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Everything posted by Leematon

  1. Couldn't agree with Urael more. You deserve to have name priority if you've paid more for it!
  2. Just reading up on the up-coming differences in game access between subscribers and free players, I noted that free players would not have access to all aspects of character creation e.g. race. Just as a matter of interest, I think it would be nice to get other players' views on what races will be restricted to subscribers only. I personally think that the Sith Pureblood will almost certainly be in that category, and wouldn't be at all surprised if free players were restricted to humans! What do you guys think?
  3. I started playing SWTOR pre-launch and although I'm not playing it every minute of the day (I still only have a level 23 Jedi Shadow and a level 19 Sith Assassin!) I absolutely love this game and will continue to have interest in it until the bitter end. LONG LIVE SWTOR!
  4. Looking forward to the Cartel goodies. I'm only making slow progress through the game (I currently have 2 characters level 22 and 19), but I've been a loyal subscriber since early access and would like to see stuff bought from the Cartel give subscribers a clear advantage over F2Pers.
  5. I hope I've posted in the right area for game help, as I'm stuck on two quests on Taris. Firstly, where in Dynamet General Hospital is the Rakghoul serum to satisfy the 'Pirate Medicine' quest? I've searched all over the hospital and killed everything that moves but still cannot find it. Secondly, at the end of the 'Rakghoul Release' heroic quest, you're supposed to talk to a Doctor Zalaren. Where is he? I couldn't find him anywhere in the mission area. I hope he is elsewhere, as otherwise it will mean having to do the mission all over again, something I won't look forward too (I got killed 4 times first time around, even in a group)
  6. Transferred both my characters from Hydian Way to Nightmare Lands. Kept both names. I'm happy:)
  7. I second that. There needs to be a system in place where players who haven't paid up for 3 months risk forfeiting their character names, and are forced to rename should they decide to come back.
  8. Lets hope your theory is right. My characters are on one of the pre-launch servers (Hydian Way), and although the transfer program is wonderful news, the last thing I want is to be forced to rename my characters in order to undertake group missions again. Players who supported this game since before launch should get preferential treatment in my opinion.
  9. Having just played for the first time with version 1.2, I've noticed class icons appearing next to the names of other players that you meet. Does a legend exist anywhere that tells us which symbol represents which class?
  10. Assassins require some Strength to improve their melee combat (with lightsaber etc.). Granted, not as important as Willpower and Endurance, but still should not be neglected. The only primary stats completely insignificant to an Assassin are Aim and Cunning.
  11. Can anybody please provide me with tips how to defeat Darth Skotia in the Sith Sanctum on Dromund Kaas. I'm finding him impossible to beat despite my Sith Assassin being level 17, loaded with Strength boosts and my companion using taunt. No matter how much I mix up my abilities, he always seems to beat me by a narrow margin. Any help would be much appreciated.
  12. Thanks for your posts guys. I'm exploring Lord Grathan's estate now so will be looking for the path which leads to the datacron.
  13. Does anybody know how to get to the datacron to the south of the Revanite camp on Dromund Kaas? It's located atop a cliff behind a (very difficult to kill) vine cat type boss. There are some stepping stones at the bottom of the cliff that allow you to go so far up but when you get to the highest one you still cannot jump high enough to reach the cliff top. A nearby fallen tree log and what appear to be remains of a spacecraft also appear to be red herrings. It's leaving me frustrated:mad:. If anybody can help it will be much appreciated.
  14. And the rest! With my Sith Inquisitor, it took me five attempts to beat that tough beast, the last three attempts on level 9!
  15. How do I use commendations from other planets to purchase equipment? I have read, for example, that Tython commendations can be exchanged on Coruscant at a ratio of 2 to 1. But where? There doesn't appear to be anybody who'll accept them. Can anybody help?
  16. I would like the camera to rotate by mousing to the edges of the screen, like in many of BW's previous games. Alas, it doesn't appear to be an option in any of the config menus. Using the left mouse or the A and D keys to rotate can be a pain:(
  17. I logged into Hydian Way server at 14:30 GMT this afternoon and fortunately the estimated and actual queue times were the same - 15 mins. I think the time of day needs to be factored into the equation somehow.
  18. I agree with the original post. Three things all customers should be aware of: 1. This is STAR WARS; 2. This is the launch period of the most eagerly anticipated game ever; 3. The game has been release over the Xmas/New Year period. Of course the servers are going to fill up very quickly. I'm sure that Bioware will juggle with the population caps a bit during this busy period (why else would they do stress testing during the betas). I'm equally sure that once the novelty wears off server population levels will die down, particularly after players go back to work in the New Year and even more so when Mass Effect 3 is released:cool:
  19. I found a little time last night to create my character and at least get to the start of the game. What I did notice at the start of the game is that you can't scroll the camera by mousing to the edges of the screen, and there don't appear to be any config options to allow you to do this. Is there anybody who knows any differently? I'm so used to playing Bioware games in the past that had this ability. Scrolling by using the A and D keys just feels strange.
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