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Everything posted by Nythain

  1. While it might have little synergy with the Trooper and their companion during leveling, you apparently missed reading this part of OP...
  2. Based on some of the completely wonky and redundant mods available on the Commendations Modifications Vendors I would have to throw my vote in as lazy oversight by the devs. Reflex Mod and Commando Mod are exactly the same, and there's 2 different enhancements I can't remember the name of that are exactly the same even though they have different names. Its pretty clear the devs really didn't care at all about crafting and modding. It was never even originally supposed to be viable end game, that took lots of ************ for armor set bonuses to be removable and an increase in schematic levels. Maybe if we bring this issue up enough, they'll release new and proper mods in the cartel shop for $20!
  3. Now I'm sadfaced again. Was really hoping to see Covert Energy Gloves and or Covert Energy Boots. Oh well, back to wishing males could wear some of the slave girl outfit (I don't care who you are, those gloves and sandals are rockin).
  4. The OP is complaining because... gear that has been shown in advertisements, which happens to be this same set of gear you see during character creation, was never made obtainable in game. The purpose of bringing up character creation was to illustrate that the resources, models, textures, etc have existed in the games code/installation since launch or longer. But for some reason, instead of ever making these preview and awesome advertisement gears available throughout gameplay... after a year they finally "unlock" this gear and charge us extra money for it. Given the heavy story and artistic/cinematic emphasis in this game, and the fact that it has attracted numerous EAware players based on experiences with previous EAware games (Dragon Age and Mass Effect, etc), many players have chosen their classes based on appearances during promo videos, intro cinematics, game artwork, and yes, even assuming that what they see during the character creation screen will some day be what they get to look like. It is to these people that this is an issue. And an understandable one. At least it's more of a reason to be outraged than the billions of people who rage-unsubbed because they had to pay cash for fireworks, an ugly speeder, and plain red robes. Here we have a situation where the company has taken resources that have existed for over a year, completely unaltered, thrown them in our face for that year, and has now decided if we ever want said items we must pay more money... for something that has already been there and really should have been available in game from the beginning.
  5. I didn't know there was a whole set to match the invisible chest piece, that makes me happy and gives me something to look out for because I really want invisible gloves to match the invisible chest piece. That being said, yeah the dancer and slave girl outfits are your only option for sandals, which makes me sad because I have a male consular who could really use some sandals in his look. While you're looking into the dancer and slave girl outfits, check out their gloves too and see if they fit your look more. I love the slave girl gloves. Slave Girl gloves make it onto almost all my female characters.
  6. Fight can be rough if you're ill prepared. Great advice from everyone else, just wanted to let OP know you're definitely not alone in struggling through that fight. I've helped out many a Knight with that mission. Which leads to a confirmation of the previous suggestion, if all else fails ask for help in general chat. Usually at least someone around willing to help out.
  7. Personally speaking, I'll rush up Balance for Telekinetic Balance and Force in Balance to make questing much easier. Force management shouldn't be too much of an issue that early in the game. Once I get those two, then I'll drop some points into Inner Strength and Mental Longevity. Beyond that you should start working towards either an efficient pve leveling build. Start figuring out rotations you jive well with and what playstyle you want to utilize come end game. Respecs are free for subs, and probably fairly cheap for f2p/preferred so there's no sense in trying to level while building for end game.
  8. Not only level 40, but the "breadcrumb" mission giver doesn't appear until you finish Chapter 1 and get sent to the Fleet for random no dialog mission turn in/reward. That being said, if you do out level missions, just do the story and move on to the next planet until things even out again. Or blow through a few heroics for the loot rewards if you want also. Either way, if you sub and do most/all content, you're gonna be over leveled but there's ways to have things catch back up. Also, I don't see too much problem with grey class missions... If I'm such a high level that they're grey, I probably don't care much about the experience from those story/heroic missions anyways.
  9. This is superb advice... at about Hoth point is the same time you can easily tolerate replaying Taris and Tatooine. By the time you're halfway through with Taris, Hoth becomes a blessing again. On the note of Tatooine and Hoth, I think the biggest difference in pacing is the number of zones and amount traveled in each one. Tat is big and sand colored, true... but your questing starts as soon as you land in a city and the spacing/pacing is pretty solid until you get to the Dune Sea, the last actual "zone" you have to play through. With Hoth, there's just too much long distance traveling between missions, and just when it feels like it *should* be done, there's another frakkin zone you have to head to. Belsavis suffers from this really bad, but the close spacing of missions and the variance in enemies and scenery make it much more tolerable until the end. 2/3 of the way through Belsavis things will start to feel real "grindy" again as you find yourself thinking "FFS, more <spoiler> enemies in another ancient <spoiler>, just let me off this rock already!"
  10. Also, almost all weapons vendors (not the commendations, just the regular old weapons vendors) sell green modables. Don't let the color fool ya, a modable is a modable whether it be green orange or purple, what matters is the quality of the mods put in it.
  11. What top is that in the PvE tank gear image? I'm always in the market for hood down robes for my sage, it's such a shame to hide his mohawk and cyberpunk miraluka eye cover.
  12. This game has tons of fat twi'leks... I think almost every male twi'lek I've encountered has been a fatty. That being said, my personal suggestion into the hat would be... Female Chiss Shadow - I rather like the idea of petite little things standing toe to toe with some of the worst the galaxy has to offer. And female Chiss are pretty groovy, my female IA is Chiss. Male <whatever else> Sage - The male consular voice seems much more suited to the calm/zen "sage" stereotype.
  13. Holy crap this thread has been necro'd so much it makes zombies look lively.
  14. That "Jedi chick" blocks malgus' saber with the force, something that "Jedi chick" is incredibly potent at given that, that "Jedi chick" is Satele Shan, descendant of Bastila Shan and Revan. Not a feat easily accomplished by even master jedi, let alone jedi, padawan, force sensitive, and non force users alike. That being said, I'm all for a Teras Kasai or Echani Warrior class.
  15. Semi on/off topic, does anyone have a solid 1.6 build for this playstyle? I'm entirely new to the melee classes, but plan on having a jedi guardian and sith marauder, both dps and this sounds like an ideal setup for clearing story content quickly and easily.
  16. ^ This. OP keeps comparing the MMO experience with the SP RPG experience of Dragon Age and Mass Effect. While similar in story telling methods, the gameplay is entirely different. MMOs traditionally make their money from subscriptions, and thus rely on expansive content to keep players playing longer than 3-6 days. If that's all you're looking for, I'd highly suggest cancelling your sub and going back to single player roleplaying games. As for the leveling concerns, level 41 while on or at the end of Hoth is pretty much "on level". If you're done with Hoth, you really don't have much left to go for your story, and there's absolutely no requirement you be 50 when you finish. I've known many players who finish up in their early to mid 40s by skipping side mission content and getting help from guildies to beat particularly tough bosses. Level 50 just opens up the "end game" content of raiding and serious pvp.
  17. Like many others, I mix it up based heavily on voice actor and then role. Also outfits. My female toons get treated exactly the same as my male toons. Male Consular Female Knight Male Trooper Female Smuggler Male Warrior Female Imp Agent Male Bounty Hunter Female Inquisitor Wow, that's actually perfectly even.
  18. I'm not the typical internet a-hole, but my personal opinion on the matter is... If I'm not specifically advertising/joining a social run group, I tend to expect at least one member of the group to refuse to spacebar. And that's cool if they want to enjoy the story. What really irks me is people who join a social run group and refuse to spacebar, they just wanted in the group. Esseles and Black Talon are sooooo long and boring when you're forced to look at Waiting on Other Players every 2 minutes.
  19. Here's some pretty bare minimums (i'm a broke gamer) Core2Duo 2.83ghz 2 gigs DDR2 GForce 9800 GT Windows 7 I can play, but most settings have to stay on the lowest possible option, and fleets can get laggy in the more congested areas. Moral of the story is, OP specs should be sufficient to play, but i couldn't guarantee how high quality.
  20. By that logic this game needs only two classes, Sith and Jedi, with advanced class options of dps/tank/heal. Classes != Roles. There's absolutely nothing wrong with new classes giving more gameplay mechanic options and new unique stories to fill the trinity roles. As long as said classes were well thought out and designed properly. Granted, this isn't something EAware will be able to do, they had/have a hard enough time with the 8 we have. As for what would be interesting to see, maybe a non jedi/sith melee class like the Echani (yes, i know, technically a species but could run with just about anyone trained in echani combat, ala KotOR). I guess another option would be a "thug", a little too neutral to assign a faction though. Concept would be a low ranking gang member/initiate, working their way up to the head of the gang or even forming their own gang/syndicate. Would cover a ranged dps and possibly tank role, similar to the warrior/knight as far as advanced class options. An unaffiliated imperial sided ranged class that can tank/dps or dps/dps could offer a unique story experience without stepping on the toes of the agent/bounty hunter/smuggler/trooper too much if the ability trees were designed well.
  21. If people can't afford these things, they shouldn't buy them. As for high prices on legacy unlocks and cartel items on GTN, I'm all for it. This game was sorely lacking anything resembling a credit sink, now it has many.
  22. At the moment, you can buy player mades, put them in a piece of equipment, pull them back out and it resets the mod removing the player made tag, and allowing you to RE them for schematics.
  23. And, since you are a Jedi Consular, I will take the time to point out that Qyzen will benefit equally from Aim and Strength equipment. He's sort of an odd man out, he used to be ranged tank, but they switched him to melee tank and didn't bother changing every aspect of him.
  24. Also, almost every planet has an equipment commendations vendor and or a weapons vendor, which usually carry a good selection of moddable weapons, lightsabers included.
  25. Space missions are good for... Making quick creds. Gaining XP in your down time. Something to do while companions are off on missions. An entertaining break from the standard mmo playstyle if you enjoy the space combat.
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