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Everything posted by Nythain

  1. My advice would be pick up: Slicing Scavenging Underworld Trading Send companions mostly on UT missions, while slicing boxes in the world for credits and scavenging anything you can and selling those (along with your UT rewards) on the GTN. Feel free to substitute Scavenging with Bioanalysis if those mats sell higher on your server. There's almost always a demand for all grades of scavenging and bio mats on the GTN. Sending your companions off on Slicing missions at later grades also helps, but usually for the sliced tech parts and not the lockbox missions as the credits you get will often times be roughly the mission cost or sometimes even less. Slicing really shines as a money maker just opening all the open world nodes.
  2. My experiences so far... Sith Inquisitor = Above average story. Opens very "meh" but really starts to shine with some fun plot twists and overall plot changes through the chapters. Bounty Hunter = Boring as hell story. Always felt too impersonal, like it had no point in the grand scheme of things. Trooper = Good story. Opens similar to BH, but really starts to shine after Chapter 1, where your actions feel like they have more impact in the universe. Smuggler = Average story. Opened strong, but fading fast (my current playthrough so I'm not fully versed in it yet). Jedi Consular = Average story. Sort of stays just engaging enough. Unfortunately, you're gonna be hard pressed to find a story as awesome as the Agent. My personal suggestion would be follow it up with the Warrior or Knight. I have little experience with Warrior and Knight beyond the capital planets, but I hear decent enough things about both throughout their entire stories.
  3. It's a pretty simple answer really. Because in an attempt to save the game, it moved to a hybrid subscriber/free to play model. And an integral part of increasing revenue when utilizing a free to play model is offering aesthetic products (vanity items) in a shop available via micro transactions. They currently give the entire game away for free, with some non-fundamental restrictions. It makes me cry every time I hear/read someone on these forums demand with an insistence that they are entitled in-game content, as if they are the head of EAware/TOR Development and their word is law. I understand many people (myself included) are subscribers. But even this doesn't entitle us to vanity items intended to bring in enough revenue to keep the game we all enjoy operating. What it does entitle us to is the free to play restrictions being lifted. As far as I'm concerned, we're not even entitled to the bonus CC we get. That's just a bonus, and a rather nice one that allows even us subscribers the ability to save up and purchase vanity items without having to shell out extra money beyond our subscription fee. And, as long as the Cartel Shop doesn't start offering game changing/enhancing items not also available in-game, I personally have no problem with it's existence. I enjoy TOR and would like to continue enjoying it, so until EAware really screws me over, I will continue to support their financial choices. Now flame away with more self entitled rationalizations about how I'm an idiot for supporting anything the evil EAware does.
  4. Just to confirm really, this is about the only way you're gonna profit with synthweaving. You could try throwing low level blue and purple items on the GTN since a lot of players with high level characters will buy lower level stuff up to gear alts, but Synthweaving doesn't really have the best end game demand short of augment kits and augments themselves.
  5. As long as said double bladed saber is customizable then yes. Like I said before, the hilt modifications that artifice make are used in any saber style. They won't change the appearance of the saber at all, they're just there to upgrade the damage and add stats to customizable sabers. You will know if your saber is moddable because it will have "slots" listed, with various mods in them or say Open. Saber slots include: Crystal - Changes color and add a stat Hilt - Changes damage and adds primary stats Modification - Adds primary and secondary stats Enhancement - Adds secondary stats
  6. A few... Esseles Scoundrel's Jacket http://www.torhead.com/item/emPwRi/esseles-scoundrels-jacket Gunslinger's Prototype Jacket (The one I have that I mentioned before) http://www.torhead.com/item/3Vsglcg/gunslingers-prototype-jacket Deadeye's Prototype Jacket http://www.torhead.com/item/aa8LGnN/deadeyes-prototype-jacket Gunslinger's Jacket (Armormech Craftable!) http://www.torhead.com/item/3vu0YAF/gunslingers-jacket
  7. Demand Demand Demand... Jedi have been waiting eternity for more hood down options, and waiting eternity to look like the Jedi in the artwork. As for buying the equipment instead of packs, I think a lot of people do. I've noticed the entire set sold in separate pieces a billion times over (we're talking 10 pages each piece) on the GTN lately. As for buying packs instead of the equipment itself, some people want something else and just happen on a piece of equipment they don't want. Most pack buyers are shooting for something for themselves and selling what they don't want.
  8. Meh, bored so repetitive two cents from me... Ninja Need'ers - I try to set some agreed ground rules at the start of the mission/flashpoint via group chat. If someone ninja needs after that, then votekick and ignore. People who steal mission objectives - This only really annoys me when that objective is a mob. I was runnin Down the Hole the other day grouped with some random other person. After fighting all the way to the boss, twice (the other player died once and was f2p so had to res at med center so I went back to heroic entrance to help them get back) our experience went like this. Boss spawn, start fighting boss... elite and 2 strongs respawn beside us mid fight, we die. Fight back to boss, start clearing pack of mobs to get to boss only to have another group rush the boss while we were clearing the elite and strongs. Wait patiently for boss to respawn, only to have the same thing happen again. At this point we could have just tagged the boss, but given our first wipe, tagging the boss while trying to kill the pack of mobs probably would have resulted in another wipe. Start to wait patiently for boss to respawn, only to have another group show up... at which point i rage quit. On the topic of helping people kill mobs I ignore almost everyone fighting. I stick around to help people kill mission objectives. The faster we all get our kills in, the faster we can all get on with our questing. I have absolutely no issues with people helping me kill something, as long as they don't ninja tag something I had worked hard to get to, or patiently waited for my turn to kill.
  9. As interesting as a heavy buff/debuff class would be, I doubt it's something they'd consider even if they caved and created a new class. The development team has gone to pretty good lengths to avoid that type of character. From giving each class a unique class buff (avoiding the concept in an attempt to created a higher demand for grouping), to limiting the amounts and types of buff/debuff each class can do through skills/abilities. I'm pretty sure, in their mind having a class that could off heal, buff, and debuff would severely dampen the need to group for these benefits. Granted, any of this would only logically apply to leveling content, since even with potent buffs, debuffs, and mild off heals it would be nigh impossible to solo end game content with just a tank/dps companion. The other problem a class like this would introduce is balancing. Everything from frequency of each class being played (why role anything else?), to pvp balance, all the pve balance, and the end game operations balance. The whole game would need a severe rebalance to compensate for an abundance of potent buff/debuff ability (mostly because of my previous point, the game wasn't originally designed for such ability). And if there's one thing we've learned, it's that EAware fails at balance as is.
  10. Mail That's what mods are for. It's damage is determined by the level and quality of the barrel in it. Want it to do more damage, put a better barrel in it. That bonus is really only useful for efficiency and critical chance. In the case of making barrels with armstech, she'll make them faster and or have a better chance of making two of them instead of one, something that's not that important for personal use crafting. So you could honestly use your ship droid for crafting barrels with armstech until end game, where you'll really want crits on top end artifact stuff (mostly so you can sell the other one, or whatever). Also, considered having her craft while you're in a flashpoint or warzone or space mission etc?
  11. In all reality, new classes don't have to bring a damn thing to the table. They don't have to be innovative or crazy new as far as gameplay goes. If that was the case, all the game would need is Sith Warrior, Sith Inquisitor, Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular... because those 2(4) classes already offer melee, range, dps, tank, and heal. What a new class does need to bring to the table, is a way to achieve their role through story and gameplay without feeling rushed, ill thought out, forced, incorrect, or just lame. Another class with a blaster is still a good class if it offers unique attacks and animations, a creative story that keeps the player engaged, and well designed roles/ability trees. That being said, new classes will never happen so I don't know why people keep bringing them up. The game is barely staying afloat as is, the funding it would take to bring [back] in two voice actors, contract [new] writers, increase development programming and quality assurance staff to a capable point of seeing the classes through from design to launch, and much much more, is just too much. At least with new races all they have to do is create some textures and call it a day, and we still haven't seen any of those yet.
  12. I'd say you're an idiot for 2 reasons... 1. You're in a guild where you don't feel safe enough accepting items from guild mates. That's just bad mojo. 2. You said no to a free item. Even if you got garbage, you gave what? I'll tell you what... You gave nossing Lebowski!
  13. This game actually runs worse for me now, on better hardware, than it did a year ago on worse hardware... Then: Core2Duo 2.3ghz 2GB DDR2 Nvidia 8400GS Now: Core2Duo 2.8ghz 6GB DDR2 Nvidia 9800GT Sure, even my "better" hardware is fairly antiquated, but the fact that it runs WORSE on BETTER hardware after they've had a year to tweak optimization = epic fail in the optimization department. Also still leaks memory like the Titanic.
  14. I can't beat this logic. Again all I have to say is, Give Us Loincloths! Actually, I'd probably make a male that could rock it. My male consular currently rocks the covert energy top, revans bottom, and i think some wonky combination of formal fill in the rest of the spots. This is the point I'm going to mention/propose allowing males to wear social slave gear. I want sandals and those awesome "gloves" on my consular damnit!
  15. They weren't really lying, they were assuming that aside from the generic hilt modification, the OP was inquiring about what styles of double bladed sabers (which in this game really boils down to the design of the hilt, the various custom sabers have different hilt models, some awesome some ugly some bland some super spikey evil looking, etc). And the answer to that question was fairly accurate. If OP is talking specifically about Hilt modifications then I will clarify some things. First off, hilt modifications made with Artifice are good in any saber, and not saber style specific. Second off, you can easily know what types of hilts will be available to craft at level 10 by taking the skill, going to your trainer, and learning what you can. But to answer the question if applied to hilt modifications, Might (high str low end) and Resolve (high will low end). You don't really get into the more specific hilt mods until later levels when the different roles become more apparent. Another clarification to the OP, nothing you craft will rely on your level to craft. The stuff you craft will have level restrictions to use, but a Level 10 character can get a crafting profession up to 400 without ever leaving fleet and be able to make anything their profession can. So stating "At level 10" is sort of moot aside from getting across that you presumably also mean "With artifice 1" For further information visit http://www.torhead.com/schematics/catg/3/sort/-difficulty,reqprofessionlevel
  16. I use them so much I have 6 characters. I couldn't live without my Armormech gearing up my alts and companions, or my Synthweaver gearing up my force users and companions, or my Cybertech allowing me to rock awesome outfits and make me the monies, or my Artifice to compliment my Cybertech, and especially not my Slicer who just runs around making all my toons free money! I could live without my Armstech, the crafted gear is pretty lame and the barrels are only so useful considering barrels are easily enough obtained with planet/daily commendations. For leveling and PvE content, the blue and purple schematics you can learn from Armormech and Synthweaving will blow any equal level quest reward or random drop out of the water. Add to it the fact that you have diverse options of gearing, with gear tailored to dps heals and tanks, and that with extensive reverse engineering for appropriate prefixes you can most definitely rock more role appropriate armor than anything you will more than likely find or be rewarded before end game. I don't even RE to purple, just hit Crit/Overkill/Redoubt blues and keep current which is honestly more than easy enough to do... and I get to take the commendations rewards for almost every mission, allowing me to fill out my weapons and various bits and pieces of custom armor with Commendations Modifications from each planet with less heroic grinding. I am an odd man out in the sense that none of my characters are Biochem, but honestly none of my characters burn through medpacks/stims too frequently, and the real beneficial products require Biochem to use so it's sort of a waste beyond the character that has it. Biochem is a great investment for almost any player, probably one of the best options available aside from Cybertech... it's just not my cup of tea. tl;dr I use a lot of crew skills!
  17. Find examples of loincloth wearing barbarians in Star Wars and I'll agree with you till the cows come home. Don't though, and I'll fight the option tooth and nail. It's not about equality, it's about a universe that's been created. Ok, about the only way they could pull this off is with some mandalorian gladatorial type outfits, which are an occurance in the star wars universe... sooooo... I shall join the crusade for male loincloths! Actually there's a whole thread about this, with tons of photoshopped images, some of which wouldn't look that bad.
  18. Honestly, it's not that anyone has requested anything as revealing as the slave and dancer outfits. We'd just like to see more light armor options that are bit more revealing and or "sexy". I'd personally love to see more stuff that used the Temple Watchman's Vest model. It looks sexy even on male toons. Especially something with that model that was moddable. As far as I know, light armor users have nothing available in game that has that look, and it's pretty darned light if you ask me.
  19. Wow, seriously. Sentinal/Marauder = BOSS DAMAGE. And they're a fast paced class to play, always needing to be aware of whats going on, who is where, what has procc'd, etc. You should seriously give them a second chance to 30+ at least. Before 30, most classes play pretty similarly, one or two spam attacks, one or two more damaging cooldown attacks, an escape and an interrupt. Also before 30 the primary role of almost any class is "kill the mobs before they kill you" so even tanks/healers end up dps'ing through the earlier levels of their careers (usually). So, to reiterate: Primary Suggestion - Assassin/Shadow Secondary Suggestion - Marauder/Sentinel Bronze Place Suggestion - Sniper/Gunslinger Above suggestions taken from myself and what others have already posted. Based on what information we have from you concerning your playstyle preference and current class issues/problems.
  20. Clearly you didn't read much of this thread, since this argument has been countered with numerous examples and images illustrating otherwise.
  21. That's a bit misleading and generalizing since all three of those advance classes, and their counterparts naturally, have very viable and efficient mobile trees and builds. In fact, I can build a rather popular and powerful Sage/Sorcerer who only has to stand in place to use one ability, while insta-casting every other ability on the move, without sacrificing any damage potential. And the most popular/damaging Gunslinger build is Sabo/DF hybrid which is incredibly mobile. The Merc/Commando has it a bit rougher, especially for pve leveling as it's hard to beat Assault and whatever the Merc equivalent tree is. But it's also possible to build a very mobile and fast paced version of them too. I will agree that the Knight/Warrior classes are definitely anything but slow paced and boring though. The Sith Warrior has a great story IMO and both advance classes of it will require much attention and situational responsiveness beyond just pushing 12231223 etc.
  22. You've pretty much just ruled out every possible class and playstyle. You basically want something that dishes out damage, but not overly complex (not liking the juggernaut/guardian and marauder/sentinel), yet not too boring (ruled out with the mercenary/commando), and not very squishy (ruling out sorcerer/sage and most if not all imperial agent/smuggler advance classes). All I can really suggest would be, if you like the story try a Powertech instead of a Mercenary, the playstyle is a bit different. Another option would be looking into an Assassin/Shadow. They are the light armor tank advance class of the Inquisitor/Consular. I have little experience with them myself but they seem pretty boss and might be just what the doctor prescribed for you. Also you should consider getting to ~30 or so before you really decide on a character unless the story is just so abysmal you can't take it anymore. Most classes don't really start to come into their own until the 30s and 40s.
  23. Holy crap why didn't I think of this... My guildies are gonna hate me
  24. Gotta be a bug. Crafting can't fail in a no result fashion, thankfully.
  25. Can't remember the name atm, but I know I got an orange mission reward chest piece that looks almost exactly like that, same design but slightly different coloration I believe. When I get back into the game I'll be sure to note it and let you know what it is, but I wont be able to tell you which mission gave it to me. EDIT: Just realized this thread is concerning armormech and crafting so a mission reward probably isn't the answer you were hoping for. I haven't gathered all the moddable schematics for my Armormech yet, so I can't help you there.
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