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Everything posted by Cyberwoman

  1. Looking through the pack again, I really like the Ceremonial Mystic gear. If I can, I think I try and get that tomorrow using the coins I was saving for the Temple Guardian Robes. I have been thinking about making a third Sith Inquisitor (Light side female PVP healer) for a while now, and that would look perfect for the character I have envisioned. Knowing my luck though, I will probably just get the belt or something . . .
  2. Sounds good! Hopefully I have this habit of missing these XP events, but I think I will be on for this one!
  3. Hence the new patch we are getting tomorrow! Seriously, I would expect that either it is a little to early for 3.0 reveal, or they may save that for the community cantina thing. Isn't one happening right next to E3 sometime?
  4. True, although I was hoping it would be in this pack. Oh well... looks like I will have to put-off making a male Consular for a little while yet. Still, I am sure I will find something nice in the packs, and the event looks great!
  5. Dose look like a nice pack. I am somewhat disappointed that the Temple Guardian Robes do not seem to have appeared yet though...
  6. I am hopeful for a mention about 3.0 and the next RotHC-style expansion. A trailer would be nice, but even a conformation about what it entails would be good. We will just have to wait and see...
  7. My word, just heard the sad news about Rik Mayall. He was such a fantastic talent, loved him in Blackadder, The Young Ones, Bottom and countless other things. Such a loss to the human race... RIP!
  8. Things I like... 1: The story and writing in this game is amazing. This is why it is my favorite MMO, because it actually puts story there as an important feature, unlike many MMO's who rarely utilize it, let alone acknowledge it. This is also helped by some incredible voice acting. 2: Unlike other games, SWTOR dose not punish you for being an altoholic. In fact, it rewards you for creating multiple characters, what with the Legacy system and Class Stories. Things I dislike... 1: The fact that more items in the CM are not up for direct purchase, rather then being added into the 'gambling' packs. Do not get me wrong, I think that overall the CM dose a good job, but I would gladly spend £10-£20 on a set of amour that I really liked, over spending that or more on several packets in which I could only get a belt, or nothing! 2: Lack of Same Gender Romance options before RotHC. It boggles my mind why the game was completely barren of this before RotHC. Still, better late then never... Hope we still get a SGR companion one day.
  9. On the issue of what female characters wear, my own opinion is that everyone should be able to equip their characters in whatever way they like. It is their characters and story, after all. Want a warrior armed to the teeth in armor? Great! Want to be decked out in Lounge gear? The who are we to judge? I will admit that the majority of my female characters do wear gear what would be called... umm... skimpy. Although it still has to fit in with their personality (For example, my Agent has the Dramatic Extroverts Robe, because I think it fits a stealthy assassin. My Sith Assassin, wears the slave gear because she was a slave. My Jedi Knight has an Unfettered Trench Coat to go with her tough attitude). I should also note that I also have 7 Male characters, and all of them show off their muscles in some shape or form (Mostly via the Trench Coat or Covert gear) so if I am characterized as a pervert, then at least I am an equal opportunities one!
  10. It is a bit odd. I think, however, it is there because some people do complete the class storylines at level 48 or so (I did with my Agent), so this lets them start RotHC without waiting for Level 50. It could be more clearly signposted though... Oh, and perhaps you should put the spoiler in your post in a spoiler box...
  11. It would be nice if the housing is fully customizable, and for all we know it could be. The videos have been teasers more then anything, and frankly we have no idea either way how it is going to work. I suspect we will know a little more closer to the release date. The fact that GS has been delayed is perhaps a positive indication that they are listening to player demands. Anyway, I think we should just wait and see. You never know, BW may surprise us all!
  12. I agree that criticism of the game is a good and important thing. The thing is, some of the criticism I read on these forums lacks a constructive edge. They come of as rather sarcastic, inconsiderate, heated, blinded by opinion or simply troll-like. I think the 'troll' card is played rather to often, but I can see why people can a little letup by the lack of constructive elements to these arguments. Of course, a similar thing can be stated about those who defend the game. Which is why I think it is better to judge people by there own comments and how they express there opinion, rather then what side of the debate they are on. To be honest though, I do not mind if people simply do come to rant/troll on the forums anyway. To do so means that they are currently paying a subscription, and as such I thank them for contributing to the development and maintenance of a game I love!
  13. If BW asked me what the one they could add to make my gaming experience better, then I would say implementing Ithorian's as a playable species. I know it is extremely unlikely to ever happen, but one can dream...
  14. I apparently created this SWTOR account back in 2009, but it was not until sometime after launch (Six months perhaps?) I have been paying the subscription ever since though.
  15. If I was in a WZ and a player entered without their AC, then I would not mind. As long as they still tried there best. That could just be me though...
  16. Forgot to add this in my earlier post, but it explains at the bottom of the actual GS website how you can get the Strongholds, along with the ways you can obtain other items for them etc... http://www.swtor.com/galactic-strongholds
  17. I almost always create female characters when it comes to RPGs/MMOs. I do so for a a number of reasons (I like stronger female characters, female avatars have better and more flexible customization options, adds an extra level of fantasy immersion etc) and do men treat me differently? Kinda. I remember on my first MMO (Final Fantasy 11) I really wanted to create a female character (A Mithra, to be exact) but I was terrified, fearing that people would make fun of me if they find out. After a while, I joined a LS (Guild) and met other players who indeed were male but rolled female characters. One guy in particular finally convinced me to create a female alt, and his reasoning revolved entirely around the idea that men treated female players better. In my long experience of play as female character since then, this is kinda true. I think if you are playing as a female character, then you certainly can get a lot of attention from other players, but it can be very different depending on the other players. A lot of the time, players seem to treat me equally no matter the gender of my character. However, sometimes the male players do indeed give you stuff, or help you on quests only because they think you are a woman in real life. Other times they simply perv around you, either with there avatars or via whispers. There was one time, back on WoW, when I tried to RP as a female character... let us just say I will never visit that server again. On rarer occasion, I have revived abuse, with derogatory comments about woman either said out-loud or whispered to me. Things could get worse, as they did occasionally, when they asked if I was a guy and I answered truthfully. I got a lot of use of the ignore function during those times! Such behavior dose seem to be a little rarer nowadays, but it still exists in some corners. A lot of it simply depends on what game you are playing, and who you are playing with, but such things can and do happen. I look forward to the day when we all treat our fellow players equally, no matter what our characters gender is or whether it matches our own or not. True. I think a very small minatory of the 'male players, female characters' do try and manipulate such situations to there advantage.
  18. I am not so sure. I think negative and constructive criticism is both a good thing and accepted by most people on the forums. What most people object to is mindless bashing of the game, with no constructive side and little understand or consideration for those who happen to disagree with them.
  19. If done in a civil and polite manner, then I do not see why such questions should not be asked at such events. For the most part, negative criticism can be a good thing for the devs to hear, and ditto with positive feedback.
  20. I think it is both credits and Cartel Coins. You can choose which.
  21. You get a thank you message? I just get 'What a stupid opinion. It has to many Doctor Who references. Go away.'
  22. True, although actually having a solo endgame content would given extra incentive, and perhaps rewards, to those who wish for a challenge, rather then it being just for the thrill and the players choice. I don't actually think anything like solo 'nightmare' content will ever be added to the game, but it is something I would find interesting.
  23. I actually agree. It would be an interesting addition, something to do between Flashpoint and Ops, or for those of us who simply like playing solo, but still want a bit of a challenge.
  24. You do not need to apologize for wanting to have a more difficult experience when playing the game. Difficulty is rather a subjective thing though. Some people want to a more casual experience, especially when it comes to story content, whilst others wish for everything to be a challenge. There is no right or wrong answer. I would personally say that class stories are at a good place difficulty wise. They should provide a good solo challenge, which I think they do well, but also be a 'training' ground for your class (Form level 1-50, I would say) before going on to endgame stuff. I actually find Makeb to be rather a challenge (Played it so far with my Assassin, Gunslinger and Operative) although I think a lot of it depends on just how well geared you are. This may just be me, but I actually found Rep side to be rather easier... Oricon was much better I thought, with a nice mixture of challenging but not impossible, and interesting tasks. As for tactical Flashpoints, I rather enjoy them but I think there should be an option for those who wish to have an actual challenge. It is a shame they were not added with release, but I think they plan to eventually. I cannot speak for Ops, and I have very little experience with them.
  25. May one ask, how are they 'screwing' you over? The changes mean that you will have to play the event if you want to all get the rewards... what is wrong with that? Is it simply the fact that you do not like the event itself and wish not to play it any longer? And just because we may not share the same opinions as you, that doesn't mean we are brainwashed by BW/EA or anything. We just have differing opinions, and what is so wrong with that? You probably have a point there. It is likely a way to get more people playing, but isn't that what they are meant to do? That being said, I hope they do improve and add to the range of missions in the Bounty Event over time. Missions set on Makeb and Oricon would be interesting, I think.
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