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Everything posted by JamieKirby

  1. Is there an ETA or a rough estimation on completion of this, i mean i would have thought you would have found this problem long before the patch going live......oh yeah...you didn't have the story enabled........that was your big mistake right there. In the future, while i understand there are bugs in releases now-a-days, now more than ever before, so you really should have had ALL the content on the PTS to be tested, because if its not done on the PTS, it tends to lead to delays to being released to live servers because the problem that would have been found on the PTS easily if the story content was released on PTS for testing. Just saying.
  2. Its a bug that brought the servers back down again and i so made millions with my bet. lol
  3. From experience with choice based games like this, the choices we make tend to be negated by a major choice of some sort.....which is annoying and makes me feel like 'what is the point of choices if they are never impactful' you know?
  4. I am trying to sell the current hypercrate, it started at 150,000,000cr and i placed mine for 149,999,999 and others put 3-4 on for 120,000,000 and then 105,000,000......it ruins the pricing, i swear, they do not understand the concept of making a profit at all. I had to lower my price down to 105mil credits......i wish players that do such massive price drops learn to undercut with some skill.
  5. I personally don't see the point in playing in anything higher than story when it comes to chapters, the increased rewards do NOT equal the increased challenge. I was able to complete Chapter 1 of KOTFE on Veteran and the reward was well......**** and is not worth the challenge of completing higher difficulty levels, unless bioware increase the rewards by maybe 500000000000%...ok, maybe abit overboard, but the rewards should be the following: Story Mode = 2000cxp Veteran Mode = 8000cxp Master Mode = 32000cxp If it was like that, then it would be worth doing....or atleast worth trying, but so far, the higher difficulty levels tend to be more about the challenge than the rewards and in that situation, it is NOT worth doing at all. I mean alot of the content that you can't even do more than once gives pitiful amounts of cxp, while repeatable content, which can be mind-numbingly boring to do on a daily basis gives FAR more cxp and in my opinion, the rewards should swapped. One-time quests should reward ALOT more cxp than a pitiful 75cxp, its just a slap in the face by bioware. I guess they lack the intelligence to know what fun actually means.
  6. Well, all that bioware needs to do, is stop adding features and fix the pissing problems that the game has and they haven't bothered fixing.
  7. I am one of those people that really never see the point in this pointless conflict, the sith are about power and order and the republic are about peace, cooperation and if they united, it would be a very powerful entity in the galaxy, but sadly, due to narrowminded people the war keeps going on when it really isn't needed and to be honest the differences are so small and petty, that it is just sad.
  8. I concur, it will never happen, it would require them to add new cutscenes and even fix the broken crap that they have yet to fix.....aka, too much work for them to do it. The only real problems they fix is what would affect their profit margin.
  9. I liked the general storyline of them, i just am not a fan of how grindy the command ranks are.
  10. Well, technically it is more simple, its just extremely dumb and stupid at the same time.
  11. While i didn't like the delay between chapter releases, i did like the general concept of the two expansions and being in charge of a faction was cool while it lasted, but i knew we would be forced back into the same old, same old war that for some reason never ends. I personally get bored of dailies, so i tend to only do them weekly, once per week and only with a friend, if i tried doing them solo every single time, i would seriously contemplate throwing myself onto a incoming train. I love the grind to get better gear, but having the command crates and time consumed into doing things, even once per week just feels insignificant compared to what CXP you get. The storylines are far more interesting and fun to experience repeatedly. What is good about this new imperial vs republic thing is the two faction specific storylines, so i finally have a reason to level 2 characters, 1 from each faction again.
  12. I honestly feel sorry for her, she suffered alot by abuse from her father, abandonment by her mother, anyone else would be just as broken as she was and i wish there was a way to fix her...even on a spiritual level, where she came to us as a ghost and thanked us and departed.....that would have made me feel so awesome.
  13. I just think that if you tell your companion to be a tank, it should be a good tank, if you pick it to be a healer, it should be a good healer and so on, but it shouldn't be uber in every area. at once.
  14. Its not wise, i mean, not everyone picks just pure lightside or pure darkside, either one is just boring and makes absolutely no sense. The only way to make this work is if you make it so that you can choose each lightside and darkside choice of major choices, individually, so that is alot of micromanagement when skipping.
  15. I tend to pick choices that actually make sense, going pure darkside or pure lightside is just dumb.
  16. I find it funny considering that the trooper and the agent don't even have the passive skill to use pistols
  17. From experience, those types on the fleet want someone over-geared and someone that has done the content completely, so anyone that has yet to do it, is ignored and blacklisted. Overall, raiders just want to finish it as fast as possible with no wipes at all and most, if not all players like that tend to ragequit after a single wipe. I have met enough players to never take raiders seriously.
  18. I think any storyline that ends with a flashpoint or an operation should have a solo version or a specially crafted one for the end of the story.
  19. Hiya, I have noticed since my return to the game that the quests that you can do only once per character gives an insulting amount of cxp, 75cxp per quest, regardless of the time it takes to complete, rendering them entirely tedious to do, while quests that can be done daily (daily quests and heroic quests) give alot more. The idea is to put a quest onto the solo activity board where you can click on to do the various things and put in a quest for every single planet where it gives you 10-20k cxp for completing ALL non-repeatable quests on the planet you pick. I mean, i love story and all, but when there are so many quests and you just don't get much back for all the time consumed, while doing a mere 4 dailies, 1 heroic and an area quest gives you 14k cxp...it really does take the piss. Also, can you Please, make it so that when it says 10% boost in xp or cxp, make it 10% of the total xp cxp you are getting instead of a base amount, it makes the 50% xp boost armour not really 50% and the 10% cxp legacy perk is not really 10% and that is severely overpriced for 10%, make it 50%, then it would be worth price. I know i am likely going to get flamed by hardcore grinders for this post, but i honestly don't give a toss about it, this needs to be brought up, otherwise nothing gets done until its been heard as loud as possible.
  20. I agree, while i wish quests that you can only do once per character would give much more cxp and the repeatables give much less cxp, but this will be in a new topic, when it comes to these command boosts, they should stack into a single slot, i have like 30 of them and my space is running out. lol I am not asking for it to allow us to apply 4 command boosts and get 400%....that would be cool for them to *accidently* do that for a week or so before fixing it, no, this is all about the consumables themselves not stacking into a single inventory slot.
  21. When it comes to options to kill companions, i think it should be in there, but it needs to be specially selected, since like for example, some companions could play a big major part in a future expansion, but somehow won't in your story, since well...they are dead and that kills the story arc of the expansion. This is the problem with kill options, it needs to be carefully picked, its like, i personally killed off Theron, cause he broke my trust and well i have a saying, 'hurt me once, shame on you, hurt me twice, shame on me.' I just can't give people a second chance if they betray me so much that it hurts so much and since my female characters ALWAYS romance Lana, she just does it for me, i like her attitude, she is a sith, but not 'all must die' type, theron is not that much of a likeable character in my opinion. So, i think LIs should have a kill option, as long as it makes bloody sense in the story and not because you find them annoying.
  22. The issue here is that ALL combat is based entirely on aoe combat and without a companion to heal or tank (depending on the class you are playing) the combat gets more harder and tedious for the rewards you get. I would suggest that they remove the companions being there to fight with you or for you and the companions should only be there for cutscenes and quests that require them to be there and only for cutscenes and nothing else and each companion gives a passive buff, which depending on which role you set will give you extra reduction in damage taken or heals you for x amount every few seconds and so on. The problem with alot of players is that they look for ways to make it as easy as possible and then when they find it, they use it and then complain about it being too easy. Whenever i play Jedi sage or Sith Sorcerer, i always set my companions to tank mode to keep the enemy off of me, since my armor is well.....**** and if you want the companions nerfed, then bioware will need to remove the need for them. It would be interesting if they added in bonus rewards for not using your companion at all and when it comes to solo'ing content, i honestly prefer to be on my own, since players tend to expect perfection at all times and if they don't get it, they have a hissy fit and cry to mommy or something....either way, it sucks out any desire to group up with anyone. I remember when group content was challenging, but people learnt how to do it, by doing it, now its 'read the tactics before you join a group or you will be kicked for being a noob.' type of community.....quite sad and pathetic if you ask me. Ultimately, they designed this game to be highly solo'able and so they had to make companions more stronger to allow that to be possible and i can assure you, i have tried solo'ing flashpoints and you just can't. My companion, while set to tank mode.....dies WAY too fast to kill the boss, i think in flashpoints in Veteran mode or above, companions should be disabled and the group should be comprised entirely of players and zero companions. Also, if they nerfed companions......again, they would have to balance all combat encounters to compensate the increased difficulties.
  23. Well, the only reason i click on a lore object is the xp reward for adding to the codex, but the moment i hit level 70, i just don't bother, because beyond the XP reward and the lore thing, which ultimate has no impact on gameplay at all is only important to players tat are lore-nerds. Each to their own i guess, but i think Lore objects should be more easily seen and should do more to the game as a whole, which would encourage all players to look for them. Right now, however, its just for those Lore junkies that collect them all.
  24. I also suggest that they add in a level tier system so that even though there is a level scaling system to a degree, that the group finder should have flashpoints in a level bracket, so if you are x level it will only allow certain flashpoints and the daily rewards should still be possible.
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