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Posts posted by Jhonen

  1. bumping in the hopes i can reach just one person and make them stop posting things that make my brain bleed.


    It'll never happen.


    This post, while great, won't effect the people you'd hope it would effect in the slightest bit, I'm afraid.


    This is the internet, after all.

  2. Wait, you're impressed by these tiny patches they've released? Pretty much every MMO I've played in the last 7 years has accomplished more in the first 2 weeks of release than BioWare has. It feels to me like they're patting themselves on the back for a job well done and enjoying their holidays and not working tirelessly to fix/improve this game.


    Nightly. Patches. As in, every night, there will be a new patch.


    That and they've announced big plans for PvE and PvP content patches before January is over.


    Some people are just determined to not be happy I guess.

  3. I'd like to see proof of this to be honest considering they boast 10 million subs and they can't lie to investors.


    They don't lie. Doesn't matter where the accounts are, the fact is that they exist and can be reported on.


    That being said, it's true that most of their playerbase resides overseas.

  4. Yeah, it's always fun watching a solid chunk of the community leaving the game, am I right?

    It will make the game so much better, I mean, BW/EA definitely don't need the millions of dollars these whiners potentially could have earned them. Who needs players with standards, when they have zombie players who are satisfied with unbalanced classes, delayed combat, buggy UI, LOS environment issues, bugged flashpoints, and a PvP reward system based on pure luck?


    Like OP, I'm happy because: lightsaber.



    They're fixing many of the major issues, even going so far as to implement patches every night now.


    Still not good enough though, right?


    I mean, why don't they just flip the switch and kill all the bugs at once, right?

  5. Greetings, Bioware developers working on Star Wars: The Old Republic!


    We really, really need a client-side option to enable chat bubbles for /say and possibly /yell and /emote chat to appear above character's heads and display the text that they type into those chat channels.


    Socializing, roleplaying and even multiplayer combat, both PVE and PVP with other players is incredibly tedious without them.

    Many people prefer to have their eyes on the action, which means they miss the chat around them when they focus on the action. Some choose to focus on the chat and miss the action entirely - forget to heal their mates, etc..


    That's why we need an option to turn on chat bubbles (speech bubbles). Make it an optional toggle on/off option so every user can decide for themselves if they want chat bubbles to show on their client or not.


    There are some visually impaired people that would thank you for chat bubbles as well.


    Also, if there are indeed performance issues with the speech bubbles still (reportedly, that's why Bioware removed them during beta), a toggle option will give the users a chance to either sacrifice performance for playability and turn the chat bubbles on or turn them off and gain some performance.


    Everybody wins! So please, developers, I beg you dearly to add chat bubbles already, they are an essential part of MMOs for many players. Thank you very much!


    PS.: While at it, please add some speaking animations when saying something in chat to complement chat bubbles as well (there is a nice animation bount to the /talk emote already, perhaps you wish to use that one).




    +5 rating

  6. EA has some bloated numbers according to some friends at E&Y and PcW. Sometimes the figures are skewed by accounting techniques (which get very complicated in modeling.)


    This will need to be revisited Q3.


    Oh boy, more "he said, she said" instead of actual hard facts.


    I was objective in my post, and innovation without successful implementation is not really innovation :-)


    The only real "innovation" TOR offers that I've seen is integrating story into an MMO arena... which they (in my opinion) have done exceedingly well on.

  7. I'm finally friggin fed up. I defended Bioware from all the trolls when they called this game ****. It's not **** but the attention they give it is ****. Yeah, temp ban me for telling the truth.


    I waste 6 friggin hours trying to farm some epic medical supplies with 3 companions, waste around 40k doing it, becoming super poor, I finally get the supplies in the middle of the night, grind some more for the rest, I finally get to make my 2 epic implants ONLY TO HAVE THE 2ND ONE VANISH AFTER BEING COMPLETED - either because I was dead or any other dumb reason. And no, its not in my mail.


    Thank you Bioware for making me hate this game as much as other retarded mmo's out there. But yes, GOOD JOB ON FIXING A LVL 27 INSTANCE BOSS THAT DIDN'T NEED FIXING. PRO PRIORITIES.


    IBT: U mad bro? And yes, yes I am.


    Name: Notatroll


    Joined: Dec 2011



  8. You have a great game otherwise but going from 60-100 FPS ANYWHERE in the galaxy, on any planet, to 10 -15 (20 - 25 with showdows off) in pvp is gosh darn painfull. Abilities don't go off when you want them to, the interaction between player vs player is chunky, and awkward, and trying to pull off timmed moves (stuns, grips, charges) in this enviroment is like pulling teeth.


    Absolutly a great game if you want to pve only, but man; I don't know if it's a game engine issue like the other post in this thread suggests, but good god your player vs player enviroment is just gross.


    I will be back if you fix it though, great potential; so much so that everytime I play hutt ball I consider not quitting :-) but today was enough, as the "sparks" wear off I just can't turn a blind eye anymore.


    Love you guys!



    Thankfully, it looks like a bulk of your problems have been addressed in the New Year's PvP notes.


    Maybe instead of posting another "I'm quitting" thread, post a "These are my problems, are they being addressed" thread?

  9. Ditto. Their silence is deafening. Especially about the rage fest over in the pvp forum. I bet someone over at Bioware is trying to save their job from the big shots at EA. They are like the empire, and don't tolerate incompetence.


    And their New Year's PvP announcements did nothing to alleviate some people's fears, right?

  10. I wouldn't blame it all on WoW. WoW is at least tolerable to play 5 hours per week. This game is sterile though. No life. An empty vessel.


    I can see TOR falling short on ambient sounds and the frequency at which they play, but that's a pretty subjective opinion.


    World of Warcraft drove me nuts because I was stuck in these tiny zones and I was expected to believe that they encompassed an entire planet.


    That broke my immersion.

  11. Perhaps because it is a direct copy of World of Warcraft, Star Wars-The Old Republic feels lifeless and dead. It is artless and despite its later iterations and flaws, WOW was not.


    I know people have legitimate gripes with this game, it's by no means perfect, but why is it that most of the critical naysayers are Dec 2011ers?

  12. im am fed up with biowares attitude towards its customer and the lack of service


    firstly the ingae repairs are so rediuciulouse its beyond belief and secondly thanx for screwing up slicing again


    now i have no way of ever earning a decent amount of ingame money so i can pay for my skills and repairs let alone buy a decent speeder


    whilst other peoeple had the unfair adavantage of getting 10 k from high yeild lock boxes , becuse you patched it it now cost more to send a crew member on a mission than the actual amount of money it pays out

    so you have made crew skills a waist of time and crafting is just a joke


    well done bioware :mad:


    Please take some time to plan what you're going to write nex time. Reading this is like raking tiny knives across my eyes.



    I have to agree that BioWare is extremely quiet, and that their Customer Support is inadequate


    I find it hard to take anything you say seriously, with your rep and all.

  13. Why do you think I was asking, the customer service can't be worse. I suppose "most" people are able to log in, but after 1000 posts and then a new thread started from people who can't due to error 9000, 70+ pages of FPS issues on "horrid FPS" thread, 70 plus on other error threads, 40+ on game crash thread etc..that equals a LOT who can't log on.


    You've got a point, but what credit does BioWare get for acknowledging the problem and working to fix it?

  14. . Bioware is in it for the fast buck. They will recoup their expenses. Then comes the budget axe.


    That's why they're doing nightly patches instead of weekly patches to smooth out the bugs and try to retain a player base.


    Also, it's easy to see they're in it for the fast buck, what with all the teased future content.


    Yep, BioWare is going to release this game any maybe do something with it down the line...

  15. Multiplayer space combat with guild flagships, space combat pvp and a mish mash of space combat mixed into ground combat. Also planetary bombing runs with your ship. Pod racing.


    Realm vs Realm vs World Bosses vs Space combat pvp


    World pvp Valor ranks with exclusive gear


    Did I mention pod racing?


    All very plausible... except for the RvRvWorld boss vs space combat pvp... what were you thinking there lol

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