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Posts posted by Bstr

  1. Ok, i bought the ewok companion on the Cartel market, and then i bough the customization pack for him, but how do you use the pack? I had three choices and I picked the way i want him to look, but don't know how to enable it.


    First, get out Treek, the Ewok Companion.


    Second, open your character page and inventory.


    Third, click on the tab at the bottom of your character page that says "Companion."


    Finally, either right click the customization in your inventory or drag it to the Customization slot on the lower left side of Treek.

  2. I read on this forum in an older post that once we hit level 55 we get a new ability called Saber Impale. I just hit 55 and I don't see any new abilities just old ones I upgraded. I know with other level 55 gear you have to go above and beyond the call of duty to get it so I just want to make sure I'm not missing anything because I was expecting SOMETHING once I hit 55.


    There is a move at around level 30 for the Vengeance tree called "Impale."


    No classes get moves at lvl 55. The last move everyone gets is at lvl 51.

  3. I started the game February of 2012, played for a bit, but became engrossed in grad school and too busy to play.


    Stumbled upon some stuff about SGR (same-gender romance) being added with the Hutt Cartel DLC when I was reading up on some Mass Effect 3 stuff (I've played pretty much every Bioware game going back to Neverwinter). This piqued my interested as a gaymer. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find much specifics on it, mainly just articles writing about the ****-storm created by the inclusion from both sides (complaints about "pandering" to us gay folk and then us gay folk complaining about a gay ghetto behind a pay-wall). I can't find specifics of what is actually included. What I really want to know, is if we now have a same-gender romanceable companion. Documentation seems to be sparse-to-nonexistant, so I figured I'd try here.


    Thanks in advance for any input!


    None of the companion characters are gay or bi-sexual. None of the characters that were around before 2.0 are gay or bi-sexual.


    The only gay/bi-sexual characters in the game currently are two NPCs on Makeb (one for each faction) and a few of the Underworld Informants that are part of the monthly Bounty Brokers Association (Bounty Hunter) event. These characters are easy to spot, since they will have a "[Flirt]" option for the same species. (Also, I would believe they are easier to code and do voice overs for than straight characters, since the conversation is the same no matter what the player's gender is.)

  4. Gunslingers are required to be in cover for most of their abilities. This is a serious hindrance if they don't get some major boosts for it. 20% ranged defense is crap against most of the advanced classes, so interrupt immunity is an actual tool that they can use. If that was taken away, I shudder to think how warzones would go for us.


    You are forgetting these other boosts from cover:

    • Increase stealth detection
    • Immunity from ability pushback (a big one)
    • Extra ranged defense if in actual cover. (Ranged attacks cannot hit you between attacks in cover.)
    • Cannot be leaped to or pulled from cover. (Huge against melee opponents.)
    • Rolling into cover from a long distance. (Can be a hindrance at time when you don't want to, but that is more of a control problem.)
    • Looking awesome. :)


    I would still keep these buffs from using cover.


    I would still keep interrupt immunity when using Hunker Down/Entrench.


    Also, all long ranged classes in this game have moves with long cast times yet do not have interrupt immunity except on cooldowns. My Sage gets his Healing Trance (3 second cast, 9 second cooldown w/o set bonus) interrupted constantly, yet I still have success with that class. (My Merc also gets interrupted a lot, but I don't have as much success with him because, well, he is a merc.)


    EDIT: Saboteurs wouldn't be hurt too much with an interrupted Speed Shot: we have Charged Bursts and Quickshots to apply the burning DOT and blow up the Contingency Charges if Speed Shot is interrupted. Speed Shot is occasionally stopped with a knockback or stun, but it isn't a game breaker for me.

    For SS, Aim Shot has more of a problem with adding interrupts, but that can be fixed with a bigger buff in the Charged Aim skill.

    Finally, for DF, why does Wounding Shots have a cooldown for GS when it does not for Scoundrels? They both have the same energy costs. Remove the cooldown for GS and it will be the same as Scoundrels: able to be interrupted, but easy to recast after 4 seconds.


    Having more cover points to roll to would be a good trade-off for not having interrupts. Also, not having immunity to interrupts will make lower level GS weaker while not really impacting endgame performance and teaches players how to combat against interrupts.


    EDIT: Commandos and Mercs having interrupt immunity with their shields would be good too. That way, all long ranged classes have a cooldown with interrupt immunity.

  5. The Gree event seems to come every quarter since it started, except for that one-week stint after people raged about 2.1. It last came in July, so I would expect it in October or November. I would guess in November with the 2.4 patch in the beginning of October.
  6. When I am in a flashpoint and the group jumps to hyperspace the game crashes to my desktop and completely exits. This happens every single time I am in a flashpoint and the group goes into hyperspace.


    If its The Foundry, this issue has been on the Known Issue list stickied at the top of the page for at least a year now.

  7. Also, EVE decides to release bug fixes and patches once every couple of months. SWTOR has patches every couple of weeks. I much rather have my bug fixes and new content faster.


    My question to EVE is: What are they doing with the daily "maintenance?" They aren't releasing any new patches, so why do they need to take the servers down everyday? They claim its for taking "statistical data" for its API and performing necessary DB queries on its market, but SWTOR does that in real time while allowing us to play.

  8. It will be on at least Legacy wide. (Don't know about account wide though: I only have characters on one server.)


    If you start a new character, the options will be available for no charge after you buy the unlock. If you want to change the looks of a current character, you have to pay CC at the Appearance Designer.

  9. Hello, I bought the ability to companion customization off the GTN when I was a preferred status (and used it), I am now a subscriber. If I go back to preferred status will I still be able to customize my companion because I bought it before or will I have to buy it again?


    Thanks in advance for any help. Sorry if this is the wrong section, this is my first thread and couldn't see anywhere else to really put it.


    Yes, you should be able to use Companion customization. A guildmate of mine has the Artifact Equipment (Account) unlock and is able to use artifact equipment when he switched back to being a Preferred player after forgetting to enter in his timecard in time.

  10. Just saw that a little while ago that PoT5 was still there. I applied to TAW they sent me a tell in-game. Yeah all of my toons get raped and have on war-hero was throwing me for a loop. So I am guessing Makeb Gear PVE is better? Where would I purchase mods from GTN or is there a Makeb comm vendor tips are greatly appreciated.


    Ya, I can't read correctly. I edited my post earlier to show the PoT5 is still here.


    There is a technically named "Makeb" vendor in the supplies section. However, you get get lvl 50 gear for different comms from multiple places.


    Check to see what comms you currently have:

    • If you have any Dread Guard disassembled pieces, go to the "Classic Gear" vendor. This gear is the best gear for lvl 50s: Dread Guard gear. These can only be obtained through certain operations. Some lvl 55 still use their Dread Guard gear because it has a better set bonus (bonuses for wearing 2 or 4 pieces of the same armor.)
    • Classic Comms: Go to the "Classic Gear" vendor in the fleet. Look for the vendor under the sign for your class: it is closer to the center of the fleet in the "Supplies" section. These have the second best gear for lvl 50: Campaign gear. This gear also has set bonuses that can combine with Dread Guard gear. Lvl 50 dailies and HM Flashpoints give these out now.
    • (Not associated with any comms: the Black Hole gear from HM Flashpoints and the end of lvl 50 SM Flashpoints are the third best.)
    • Basic Comms: Go to the "Basic Gear" vendor right next to the "Classic Gear" vendor. Only has a few pieces available for lvl 50. Mostly claimed by doing Group Finder missions at lvl 51 or the new Makeb and Czerka dailies.
    • Planetary Comms: The "Makeb" vendor is the one at the end of the regular planetary comm vendors. It is on the outside circle of the fleet in the "Supplies" section at the opposite side of the Tython/Ord Mantell/Korriban/Hutta vendors. It should have the symbol of a white medal on a blue background above its door.
    • If you have any other older disassembled pieces, there is a vendor that can exchange these pieces for Classic Comms on the Vanguard ship on the fleet.
    • If you have older PvP comms, the vendors in the "Combat Training" section of the fleet should be able to exchange them to Warzone comms.
    • If you have any PvE comms that are not Classic, Planetary, Basic, Elite, or Ultimate, let us know. You may have to do like a guildmate of mine did and submit a ticket to have them converted. They should have all been converted to Classic or Planetary comms.

  11. Thanks the both of you information really helped I will definitely look into those links. I read the patch notes blah. Will watch the video sounds WAY!!!!!! better. PoT5 dead never even looked to see what server I was on lol. Bolster makes sense some of my toons still had on BM and were hitting like a wet noodle. Now that makes sense.


    Any PvP gear older than War Hero / Elite War Hero is now extremely bad in PvP with 2.0. If you like the shells, I would keep them around and put mods in them: some people like to show off their old PvP gear. Otherwise, vendor them.

  12. Just as the title says I need a paraphrased update on changes made to the game since Rise of the Hutt Cartel. Stopped playing due to a new baby and now I am back. Here are a few things I would like people to cover just to help me out the quickest way possible. (Read the patch notes, thats a lot of patch notes)


    1) Low Level Pvp Vendor: I read the vendors are now on Home planets, Do they sell lvl 50 gear?

    2) Bolster: Used to amplify your stats by lik 5-10% but now I see expertise how does Bolster work now? ex. If i have the best gear in slot for my lvl does that bump my stats up to lvl 54? What is the low level cap for stats in Warzones?

    3) Prophecy of the Five: Are there any active guilds? I had 3 toons in three different guilds. When I logged on no matter what time I was the only active player. Are there any decent capacity active guilds (prefer pvp oriented)?

    4) Read Alacrity now applies to every class, is alacrity a stat on ever classes gear? Is it beneficial for melee classes?


    Any additional helpful information anyone has will be greatly appreciated.


    I also played in the Beta and didn't play in the release until the FTP option last fall.


    First, I suggest you read/watch the BioWare summaries / advertisements for the various Game Updates starting with Game Update 1.1: http://www.swtor.com/gameupdates/1.1-rise-of-the-rakghouls . There are links to the other updates at the bottom of that page. It helped me know what was new to the game when I came back. (PS: Game Update 1.1 was the smallest Game Update to date, since it was only 1.5 months after the release.)


    Second, I suggest you go to the appropriate Server Forum and look for an active guild: http://www.swtor.com/community/forumdisplay.php?f=309 . My guess is that your current guilds are not active after almost 2 years.


    Third, the answers to your questions:

    1. PvP vendors are now on Coruscant/Dromund Kaas and in the "Combat Training" section of the fleet. The ones on the homeworlds only sell PvE gear for lvl 20 and lvl 40 players (although the gear can be modded to work with lvl 50+ players.) These vendors are also on the fleet along with vendors for various PvP items. There are 10 additional vendors on the fleet that sell 2 ranks of PvP gear available to lvl 55 players that is the real PvP gear with Expertise stat. Note that the lowest rank of lvl 55 PvP gear will be removed in an upcoming patch and be replaced with a higher set of gear. With that in mind, I would wait until update 2.4 comes out to get your lvl 55 PvP gear.
    2. Bolster boosts everyone up to "basic" lvl 55 stats no matter what their lvl is. The exception is if you have any expertise on your gear or have a gear slot open: it will not bolster gear with expertise correctly and only bolsters empty slots up to half their regularly bolstered value. The lvl 55 PvP gear mentioned earlier will sell gear that has stats better than the normal bolstered amount. (However, PvP gear and bolstered gear still have the same expertise.) All classes lvl 10+ are bolstered now the same in Warzones and certain areas; the exception for this rule is on the Western Shelf of Ilum, where only lvl 50+ are bolstered.
    3. EDIT: Wow, I can't read. Prophecy of the Five's server is not gone: the server's forums are at http://www.swtor.com/community/forumdisplay.php?f=381. Check this forum I mentioned earlier for an active guild on your new server. I suggest keeping all your characters on one server to get Legacy buffs and to keep all your characters of the same faction in the same guild.
    4. Alacrity affects all classes. It increases the energy regen of all classes except Knight and Warrior. It reduces the activation/channel times of all moves and reduces the Global Cooldown of instant moves. Alacrity is only marginally effective to the melee classes, since most of their moves are instant and it does not effect the energy regen of Warriors and Knights. (BioWare is currently looking into making Alacrity better for Knights/Warriors.)


    EDIT: As a post below mentioned, I cannot read the server listing page. Prophecy of the Five is not gone. I thought it was removed in the great purge of the servers, but it stuck around.

  13. Could we have a Wildcard question like PvP question 2 be more general? It seems like past the first few planets, there aren't very many cover spots at all in group and solo content. Yes, we have our portable cover screen, but I originally chose this class partly in fact of using real cover and the animation of getting into cover. (Having more cover spots will help Scoundrels too, since they do not have a cover screen.)


    The difficult part would be adding more cover without blocking the running of other classes.


    I do think that adding cover in certain places on Warzones should be there first priority in adding cover, but they should add more cover to other places too.


    That being said, my votes are as follows:


    PvE: Q1

    PvP: Q5 or if my question doesn't go through, Q2

    WC: My question or if it doesn't go through, Q1


    EDIT: On a side note, even though GS are my main, I would like GS to not have interrupt immunity in cover: seems too OP compared to other classes, especially at low-levels. A question on why we do have interrupt immunity might be nice for the next round of questions.

  14. Nice thank you. I had to heal like crazy yesterday when we were doing 2 heroics so it will definately help. Do you know how much it costs, the rocket boost? Cartel coins and or currency?


    1 million credits or 300 CC. Although, they usually sell on the GTN on my server for 400k credits.


    The two upgrades cost 120 CC each and the credit price is in the millions.

  15. Thank you for your answer. Instead of rambling on about necroing this and that you had a constructive answer.


    My reason for "necro" this is because it's an old thread that had lots of answers in it, but it was last year and lots of patches happened since. Like fixing hte permanent boost usesage.


    Ive created new thread's just to get people or Moderators asking me to search first before asking for help. Necroing seems to be the best way to inform others i have read/researched before repeating the same old same.


    Try linking or quoting the old thread in the new one the next time. That would be a better way to show you researched a topic, but was wondering if the answer had changed.

  16. Hello everyone, Knights of Dark Kingdoms is a pve/pvp guild on the server Tomb of Freedon Nadd.

    Our guild is active and we have a lot of players constantly online. We do normal mode flashpoints, hardmode, operations etc. The pvp is not so intense in our guild, but we do have players that pvp and if you want to pvp with them, all you have to do is ask in the guild chat, simple as that. We also have xp bonuses for those who are leveling and we are very helpful to those who need it. Everyone is welcome. You can send an e-mail to emil.htc94@gmail.com for an application, or just wisp Rorchak (the emperor in the guild) or Darksvami (the emperors hand) in the game.


    Could a mod please move this to the Tomb of Freedon Nadd Guild Recruitment forum: http://www.swtor.com/community/forumdisplay.php?f=411 ?



  17. The tooltip for Rocket Boost needs to warn people that is useable only in mountable / outdoor areas and not useable in combat. I bought it thinking how useful it would be for those long runs back after a wipe or leaving a dailies' cave/phase. Last night I got turned around in the new FP after a wipe with my grp mates waiting on me; the uselessness of Rocket Boost and the credits I wasted started to reeeeally irk me.


    So, an ability I spent hours grinding for won't help me as I spend hours grinding for my Fleet ticket and QT cds which will save me time when I spend hours grinding for alts' legacy gear so I can spend slightly fewer hours grinding for..


    The Grind is what killed WoW for me.


    Time is the Big Boss of any game; no matter how much of it you kill, it will always win in the end. Pls make Rocket Boost useful for +25 level toons.


    Don't know what the OP was thinking by Rocket Boots are usable anywhere outside of combat: including places where you can't mount up. The tooltip could be changed to read that it is only available outside of combat though.


    EDIT: Oh, this is a thread necro. Carry on...

  18. 'Campaign relic of ephemeral healing'

    Healing an ally has a 50% chance to restore an additional 443 health over 3 seconds.



    causes my bleed attacks to heal allies by 1% of their max health.


    It works for my Gunslinger's "Cool Under Pressure" (heal for 1% every 3 seconds while in cover) and others have said it works with Assassin's Dark Charge (chance to heal with every hit: actually is considered "best in slot" for lvl 50 Assassins.) I believe it would work with "Berserk" IF you are in Juyo form and an Annihilation Marauder. It would only trigger on one ally though every X amount of seconds. Note though that the skill "Hungering" (heal yourself 1% every critical bleed) might cause it to happen on yourself right before using "Berserk" and prevent it from working due to the time lockout.

  19. I have another question regarding the Bounty Hunter Event :


    So far, every "target" has been very difficult for me. Much more difficult than enemies in my class story.


    What am I doing wrong ? Which levels do the "targets" *actually* have ?


    My gear is usually quite good, but not the best. I mean, regarding Modifications.

    Are the "targets" made to meet the player's level only if he has the best equipment ?

    Sorry if I sound somewhat confused. English isn't my first language, and it is late here (local time - which usually has a bad effect on my intelligence, too. :D ).


    Are you talking about Henchmen or Kingpin missions? Both are geared for your level. The Henchmen should be as easy as any class story boss if you and your companion are decently geared. Check to see if your companion has decent gear for your level: one player who complained on Alderaan for how hard the Henchman battle was still had their companion in the original gear they came with.


    Kingpin battles are different. They are meant to be done as a group of at least 2 players. You need to be overgeared in order to beat them solo and then it still will be difficult. Even with my lvl 51 Gunslinger with full War Hero / Campaign gear, it took me 5-6 times to beat the Kingpin on Coruscant. (On a side note, each of the Kingpin are modeled after a certain AC and have all the moves available to that AC. The one on Coruscant was modeled after a Juggernaught who used "Force" Push and Leap on cooldown, which I have trouble against in Warzones.)


    JudgaSma, if you read my earlier message, you only have to do 2 Kingpins to make friend level. That should be easy to do with 3 characters.

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