes you are backpeddaling soooo done with our little "no you are" thread
  9. lol i never said it was true, and who is to say ur opinion is "true" the fact of the matter is Bioware is a company and if a major part of the community wants something to change, it needs to change and u sir are a troll... he posted something, you IMMEDIATLY replied telling him he sucks and to L2P because you are god and have no problems cause ur leet(not exactly what you said but it was sure implied)
  10. troll face is troll... you must not play pvp much, considering a HUGE majority of the PvP community agrees with the OP
  11. This post is spot on, I think this is the general consensus among the PvP community, now we will see if bioware really listens to its customers :/ I came from star trek online... and cryptic pretty much ignored the PvP community until PvP died... dont make the same mistake Bioware.. pls
  12. OMG LOL that made my afternoon! i should make both your comments my sig... its funny!
  13. I used to be one of those guys who said no brackets were fine..... untillll.... The level 50's started getting full PvP gear with expertise and now they are moving death stars.... (bet you thought i was gonna say "til i took an arrow to the knee." didn't ya) But seriously... it is frustrating as hell! I know you all say well get to 50! but unlike most people ( i used to be this way) who plow through the levels in a week only to find... TROLLOLOLOL THERE IS NO ENDGAME CONTENT! i am taking my time, enjoying the story, just wish I could join pvp and not get wiped by a level 50 premade without them blinking an eye... not just me but my entire team, then they sit there in the center of huttball with the ball and farm all the lowbies.... there is something COMPLETELY wrong with that! Time to split up the groups... hell i am fine with 1-49 in a bracket... at least then there is no expertise to deal with and the game is somewhat even.
  14. TheRiddick

    PvP is awful

    Chill a bit, Game is brand new, if you dont like pvp go play eve, lose all ur stuffs then come limping back, we will have you
  15. Huttball is the only map where one faction can fight against itself... just sayin as far as this thread goes.... I think the matches are evenly spread for winning. people who say one class is more op than another have something comin to them... its just not the case... I feel that bioware has done one hell of a job with balance. The problem isnt that empire wins all the time, the problem is empire players get more experience PvPing because there are 3x more of them so huttball is empire land, the other maps... the win/loss ratio is fine... less qq... more pew pew pls.
  16. I agree, that there needs to be some sort of reward for Open world PvP. Right now we dont even get any comendations, or valor... nothing. maybe player death penalty would be nice, but not loss of gear... nothing stupid like that... I played eve for a little while... worked my *** off to get my ship geared out then got ganked by 4 ships that were 3 tiers higher than me, lost everything, cancelled my sub. If it was a 1 v 1 with someone my own level.. cool... but 4 guys who make it their goal to hunt down players faaaaar below thier level.. no thanks... I imagine I am not the only person who thinks this way... objectives yes... penalties no.
  17. No. i used to open world pvp for fun.. then i started getting loots... and valors, and noms, and it was over... i am spoiled... MOAR OPEN WORLD PEE VEE PEE rewards !!!! I want to keel republic scum and get stuffs for doing it! ( on a serious note: Open pvp rewards actually premote open world pvp, not ganking te be an *****)
  18. I understand that people dont pass the ball... but at the same time you have to understand... a lot of times I try to throw the ball and my teamate runs out of the AoE... so the pass fails with me going ***!!!! the passing ability is retarded... it should be a click on target throw... not an aoe... the aoe is damned near impossible to get off when you are getting focused by 5 guys. all the fx going off in your face... the cc's... not to mention a million different name plates running in front of me makes the aoe a witch to get off.. make it so you click on the player and throw... and I will pass more! K thnx Bai
  19. While I personally think that CC is crazy, I understand its need, What I wish, is that our Break free ability allowed for 5 seconds of immunity. That way we dont use it and imediatly get cc'd again. that way it could be used strategically more instead of a gamble that their CC's are on Cooldown... anyone agree that a 5 sec imunity be attached to Break free?
  20. Lol Really guys... consulars and inquisitors have the heal ability... true... but they wear light armor. I have a lvl 22 sniper, and in PvP With one combo I can take out 3/4 their health... if one more person is on them they go down easy or heck if I hit 50, watch out... I think the overall balance is spot on, Dps classes take out healers, Tanks protect healers, while completing objectives, While healers take care of their team. The only thing that annoys me is the raw amount of CC's available to all classes. that is my only issue, but its not game breaking.
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