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Everything posted by JamieKirby

  1. Just do a server reset, seriously.......why wait a day that is being wasted since you are being ***** for not extending it due to your own mistake in the first place.
  2. hmmmmm, so the 22nd begin date is incorrect, its infact 23rd....since it starts at 12AM.
  3. I do not know if we will or will not be able to switch factions with that choice at the end of the latest content, while i am sure it technically could be done if bioware wanted to do it, but i highly doubt they will do it, since it would require too much work to make it actually work. They will just make it ignore republic companions on the imperial fleet and imperial companions on the republic fleet. While it is bioware, they tend to make everything not matter in the grand scheme of things, they don't give us true choices, they give us fake choices and anything we choose tends to not give much if any benefit at all. I mean, any choice my character has made, i haven't seen a single ounce of mention of those lost companions...overall, i have yet to see any choice have any lasting consequence, maybe a 'i don't like you at all' but ultimately doesn't hinder you at all in the grand scheme of the plot. So, in the end, i highly doubt we will be able to switch sides, if we somehow manage to get a fleet and still be the Eternal Alliance, then you could technically pick a side like on Iokath, but you would still be republic or Empire. I even got told that i am forgiven and can return the the fleet whenever, but even if i don't return, i will be considered an ally, yet i am sure i won't be given the choice of switching sides, it will be forced on me in the story.
  4. Or, they could.....you know, make more story content instead of these crap mini-pets that i never, EVER use.
  5. I would honestly prefer more story content, over daily quests, which ultimately means to just repeat them over and over and over again. More story over more dailies.
  6. I concur, infact i think every single quest that is NOT repeatable should also be increased.
  7. Which pretty much proves my point when it comes to pvp, people don't want challenge, they just want to win as easily as possible. I would prefer to do the endgame content as a madness sorcerer or a Balance Sage.....but it seems i will be refused because of players always needing to think that the best is the only acceptable class....I remember when players played whatever and did fine, now you got to be in the top 10 dps to get accepted.
  8. I would honestly want all classes to be equally as capable of competing for the dps spot. Be the best at all things all the time? no! Every single class should be perfectly balanced in all roles, no excuses.
  9. Your guild sounds rather elitist to me, if they tell me to heal instead of dps, i would say no and if they try to force the issue, i would just leave the guild. Overall, people just take the game WAY too seriously and in the end, most players that are elitist tend to want to always succeed as fast as possible with as little effort as possible and if anything or anyone threatens their precious need to finish with as little effort as possible, as fast as possible, they kick them out. So very sad In the end, if there is a problem with Sage or Sorcerer dps, then bioware needs to get off their lazy and clearly absentminded butts and buff them up.
  10. Well, they could make it take more punishment when used on themselves, i mean when i play my sage or sorcerer, i just don't bother putting the shield on, since its gone within a few seconds.....if that.
  11. Yep, guilty as charged. :-) I find it weird that some people focus on pvp entirely.....but hey, to each their own. right?
  12. Well, they really didn't want us to know how short this Theron story really was, so if they put it into flashpoints only, they will make it seem longer.
  13. I am concerned also, i mean i learnt a long time ago, never to think my choices in bioware games matter because bioware will just make changes to the story to make them pointless and a waste of time. It just makes me think bioware might as well get rid of the choices and just tell a uber story.
  14. I am sure they will likely make a plot in the story where we have no say in the matter that renders that statement to be completely wrong....you know Bioware and how they render our choices pointless.
  15. It would be cool if we could choose who to fight for, i mean we have the Eternal Alliance fleet, unless that all just suddenly disappears conveniently for bioware story......they tend to make things important and then somehow useless the next. I wouldn't put it past them to just make it all good and dandy and then it gets patched into 6.0 with the expansion and then suddenly its 'sorry Commander, you are Jedi, i am Sith, we can no longer be' i mean come on. lol I would honestly prefer the ability to choose who i fight for in this new expansion instead of it being based solely on our class, it really isn't realistic if you think about it.
  16. Hiya, I was thinking of rolling a Jedi Shadow and like all characters, i always romance Lana Beniko, just cause she is awesome, but my question is, what is going to happen to the romance if the whole Imperial and Republic war returns? I take it, they are going to do another one of those 'it never happend type of things? cause that would be a kick in the face....but then they did that with all those that romanced Theron Shan.....i guess Lana Beniko is next? I don't want to waste time with the romance if its gonna be a 'never happend' type of thing.
  17. I haven't played Mass Effect in ages, the Shepard Trilogy was good until the ending.....thats when it died for me, i had several playthroughs planned until ME3 came out and i saw the ending.......when i say ending, i mean it...the endings were the same damn thing...no bloody closure. I do hope that Walt Disney did buy Bioware and all RPGs made......Kotor, Mass Effect and Dragon Age........though Dragon Age was not my type of game....it felt so wrong for my liking. Mass Effect Andromeda had great potential, but they left out key features that will likely have been answered in DLCs, but since it didn't make 1000% profit....they ditched it except for MP since that involves micro-transactions.
  18. Well, considering how this game is going, i wouldn't be surprised if it shuts down, EA can be petty and short-sighted, unless it makes them LOADS of profit. the opinion of their customers means jack to them, otherwise alot of the crap choices they have made, wouldn't have been made in the first place. I do think that if EA lost the Licence, there will undoubtedly be more Starwars games and hopefully, more better games, we might even see a Kotor 3 or something.......and a Single player RPG in the Starwars Universe is always infinitely more better than a MMO any day.
  19. Well, players now-a-days are too impatient, i am surprised they are not asking for buttons to get the best gear with none of the time taken to get it.
  20. Well, while i am into challenging content, however, the rewards for doing content that was challenging back in the day was never balanced, it was either easy to do and rewarding and challenging and sometimes impossible to do on your own and gives you a utterly crap reward. Its like the higher difficulties of the chapters....the CXP rewards you get on the higher levels is completely pathetic and really needs to be increased significantly.
  21. Well, i highly doubt he will or the fix will not happen anytime soon, it doesn't really impact their profit margin, so they really won't be in a hurry to fix it.
  22. I would honestly love it, if it stopped after every chapter...unless you are trapped at the end of a chapter, then it automatically begins the next. Cause, i missed out on doing the battle station things...due to this problem.
  23. I would prefer a 2,000cxp bump in non-repeatable quests.
  24. No, that only affected the dailies, i am talking about the quests that everyone skips once they hit level 70....the non-repeatable quests.
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