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Everything posted by Pulpp

  1. It IS an exploit. The stuck command is not there to plop you back into battle, it's there for when you get STUCK. Only a moron would not call it an exploit of the /stuck command. But I think your real question is: "Will BW punish anyone for using it?" Probably not. If the credit exploit went unpunished, this sure as hell won't be as it doesn't have any lasting effect nor is it used to harrass other players directly. Besides, so many people have abused it by this point. Jump on the /stuck bandwagon until they fix it.
  2. What do you want them to say as marketing PR? "Hey our pvp sucks!" Ya that will sell more copies and subs, lol. Besides, you never know...the next WZ may be totally different, fun and reinvent pvp as we know it...probably not, but be positive
  3. Pulpp

    ok so we're all op

    Sorc/sage trying to desperately dodge nerfs....lol
  4. Sorc/sage trying to desperately dodge nerfs....lol
  5. Sorc/sage trying to desperately dodge nerfs....lol
  6. I am not a tracer merc and I'm telling you, if you think they are OP, you are bad.
  7. I am consistently amazed with how few people can read, even though the quoted text is RIGHT THERE! But then maybe I shouldn't be amazed. I am jaded enough to accept at least 50% of my fellow gamers eat paint chips. Go back, reread what you quoted and don't be afraid to ask an adult for help.
  8. Why would you tell me that? Pretty sure that's obvious to everyone as we all know when to move when the other faction AoE symbol is down. Well, maybe not all, but most.
  9. I had my pass icon right next to my stealth scan icon. I should note for those that don't use it, the targetting graphic is basically the same for both. I go to throw a clutch pass for a goal...and nothing happens. Even though the probes are going off around my team mate, it didn't click it why I wasn't passing until I died... Ya I redid my hotbar right after
  10. If that's what you want, I genuinely don't think you will ever find that here. For a couple of reasons really, but mainly because the engine doesn't support a large enough pop and combat scales incredibly poorly with larger numbers (and to a lesser degree there is no death penalty whatsoever). As for me, I quit/uninstalled before my sub expired. I'm not ragey like a lot of other odd people -- I got what I wanted (single player trooper story) and never really expected an end game.
  11. As much as I like Eve and it's concepts...it's just too hardcore for me, with no checks and balances (multiaccounting, simple seniority, etc) on end game. That's a game that makes it VERY hard to get into as a fresh player.
  12. I tried logging on. 3 of us reps (ungrouped) happened into each other at southern and 4 imps jumped us. We were beating them despite the odds (I am a CM), but they /stuck right back into battle. Lame end to rare almost fair fight. I genuinely don't like this game. I can admit that now. Hope it gets better some day but I am out, pre- my sub ending.
  13. Maybe you should try reading what you quoted again. Slowly. Ask an adult to help if needed. Nothing you wrote merits a response. I compared launch WoW with launch SWTOR, which I think is generous given that it is no longer 2004
  14. In part because LotRO was a WoW-clone - companies don't get offering a rehash of crap they played for years isn't the path to success. Lore can only pull in so many fanboys. The other part was the success of DDO as f2p. LotRO probably didnt need to go f2p, but since DDO showed Turbine it could ramp up profits, they gave it that model. I'm not sure I totally like f2p, because it seems to encourage Turbine to develop based on Store sales and not actual fun. I actually think it's funny Turbine has one of the better "instanced pvp" systems (lotro monster play) and combat/creation systems (DDO's active combat and char. gen) and yet they put practically zero effort into developing pvp for either game. /shrug
  15. You are wrong and/or lying. Pick one. I was on Frostwolf (merge later into Frostmane because the server was made of popsicle sticks) and WoW had three issues out of the gate: Queues, server stability and certain area stability (ie: Arathi Highlands). For the record, I was originally Horde (Guild: Militia), then Alli (Guild: Vicious Cycle).
  16. I didn't read this, but I guess it makes sense -- damage in this game is way too high (but then so is force/ammo/heat/etc regen). So in large battles, there really is zero strategy -- focus fire, kill in seconds, repeat. Still, at the 8v8 level, this will have serious impact unless resource/regen is looked at and balanced. If it isn't, good healers will simply force stalemates.
  17. I actually think it's the demographic that's changed -- if you want to keep ALL your players relatively happy, you can't have gameplay that "punishes" a loss in pvp. That means no more risk, which really dulls the edge. Even Origin caved pretty quick to the whiners. When you have risk+reward in pvp (provided the gameplay mechanics are fun), the content just builds itself from the player base (tourneys, PKs/Anti-PKs, raids on areas, towns, militias, etc). UO and SWG got this bang on, which is why they are generally remember favorably, but they also appealed to a comparatively smaller market. So now every new MMO seems to cater to this pansy crowd, with on-rails content, clear dividers, grind mechanics and absolutely no risk in order to get a piece of the WoW pie. I don't know if we will ever get a quality pvp (player vs player - in any manner they choose to interact) MMO again. I hope so, but I am not holding my breath.
  18. 1, Very imbalanced classes It's actually fairly balanced -- it just tends to scale very poorly in #'s above or below 8 people (it seems classes were balanced at this number only). 2, no world pvp at all, i encountered 2 republic players while i was lvling up to 50 Definitely an issue. They tried too hard to keep the faction quest hubs too seperate, with few exceptions. 3, item design feels so bad and it is also If you mean the have a great deal of awesome gear, but then force you into wearing end game pcs you can't mod swap (so everyone looks the same), then I agree. 4, the animations and gameplay feels stale and shabby Animations are pretty poor actually. 5, The game engine cant handle this game, without ppl dropping in fps Another fair point I don't see an easy solution for. 6, the warzones ARE TERRIBAD Well they are relatively simple. For what they are, they are fine. Huttball is actually fairly cool, but I don't enjoy it anymore. 7, TOO MUCH tracer missiles It's a simple tree. /shrug. 8, TOO MUCH KNOCKBACKS I don't mind the knockbacks (or snares/charges) but the stuns/roots are overkill and the resolve bar is poorly thought out. 9, OP HEALERS Healers aren't really OP, it's just the numbers skew in the 8 man format to slightly higher performance than is good for gameplay. It's probably the only teak that needs to be adjusted (and it's mainly resource cost/regen that needs to be tweaked). 10, LOOT IS BASED ON RNG VERY FRUSTRATING Loot is easy to get period (too easy) but I get some people always feel like the get boned by RNG. 11, BM dosnt mean anything anymore, anyone can be it See reply 10. People want it both ways, which is a little silly. Either way, BM isn't a grind in the real sense. BW left it too accessible to the average gamer.
  19. Strawman. It has barely any end game and what's there isn't fun. People don't expect the world on release -- but if even the basics aren't there, it's a problem. Even WoW had PLENTY of fun pvp at release (because the combat was engaging, pop was higher, engine could handle it, hubs were located properly) without reward/BGs. Still, that said, I don't KNOW why people are complaining. This game is 6 months to a year away from having a proper pvp system. If you aren't having fun now, quit, unless you really want to be miserable for the forseeable future
  20. I don't really know what this thread is for -- most that quit will do so without checking the forums. When you are done, you are done. Personally, I think it's clear the game lost alot in the first month and likely more through the second month -- but I base that on my server pop at peak. I actually know the whole republic late night crew by name, as there are only ~12 of us (luckily, great players - so pretty much autowin if I can stay up )
  21. true pvper? Heh, whatever you want to label yourself. Anyway, good that you enjoy the limited pvp content in this game. I honestly don't see how or why, but different strokes and all that
  22. They could have done anything "different". Added massive NPC vehicles we could fight/drop from or an hourly speeder (with pvp cheatin) tourney or whatever else that seems kinda starwars-y. Instead we have an empty, open map that has no point other than to collect a few kills for the daily/weekly. Never has the hamsterwheel been so transperant and lazy as Illum. In a 2012 MMO, that's pretty sad.
  23. Wow..that OP was way too long to read. To answer the subject though - yes. They had 2 months tops to pull em in. Fission Mailed.
  24. Pulpp

    Loving Swtor PvP

    WoW had raids on others strongholds and epic open world pvp. Tourneys were set up at random locations. Where is that going on in SWTOR? Seriously, let me know. It isn't. Because the pops are too low, the quest hubs too spread out and it's genuinely not very fun.
  25. First...LOL @ the few people that like Illum as-is and the self described legends. On topic, Moors is terrible because Turbine has consistently failed to give it any noteworthy attention for YEARS. But that said, Moors is 100x better than Illum because at least there is actual content and purpose behind LotRO's "pvp". Because of the way SWTOR is made (pve heavy) and the way Illum is set up, I think the Moors approach is the ONLY way it can really work, sadly. With the inherant faction imbalances, the NPC spawns can be scaled based on current Illum pops. The big question is whether the TOR engine can actually handle AI/NPCs added to the empty Illum landscape...my guess is it will choke everyones PC and that's why they haven't done it yet. And lets not forget one thing...LotRO is FREE and old. It shouldn't be better.
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