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Posts posted by Jhonen

  1. Ofcourse the game is tanking, most people don't even bother finishing their free month before stopping to play. It's that bad.


    The guys thinking they're increasing server caps instead of what's really happening are a funny bunch.


    I don't rally see anything too terribly bad about this game, especially agains other mmos.


    Oh well :(

  2. The first 2 plantets have activity. have you leveled of them since you noticed the change?

    By the thrid planet people have figured out they have got all they will from the game and moved on.


    That's what im thinking.


    People weren't expecting to get a typical mmo with BioWare storytelling, so people are dropping.


    It's going to be sad to see TOR end up in the MMO graveyard,but that's where it's heading it seems, like it or not.

  3. No, they're tuning the servers to handle more people.


    Seriously, if you think waiting 10 minutes to log in is a POSITIVE thing you need to up your meds.


    Do you have a source for the info in your first paragraph?


    I used to use the queues as sort of a measure for how many people were playing and how popular the game is.


    After looking around the forums, it's clear that this game is going to be bleeding subscribers until it's dry.

  4. My server (Anchorhead) used to have a 10+ minute queue every night, but over the last week, it's slowly gotten shorter.


    Now the server is at heavy at it's worst, and as of right now (2 am) it's standard.


    Are that many people really quitting?


    I love this game, but I don't want to see it tank, especially not this fast, but that's what it looks like so far.

  5. AH you don't need to. Guild wars 2 comes out in a matter of months and everyone will be flocking over to there anyway


    Hah, Guild Wars 2, HAH.


    I can already see GW2 not delivering on the bulk of it's promises and fanboys raging. It'll be pretty neat.


    Also, I can't wait to see how people will react when they learn that "dynamic" questing really means "a random choice of these 10 quests".

  6. I like SWTOR, but it doesn't do the underlined very well, either. By my early 20's I was already tired of hearing Steve Blum give the same canned responses. The choice I clicked was written as a witty reply on the screen, but unfortunately the voice just repeated the same generic one-liners the character had already been saying ad nauseum. :(


    It's started to make me feel very bleh toward the character, already.


    I haven't noticed any of my five characters start using the same lines again, and they're all over level 30 (not saying that you're wrong, but I probably just haven't noticed xD )


    Also, which character does Steve Blum voice?

  7. That this game is going to get a revamp and Jedi will become a starting profession.....


    oh wait


    But it didn't make any sense at all in SWG because it was set in a time when the Jedi were extinct.


    TOR has an excuse for why there are so many Jedi and Sith.

  8. Still nothing intelligent i see.


    Those (silly) examples you guys made have a fatal flaw into them, you CAN roll a character to 50 it just takes time, you CAN change your alignment from light 5 to dark 5, you just have to farm for it.


    AC can't be changed, in any way, no matter how much time or money you spend into it. So you're basically bringing apples to the table and comparing them to pears.


    I never said i wanted bioware to change my ac at will through appeal or for free by pressing a button, i can spend credits on it each time if need be, i don't care. But i guess the insane roleplayers would still feel affected in some way and not feel as special as their mothers tell them they are.


    I don't want to debate this if you don't take our points seriously.


    People don't agree with me : They're stupid.


    Roleplayers? : Insane neckbeards that live with their mothers.



  9. The whole "It doesn't affect you...' argument is lame. Let me show you why.


    "Hey Bioware, I want a free lvl.50 character. Can I have? It's not affecting those other guys so I don't see why not."


    "Hey BioWare, I've leveled a dark side character for most of the game, but I've changed my mind. Can you let me switch to light side? It's not affecting those other guys so I don't see why not!"

  10. There's only one thing that is keeping this game from reaching its full wow-like potential, and that's players like you. I hope changes happen sooner than later so you can drop it like a stone and rid modern gamers of your presence in a timely manner. Thank you.


    I no longer care about thread derailing.


    You've just reached Shadysketchy levels of pretentiousness and sanctimoniousness.


    But seriously, how does changing your AC constitute "modern" gaming? Because you can't go back and undo a decision because you didn't think about it as hard as you should have?


    Is "modern" gaming carebear gaming?

  11. Mmhmm lets make all our character choices totally meaningless shall we? Dark side, light side. Nah. We should be able to switch freely so we can use all gear!


    While we're at it why not let all classes tank, dps and heal? Playing dps and need a healer? Just go to a medical droid and have your DNA resequenced.


    See I chose a smuggler but I also like lightsabers but I can't be bothered to do all those generic quests 2 times - that takes like time and effort. Don't keep the game in the stone age! Give a blastsaber weapon to smugglers so I can shoot while making voom noises!


    Joking aside I see you support cross realm dungeon finder too. That worked out well in WoW didn't it? Never have to talk to another player again, just speed run instances anonymously for badges 24/7. Can't have that icky social interaction or responsibility for bad behaviour can we.


    I can honestly say if the game was like that I'd drop it like a stone.


    +1 for truth.

  12. GW2 is NOT an Asian MMO. ANET has their headquarters in Washington. The founders of ArenaNet were former employees of Blizzard Entertainment who played important roles in developing WoW... believe it or not. The game just got out of alpha and is already incredibly polished and fluid.


    The mere fact that you think it's an Asian mmo is proof that you have no idea what you're talking about. Please educate yourself Here Here Here and



    Guild Wars was generally well-received by both the players and the media, earning (to date) a metacritic (media) score of 89, which is fairly high. They sold millions of copies world wide and they are finally trying their hand at a true mmo. (Guild Wars was not considered an MMO even by the developers).


    Guild Wars 1 was a HUGE success and they have an EXTREMELY talented team with veteran WoW developers at their helm ready to revolutionize the MMORPG genre.


    The fact that you even ask who ArenaNet is shows how little you know about the MMO genre.


    Someone isn't a fanboy at all.


    Everything you've just fed me there is hype. I wouldn't be surprised if your opinion changes when the game comes out.


    Or you might just blindly support it like some people do with this game, I dunno.

  13. Arenanet proven themself just fine with Guild wars 1. one of the most succesful mmo out there with over 9millions copy sold. They're well known for caring about their community. listening to feedback and suggestions.


    As a publisher you don't have all that much right, Anet will always have the last word. Guild wars 2 from what we've seen has no grind and everysingle thing they said about the game is actually in the game.


    I'm using this site to see company's overall rating


    Guild wars 2 is the most anticipated MMO of 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012.


    Let's not derail this thread any further.


    If you want to keep discussing this, let's bounce some messages back and forth.

  14. It's developed by arenanet. NCsoft publish it. different thing.


    Truth. This, I know.


    But if you didn't read my post, I say this


    (As publishers, it also seems they have a huge say in the direction of the game).


    Also, Arenanet is the developer, but they've not proven themselves just yet.


    They've only made expansion packs for the original Guild Wars and nothing more.


    I am aware that some of them are former Blizzard employees, but I don't see that as giving them much of a bonus (we have no idea which games they worked on or how extensively).


    Also, how is Arenanet an A+ developer studio again?

  15. Not only is arenanet a well known company ranked A+ Gw2 is not a korean mmo.


    Do some research


    It's being produced by NCsoft, the company responsible for Aion, Blade & Soul, Lineage, etc, so it has a lot of Asian flair (As publishers, it also seems they have a huge say in the direction of the game).


    Also, what do you mean by an A+ ranked company? Ranked by who?

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