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Everything posted by Whitering

  1. Yesterday I, pretty much all day, for 15 hours or so was teamed up with 3 other good level 50 players. We rolled pugs; but if there was another pre-made on the opposing side... We had an Alderaan win at 15-0, we had tons of 1 goal difference Hutball matches, including one super game at the end of the evening against another pre-made from our own faction. Basically those matches were really fun. The biggest solution to this is to let us load up 8 man teams; then you would get rid of a lot of the level 50s while we experienced hardcore competitive pvp against people we remember from all those pug matches.
  2. Well, I am level 50 now with some decent equipment so I am losing empathy with these positions, but I am leveling alts, so, yes I won't mind fighting other 50s. Those are the only memorable matches anyway. As to the UI keybind thing, I managed to keybind all of my abilities. I wouldn't mind an extra bar at the bottom, but it's rare for me to click something down there.
  3. I feel the pain of the OP. I don't really know how many bags I have opened, maybe 30? I have received two earpieces, one implant, my generator, a weapon, boots and helmet. Meanwhile one of my friends has opened maybe 5 more than me and has received boots, gloves, chest and helm, several other pieces and 4 more chest pieces, which he isn't happy about but I damn well wish I had received one. So, it's a little silly, I will be Valour rank 60 before I finish my champion set.
  4. Whitering

    Nerf AOE pushes

    The don't need to nerf, it's just that every class has one, basically, I am not sure about the Knight and Warrior. That fact makes them very common, but they are not too powerful.
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