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Posts posted by Jhonen

  1. I think majority of us who are disappointed are not disappointed "loaded promises" but rather some basic functions of a 2011 mmo.


    I still think this is a good game and I'm having fun, but if things don't improve it's simply not worth it for me to to renew once I hit 50 which I will in a week or so.




    A LFG function (one that groups people on the same server and doesn't immediately transport them to the instance) would be appreciated, but there are a lot of other functions that this game is lacking or has (sharding) that hinder the experience exponentially.


    I'm having a blast with what's here however, but if they don't implement basic functions in the next three to four months, that could be a potentially disastrous move.

  2. I've seen a lot of people saying they won't come back until there is an LFG system like WoWs. Am I the only person who feels like that ruined WoW's grouping/community? The entire point of groups is to make people work together and part of the reason to not be a jerk is that your reputation follows you. Letting people anonymously queue up, get grouped and have 0 consequences for bad behavior is what led to the kind of B.S. that drove me out of WoW.



    Keep looking for group in /1. Or make a universal /3 for it. Don't automate it, for the love of gods.


    I agree.


    Being able to instantly connect with 4 other people and being transported to a random dungeon was a little jarring.


    We never said a word except for when we were berating each other on sub-par performance.

  3. Considering your post shows that you know virtually nothing about GW2, ArenaNet, or the features and gameplay they've already let people experience, you really kinda are.


    Keep in mind that I played the first Guild Wars on and off for the last five years and have been keeping up with GW2 since it was announced. (I don't list GW in my sig because I think it's not worth mentioning).


    I think it's funny that people were disappointed with the loaded promises that TOR offered, and are instead jumping ship to the next game full of loaded promises.


    Life goes on, I suppose.

  4. I can easily say the same about "basic template" and then "expand" when talking about talent trees, they also give skills and change the way your class has to be played.


    They called them advanced classes, but they could have called them advanced bananas for all i care. They're nothing more than glorified specs.


    It's clear that no amount of going back and forth on this is going to change either of our minds.


    Fact stands (and BioWare has pointed this out many times) that the ACs are essentially separate classes entirely.


    I won't change your mind, and facts won't change your mind.


    I'm glad you have a different opinion, but we've derailed this topic for long enough, so;


    Yes, I'm resubbing.


    My friends and I are having a blast, and I didn't think I could get my girlfriend hooked on something so Star Warsy.


    There are problems that need to be ironed out, but I haven't really experienced what most people are talking about, so I must be lucky!


    Can't wait to see what this game does in the future!

  5. I still see no valid argument here i'm afraid...


    All that you basically can come up with is "I don't want/like it, so you can't have it." I'm sorry but that just doesn't make any sense.


    A game that doesn't punish you for making a bad choice isn't a good game in my opinion.


    Just how I see it.


    A game needs to reward me for making good decisions, and not let me go back and correct all of my mistakes.

  6. Yeah sure, whatever dudes, they're different classes. Let's completly ignore the FACT that they share 70% of their skills, a resource mechanic, and the same story.


    Stop being naive please.


    More like they share a good 55% of their skills.


    See, that other 45% you get with either advanced class.


    You've got a basic template, and then there are two different classes that expand upon that template in very different ways.


    How do you not see this.

  7. How would it make it any easier? It would be the same exact game. Except people would be able to fill more roles if needed or if they wanted to.


    Changing from a trooper to a jedi knight is changing class. Changing from a vanguard to a commando is just playing the same class with about a quarter (or less) of different skills, that allow you to perform a different role. That's it.


    It encourages people to be more careful with what they do in the game.


    If you make a Guardian, you should be stuck with a Guardian. Think long and hard about what you want to be. If you chose a Guardian and want a melee DPS, make a Shadow.


    Having people stick to one AC also encourages alt making, trying other classes.


    Letting anyone switch between ACs makes the game so much more care bear.

  8. There's 4 classes, everything else is a spec. Stop fooling yourself into thinking otherwise.


    A Sorcerer is a ranged spellcaster.


    An Assassin is a melee stealth class.


    A Vanguard is a close range DPS or tank.


    A Commando is a long range healer / DPS with more restriction.


    A Guardian is a single bladed tank that has two additional sustained DPS specs.


    A Sentinel is a light/medium armored dual weilder who dishes out burst damage.


    The list goes on.

  9. Because ?


    Each advanced class is essentially a different class built for doing different things.


    That, paired with the fact that you could switch between talent trees at will, you have way too much versatility.


    I'm not opposed to dual talent specs, but being able to switch between classes (essentially) would make the game much too easy. Even if the cost was absurd.

  10. I won't sub past 1 month if they won't start adding or at least announce (with dates) the basic contemporary features every post wow mmo should launch with (sig).


    This has been my stance since beta almost a year ago and it hasn't changed. The game is good but it lacks in terms of functionality, it's not a single player and it's about time they start realizing that and improve it accordingly.


    Also, stop polluting the forums with all the gw2 talk. That game is garbage just as the first one was at its time.


    Looking at your signature, I'd just like to point out that dual Advanced Class would be the single worst thing to happen to this game.

  11. Probably not, depends on when gw2 comes out, the fact that swtor shipped without vital must have features for modern mmos like a cross server looking for dungeon feature (qq all you like but that was a dreadfull failure from a purely business perspective, when other competitive mmos have this..)

    Not to mention shipping with just 3 miserable warzones where if your sith you will be stuck with endless runs of the abominable epic design failure that is huttball, not sure what they were thinking when competitive games like rift & wow have multiple fun battlegrounds that are well designed & can be selected individually..


    ...and nothing of value was lost.

  12. That's understandable. The sad part is that in that thread people were defending BioWare even if it were truth. Any time you bring up a criticism against the game, even if it's a known bug it'll be called a "innovative new feature by BioWare".


    Also, I'll agree that fanboys exist. They really do. But when people defend the game or argue against a point that is simply "GJ BioWare for putting out a broken game. The grafix r horrible, and I don't want a single player game in my MMO. This game will be F2P (and / or) dead in 6/mo because I didn't enjoy my experience" I'd say they aren't fanboys.


    They're just tired of people who bash this game for the most asinine reasons.

  13. I've already cancelled mine. The game is mediocre and the community of rabid fan boys is horrible when it comes to criticism. As well as the reports of people being banned for whispering to friends.




    Not to sound like a fanboy, but I'm really not going to just take his word for it.


    People like to drum up as much drama as humanly possible, and I don't see any sort of screen shot of an e-mail or conversation with a GM.


    And this doesn't just pertain to TOR. Situations like this happen all the time.


    Also, I'll agree that fanboys exist. They really do. But when people defend the game or argue against a point that is simply "GJ BioWare for putting out a broken game. The grafix r horrible, and I don't want a single player game in my MMO. This game will be F2P (and / or) dead in 6/mo because I didn't enjoy my experience" I'd say they aren't fanboys.


    They're just tired of people who bash this game for the most asinine reasons.

  14. Yup, love it. Far better then WoW, GW, LotRO or Rift ever was in terms of immersion and actually getting mt want to RP my character which is what an RPG should do.




    There are plenty of issues they need to address, but I'm happy with what I have right now.


    Also, everyone keeps talking about waiting for Guild Wars 2. It just doesn't appeal to me. It looks like a generic Asian MMORPG like Aion.


    All that hype they have surrounding "dynamic quests" and such... I really don't think they can pull it off in a way that will make everyone happy.

  15. For the record, should anyone really care: I DO NOT like Exhaustion Zones and feel 'The Shard Issue' could be handled better than it is. ...I have been waiting for this game since SWG was ruined. I knew it would be different and , of course, it is. In many ways it is even better, alas, not in all ways. So far. what disturbs me the most is (1) that some Datacrons are close to impossible to reach. You need to have reflexes like a Circus Acrobat with the patience of a Saint. For the majority of us, simply unobtainable. (2) Exploring the different areas on the planets should be rewarding in itself. Exhaustion Zones just eliminate whole sections, for no reason. I saved and save for a Speeder and now that is useless in those areas also. Why? Perhaps it was cheaper to program. I don't know but I hate them. I want to explore all the different places and I feel a little cheated. Without question, there are other things but they are not as important as these two. I am having some doubts as to how long I will be playing. Yes, there are certainly good aspects, very good ones indeed. There are several games that are of the same caliber that play as well and I don't need to pay a monthly fee. Why make an MMORPG with Socializing limited to this extent? Where are the 'Guild Halls' (Guild Spaceports?) with the usual amenities? They are a sore loss. Gathering the resources to build, improve (upgrade, decorate, etc) a community has always been an extremely important part of working together and can be one of the things that make a game OUTSTANDING and fun to play. It has, in the past, given me much enjoyment. Friendships that have lasted for several years and some that I will never forget. Some still exist for me, even though the original games are no longer played. We play together in other games, correspond via email and with our phones. I am not giving up yet. I hope to see growth in SWTOR...I hope!


    "Wall of texts crits you for 8,000,000,000 damage"


    You die.

  16. Loading zones doesnt make it linear. When im on a quest and i have to run inbetween 2 mountains where theres no other way to go.. THAT is linear. Warhammer was not linear at all.


    Are we talking about the same Warhammer?


    I remember playing as a Dwarf and feeling boxed in all the time.


    I guess it just boils down to people's opinion.

  17. The world wasn't linear? So those loading screens you had to use to go from zone to zone that broke the "open world" feel, that was open world?


    WAR disappointed me (keyword) because of that fact.


    Also, please consider that WAR was based almost entirely around PVP and RVR.


    TOR seems based more around PVE at this point.

  18. Im not.. im comparing it to WARHAMMER online.. where the PVP incentives were amazing, the combat was amazing, and the world wasnt linear at all.


    The world wasn't linear? So those loading screens you had to use to go from zone to zone that broke the "open world" feel, that was open world?


    WAR disappointed me (keyword) because of that fact.

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