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Posts posted by Bstr

  1. Ok, lets try this again...


    Do the MEANINGS change from time to time. NO, do the VALUES changes, sure. As people log in, log out, go to bed, go to eat. Etc they fluctuate from heavey, to full, to empty based on the number of ACTIVE connections.


    %server = #activeConnections/#TOTAL_POSSIBLE_CONNECTIONS


    %server <50 = light

    50% < % Server < 75% = standard

    75% < %sever < 95% = Heavy

    % server > 95% = full


    How do we KNOW, well logic for starters. Also, some have actually worked in IT and understand server loading and such.


    Think of it like a public restroom


    you have empty, light, full, and Awkward. its all about # use / # possible

    anything other than that would be one giant DERP! that even their IT would be going W.T.F.!


    BioWare posted something like this during the Beta. At that time, "Full" actually meant about 80% full due to an error in coding. They said that they chose the TOTAL_POSSIBLE_CONNECTIONS based on their testing of the server and that they would not let people in if they hit this amount even if the server could technically handle it.


    Also, Eric is out for the rest of the week. Read the Dev Tracker.

  2. So, bug fixed finally


    But… no can do: “not eligible for this phase at this time” and blocked out of the building with a red screen, even though the green triangle is there and the quest log says that’s my next move.


    My best guess: your case was not fully fixed. CS did something that screwed up your quests when they tried to fix the other one. Had this happen when I asked for my items to be restored for the HK quest: after they gave them back and I got the rest, the quest would not advance. Had to get CS to manually advance the quest.

  3. So I am fairly new here and am trying to explore all of the map on Balmorra. My achievement shows that I am only missing one small section, it shows I am 13/14 in the Sundari Flatlands. So my question to you, is do you know of a small often overlooked area that I could be missing? I have been all over the map a few times but I just can't seem to find the spot. Oh, by the way, I am on the Pub side.




    A quick Google search of "Exploring Balmorra" turned up this: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=6579714 . If you read the 4th post, he said he was stuck at Sundari Flatlands too. The answers are later in the thread and depend on if you are a Pub or Imp.

  4. I'm just returning also. I, too, quit back around March 2012. I subbed for 30 days. What is concerning me the most is this massive download to get up to date. Reading some other posts made me start thinking this is normal for all updates. I understand updating after being gone so long. That's like a new install. but if this is weekly or even bi-weekly, then I don't see a long term future here. I live in a rural area and i have limited usage. After 25gb, it's $10 per gb additional. I definitely won't have much left to spend on the game if I have to buy additional usage every month.


    Most updates are less than 1 GB. Updates are scheduled for every other week, but since 2.0 came out, they are actually about every week (26 updates in 169 days.) You can see the past update schedule at http://www.swtor.com/patchnotes . About once every 8 weeks when a major patch comes out the update is about 1 to 5 GB. 2.0 and Rise of the Hutt Cartel was a large update: I think it was about 10 GB for all the new content.


    This update is actually very small for most people. The update is actually for the updater (Launcher) part of SWTOR. The update is causing a bug with the updater on certain systems that is causing the updater to download almost the entire game again. BioWare knows about this bug and is working on it: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=6784204#edit6784204 .

  5. I think I've followed to directions as best I can, however it's still not unlocking for me. Here's a screen shot of where I am:




    I'm trying to unlock the area within the circle. I've tried going into the cave designated by the down arrow, which put me in the middle of the area but didn't unlock anything. I'm currently jumping up and down at the player location to the west of the circle, but no luck there either. That was about the closest I could get before I hit exhaustion zones on the east and north sides, and exiting back to highmount to the south. Am I not in the right place?


    Yes, you are in the wrong place. You can't get to the area in the red circle. Notice how the hexagons do not have white lines between them: that means that you cannot uncover by going into that area. (They will uncover if you uncover the rest of the map.)


    You are missing two locations: one in the NE and one in the south. These are the ones you need to unlock the map. I'm 75% sure that the area in the NE is a Heroic area, so tread lightly. EDIT: As Shinimegami said, that area in the NE is a Heroic area.

  6. There is a great guide for what crew skill to pick for which class at http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=132015 . It is rather long: scroll down to the bottom 1/4 for the conclusions.


    In short, Consular's companions succeed at Synthweaving -> Archaeology -> Underworld Trading and Artifice -> Archaeology -> Treasure Hunting. Personally, I chose Artifice over Synthweaving due to Synthweaving having limited usability and the crafted items do not sell that well.

  7. The in-game progress bar will now complete to 100% as intended and no longer requires a restart before players can travel off Origin Worlds.


    I think this is the real reason for the patch: started my Jedi Guardian yesterday and had so many new players complain that they couldn't leave their Origin World because the Launcher was stuck at 99.99% complete downloading. This bug was game breaking for new players. Not to mention the next point, which was also game breaking for certain accounts:


    Account names beginning with a dash (“-“) can now launch the game as intended.


    Also, make sure you look at what speed the Launcher is really downloading at: even though I have 5+ MB/s internet speed, the launcher usually only downloads at 1 MB/s or less.


    If we are really downloading the entire game for these small changes, then that is messed up. I don't believe so.

  8. The first point makes no sense at all, because there are animations explicitely showing this class using 1 hand with that weapon.

    The second point points towards a player playing an Assassin who doesn't have any Force at all; an "mundane assassin", so to say.


    This might be extremely rare (as it doesn't make much sense anyway), but it might still be a very special way for him to play his character, imho.


    I clarified my post earlier. My guess is that she played either KOTOR I or II: she had on multiple pieces from the Mira lore outfit. Double bladed lightsabers in KOTOR needed 2 hands to use; single bladed needed only one. Strength in KOTOR improved melee attacks; Willpower improved force attacks. I'm wondering if that was her first Flashpoint...


    On a side note, I ran my Marauder the other day and had a Jugg tank wait for his Saber Ward to be up before attacking each group of mobs. After about the 5th time we asked him to go faster, the Op healer asked me to just tank it (which is not what you want to tell most Marauders :) .)

  9. The downfall to reading the forums is you read so much discussion back & forth about what is great, what is bad, and I am right & you are wrong debates. And I leave just as confused as when I walked into the forums.


    I will jump back in there though & see what is what.


    I did read where your first skill tree reset is free. How much is the next one after that? Is there a reset time limit or are you stuck paying each time you want to reset?


    Thanks to those that replied! Much appreciated!


    For subscribers, all skill tree resets are free as of update 1.6.


    For F2P, the cost depends on your level and increases every time you reset. There is a reset time limit of 1 week since the last reset: after 1 week, your next reset is free.


    What I do is look at the class forums and see what skills everyone agrees are essential and which are crap. For example, for a Watchman Sentinel, Recompense is considered to be a crap skill by most. The skills Inflammation, Watchguard, Force Fade, Weakening Wounds, and Zealous Ward are considered to be optional skills by most. The rest are considered essential skills. I get the essential skills, avoid the crap skills, and choose the rest based on my playstyle when I get to that level. (For my Marauder, I chose the equivalent of Watchguard and Weakening Wounds to provide defensive boosts to my group and Force Fade because I liked using Force Camoflage. Also, I did not see the point in getting Zealous Ward for a small heal on a 2 min cooldown and I already had a slow and some ranged attacks for running enemies, so I did not need Inflamation.) Using just one site or opinion for skill trees is a liability, because the opinion or site will likely be biased toward a certain playstyle.


    Also, the skill trees change semi-frequently, so it is hard for sites to keep up with the updates.

  10. PSA:


    SWTOR-Spy.com, a great resource website where I get all of my datacron info and more, was hacked by Muslim extremists today: http://www.swtor-spy.com/ . Funny thing is, they just hacked the www subdomain: the pts subdomain is still working.


    Ironic thing is that last night when I was starting my Jedi Guardian, I grouped up with a new player who was asking if I knew where to find the datacrons on Tython, since someone in Gen Chat was offering to show them to players for a fee. I replied that I did not know where they were at, but I could look them up later on SWTOR-Spy.com. Well, now it is later, and I can't :p .


    Also, on a side note, Torhead's skill calculator is having difficulties again.


    EDIT: SWTOR-Spy is back up. Torhead skill calculator is still down.

  11. What specifically do the rocket boots grant/what is the CD for the 3 versions? 640 cc seems like a lot for a situational item imo.


    Instant Lvl 3 speeder that can be used in all non-PvP areas outside of combat for a limited amount of time (about 12 seconds.) The cooldown for level 1 is 2 minutes. (I don't have level 2 or 3: the cooldown is sufficient for me.) Usually, I can find one of the level 1 unlock on the GTN for less than 500k credits on the Jung Ma: bought mine for about 275k.


    If you are unsubscribing, you might want to spend your CC on more useful items for F2P players, like Artifact Equipment (Account) authorization, Crew Skill (Account,) the various appearance unlocks, Section X authorization, and inventory modules and cargo bays. Always try to get the account unlock: it will apply to all characters. Also, you might want to check the GTN before spending CC: I bought all of the above by using credits and the GTN. (The only thing I have bought with CC was the old Event Equipment (Account) authorization when the initial Gree Event came around.)

  12. there are also some zones where you are unable to "revive in position"


    I'm 90% sure that this is the problem. Typical places that you can't use medical probes include death from falls, areas with high elevation, near exhaustion zones, if you die in between two close objects, Warzones, some FP and Ops, and some mission instances.

  13. Just had a lvl 54 Assassin Tank on Lost Island HM last night that gave us a good laugh. I was on my lvl 52 Merc healer. Tank throws a guard on me. I mention that it might be better on the lvl 55 Marauder, but we start the FP anyways.


    On the first boss (flying one,) tank looses aggro on the boss and all adds. Boss attacks the merc DPS (merc used threat reducer: it didn't help) while I have to keep the adds off of myself with the help of the marauder. I ask the tank afterwards why she didn't taunt: first she replies that Taunt is only for Juggernaughts, and then after I said that I meant "Mind Control," she said that she did use that as his opener. Why she didn't use it in the next minute is beyond me.


    Second boss: even with me using Power Surge and SCG, the tank dies within 10 seconds even before the DPS can finish the adds. The rest survive 30 seconds and we rez. He complains that the DPS didn't kill the adds fast enough and that I was taking too much damage, which transferred half to him. I replied that she was mistaken on both the DPS and the guard, but said that it might be because she is an Assassin and they are spiky. Soon after, she starts again and dies within 20 seconds, this time because the merc pulls aggro off of the boss. We all die almost immediately after and we all rez.


    At this point, I decided to check out his gear. She has all high Strength gear with no Willpower and nothing in his offhand. I mention that she should have a shield in his offhand; she replies that she needs two hands to use his lightsaber and that Juggs could use shield generators because their lightsabers only needed one hand. I then mention thats he should not use Strength, but Willpower: she mention that she doesn't use Force powers much and mostly lightsaber melee moves and that Strength increases melee. The other Merc states that Willpower is used for melee, to which the Assassin replied that as the tank, she doesn't need to do damage: just mitigate damage. She jumps to the boss immediately after saying this, we die, and kick him from the group.


    The marauder said after that he "had to go" and us two Mercs get out Skadge and Blizz and get past that boss and through to the next boss and wait for 10 mins for a tank then give up.


    EDIT: Indicated that I was lvl 52 to get my first point across better. Cleaned up he/she: whoever it was was playing a female. Clarified / added a few points (underlined) due to AlrikFassbauer's responses.

  14. Relax, I'm not complaining - I'm just questioning things. I am aware that some of these may have been answered already in other threads, but it is nice to consolidate things.


    Question 1: When is 2.4 due to hit the servers?


    Question 2: Why hasn't Pazaak/Swoop racing been put into the game given that "on rails" movement has already been coded (space missions)


    Question 3: Do you have plans to add a few conversation based quests and little encounters into the game just to make it a little more immersed (Like the little refugee quests in KOTOR 2)?


    Question 4: Will any more subscriber exclusive stuff be added to the game, or are we continuing with the EA mantra of "microtranstactions, microtransactions, microtrasactions"?


    Question 5: Could you possibly add a few new weapon designs as some of the current ones seem to fall flat on design?


    Question 6: Could we have more lore/historical quests in the future as opposed to the "kill x of y" that Makeb frequented?


    Question 7: Are there any plans to make the casino on Nar Shadaar a usable one as a social hub for players?


    Question 8: Could you please, please, please add some weather to the game - it would largely remove the "dead" feel of many of the worlds





    1: October 1st if everything goes well.


    2-6: These are suggestions in an inquisitive form. Some of these suggestions are great, but the Suggestion Box is here: http://www.swtor.com/community/forumdisplay.php?f=349


    7: If you add gambling of any type with other players (even for in game money) you run the risk of the game getting a "Gambling" rating from the ESRB which has a high chance of making this a mature game. Black Jack against the house would work and be cool though.


    8: Having a Day/Night/Weather schedule will mess up some of the planets' stories (Taris being the big one.) Day/Nigh/Weather won't make the world any more livlier: we still have NPCs that just stand around doing nothing or fighting with each other forever.

  15. I've notices this a lot on my character, but when your character is on a speeder and goes by any of the enemies he pulls out his lightsaber while on the speeder. This isn't anything that interferes with the game playing but still it's able to be fixed.


    I can confirm this happening on all my lightsaber characters. It only happens after you use the lightsaber to destroy some object that isn't an NPC. Also, when this happens, you never put the lightsaber back away until you hit "Z" to take out your weapon or when you use an attack.


    EDIT: you may need to change the title of this post to something more specific.

  16. Am I the only one having this issue?


    Due to the error message "You already know this schematic" I persume it's broke for everyone.


    If it works for someone else I can go into specifics like class and how the mission discovery was aquired.


    Check if the mission is already unlocked on that character and if you did not run it yet. Each mission discovery gives you a mission that your companion can run: you must run that mission before using a second one.


    The "You already know this schematic" part is confusing. It should read: "You already discovered this mission."

  17. Thanks for the tips!


    I recall in Beta that locating and getting in Cover could be problematic. Is this smoother now? I ask for the same reasons; poor Twitch skills.


    I only played late Beta and getting into cover is about the same: fairly easy to do if there is some around. Problem is: there isn't a lot around at upper levels. You can still use your Cover Screen and get most of the same benefits. Only weird part about cover is rolling 10 yards away off camera to a cover spot you did not see when you wanted to just crouch in place with the Cover Screen. You can use Shift-F to force a crouch in place.

  18. hi all.


    I've recently decided to come back to the game after a LONG time away. I think i last played in march 2012. I left, well, as my sig says due to serious family problems that have now been sorted.


    How is this game now? I've resubbed so im going to give it a shot again, but its been that long it seems the entire game has changed.


    Are there any major changes i should know about? Can all specs still perform well in pve/pvp, or did the game go down the same path as wow where only a certain spec is viable for each class?


    ANY and all info you can give me would be very helpful.


    First, check out the answers to a similar post here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=680642


    Second, as I suggested in that thread, read / watch all the Game Update summaries / advertisements starting with 1.2: Legacies: http://www.swtor.com/gameupdates/1.2-legacy . These will help you know the important changes to the game. Also, read Rise of the Hutt Cartel expansion summary, since it is now free to subscribers: http://www.swtor.com/rothc .


    Third, the answers to your questions:


    • The game is in a good spot right now. The FTP expansion brought many new players. There has been a new "major" Game Update every 8 weeks for more than the past year with an exception for around Christmas/New Years. There are "minor" updates every 2-4 weeks that fixes many bugs, adds new items to the Cartel Market (Cash Shop,) and tweaks content based on feedback. (These minor updates are listed at http://www.swtor.com/patchnotes .) Eric Musco keeps a good communication going between the fan base and developers with multiple forum posts, the Cantina events ( http://www.swtor.com/info/news/blog/20130903 ,) and the Class Representatives questions (although he stopped these "temporarily" due to the questions mostly being suggestions, because he felt they would be repetitive, and that they were bad PR due to the above.)
    • Major Changes: read the Game Updates and expansion summaries listed above.
    • Mostly, specs are balanced for PvE and PvP if you run the entire spec and not try to hybrid specs by not putting 36 points in one tree. Some specs are made to perform well against other specs in PvP: for example, Scoundrels / Operatives Scrapper / Concealment do well against Gunslingers / Snipers but poorly against tanks. There are some exceptions that BioWare mentioned they might fix early next year with Game Update 2.5:
      • Group PvE:

      1. Winners: All tanks except Shadow / Assassin Tanks; all healers except Commando / Mercenary healers; DPS: Sentinel / Marauders, Gunslingers / Snipers (although other classes can "heal to full" according to the combat team ;) )
      2. Losers: Shadow / Assassin Tanks: Little damage mitigation so that huge damage in a little amount of time will kill them; Commando / Mercenary healers: highest DPS of the healers, lower HPS (almost are like a "Jack of all Trades" spec,) Commando / Mercenary DPS: highest HPS of the DPS, lower DPS, Scrapper / Concealment Scoundrels / Operatives (spec is designed around doing huge damage in the first 10 seconds after breaking stealth: cannot do as much damage after that)


      • Winners: Smash / Sweep Monkeys (AKA Rage Warriors / Focus Knights): even though their signature move's damage was reduced by 15% with 2.0, they still can almost insta-kill any non-tank class, Scoundrel / Operative healers: almost all moves are instants and have a move that heals a lot when under 30% health
      • Losers: Any class based around DOTs for damage (unless you stick with a group or don't have a healer on the other team,) any class that is not a Smash / Sweep Monkey or a Scoundrel / Operative healer or a tank

      That being said, some specs do better in different situations. For example, Watchman / Annihilation is the best spec for Sentinels / Marauders for longer boss battles or other 1v1 battles, Rage Warriors / Focus Knights are great for high AOE damage in a short amount of time and then waiting for the cooldowns, and Combat / Carnage is great for single and multiple target damage but has the lowest defense and depends on RNG and procs. Just choose whatever spec fits your playstyle.


      EDIT: Responses to the posts above:

      Dallayna: If you are on certain PvE servers (Harbinger is a good example,) they had more than enough players before FTP and now have even more. I'm on Jung Ma, which might be the smallest server in N. America, so I welcome the new players. I still craft crystals to have free crystals for myself, my brother, and our companions. Dye Packs and the CM are less than desirable, but they pay the bills and I don't use them.

      mfourcustom: Read his signature. He used to be an Assault Specialist Vanguard. Before 2.0, they were one of the top classes in PvP, just like Smash / Sweep Monkeys and healer Scoundrels / Operatives. They were nerfed hard so that they are now just another DOT class. The link in his spoiler tag shows one of the Class Representative responses where BioWare states what I stated.

  19. Hello, I hope I can help ... wanted to know if a Sith Inquisitor can use a heavy or medium armor. and if you can ... how?


    thank you very much and greetings


    Nope. Only light and adaptive armors. Keep the heavy and medium for your companions if they are the right stats.

  20. How i access the two new systems do i need finish makeb?


    Short question. I'm assuming you mean the Macrobinoculars and Seeker Droids. To get these:


    1. Get to level 52.
    2. There will be two droids on the fleet and on Makeb that give you missions to start getting these devices. They will have the title below their name that indicates they are for Macrobinoculars and Seeker droids. Alternatively, you can just skip this step.
    3. Go to Coruscant. If you did not get the missions from the droids in the last step, you will need to find the two droids that give the missions here. There is one in front of the Senate and another between the Senate taxi and the Senate Plaza.
    4. Complete the missions given to you through Coruscant.


    Afterwards, you will have access to use the Seeker droid and Macrobinoculars at any time and can pick up any missions that require them. I recommend picking up the HK-51 mission from Section X at the same time, since many of the planets the missions take you to are the same planets where you have to search for the HK parts. (Sadly, you can't use the seeker droid for the HK mission: the seeker droid is much easier to use than the excavator.)


    EDIT: No, you do not need to finish Makeb. In fact, I have not even started on Makeb and am more than halfway through these missions.


    EDIT2: If you are talking about star systems as in CZ-198 and Oricon, you need to be level 55 for CZ and wait until October for Oricon.

  21. Like:

    1. Stories (even the little ones for side quests)
    2. Groupfinder and Flashpoints
    3. Free to Play Star Wars game that is actually good (not perfect, but good)



    1. Getting stuck, especially jumping puzzles (/stuck command cooldown, /stuck not always working, having to use /stuck often)
    2. Hard to find groups for older content (Heroics, Black Hole, Level 50 Operations, Macrobinocular and Seeker droid missions, HK parts, ect.)
    3. Idiots that you group with that are undergeared, won't listen, need on everything, just do deathmatches away from objectives, yell and swear at you, and make you wonder how they got this far in SWTOR let alone life.

  22. Due to the limited time I have to game I'm temporarily going from a Sub to a Pref status, most questions I've had been answered by old threats except a few:


    1. I've got 21 characters, meaning 9 are purchased with ingame credits through the 'additional server slot' when I go f2p will I have access to 6 characters or more due to the unlock? Is there a way to unlock more of my toons, if so what is the upgrade called? Is it buyable from other players or just for CC?


    2. "Full rewards from three (3) Flashpoints per week or purchase a weekly pass to unlock this restriction." - SWTOR.com/Free/Features


    I doubt I'll do any end-game but I can see myself team up with friends for Flashpoints sometime. So my question: Does these rewards incluse experience or just loot/commendations?


    3. What will happen to my current commendations? I know credits get capped and you get them back, but what about commendations? If so and I don't log in on those toons, will that make a difference?


    4. I got all storage unlocks, I think due to them being account-wide it's the Cartel Market upgrade bought from the GTN but I'm not sure, will I lose any storage and the items that are in them?


    5. Will my (physical) security key still work?


    Former preferred player here: just started my sub within the last month with the promotion:


    1. [*}You will have access to 15 characters (6 + the additional 9 "Additional Character Slot.") The unlock that will allow you access to the other 6 characters is called the same as when you bought the additional 9 character slots "Additional Character Slot." These can be bought for CC or on the GTN from players.
    2. The only restriction on rewards is for loot from the last boss: you will only be able to roll on 3 pieces per week. I suggest that you only roll "Need" on items from the last boss (if you need them.) You still have unlimited experience, comms, and items that do NOT come from the last boss. (Experience will be reduce by 20% though.)
    3. As of 2.0, the comm cap for F2P is the same as subs.
    4. If you bought the storage upgrades from the GTN or through the CM, you should be fine: you will keep all your storage unlocks. I'm not certain about storage unlocks bought with credits though.
    5. Physical security keys work. Smartphone app security keys do NOT.

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