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Everything posted by Urgas

  1. I want to thank the Devs for the new boss mechanics as they actually felt like proper bosses. The trash pulls are kind of on the nasty side, but the boss mechanics were thoughtful. Thank you.
  2. It benefits me more to have my Quinn get that Chest token that the random sniper in the group. It enables me to do all the things faster. As such, i NEED it, I can wear it now, it is even for main spec.
  3. Kill the thing keeping you from the objective faster...and/or wait until it repops in 3 seconds. This isn't a 30 min spawn timer.
  4. Wait till someone finds an "All black everything" saber. This guy is gonna have a good day.
  5. ...and to encourage other people to rally against the whineyness of this post and also roll need for compaions, in doing so, teaching a lesson to whiners everywhere.
  6. Lol a level 28 is commenting on the state of a class to which he has barely has had his primary skills.
  7. This was my hardest fight in the entire story line. (No consumables other than maybe a medpack on any of them).
  8. If I can click the button it isn't ninjaing. Need is Need, RNG is RNG, Tears are Tears.
  9. Not all plantes have a day/night cycle. Drommand Kaas for example is only lit by the lightning in the atmosphere. Tatooine has like 80 suns, and obviously the day/night cycle would change/not exisit at all depending on your placement on the planet. Making "realistic" or correct day night cycles are way down on my want list. If they put this in before like Target of Target or bug fixes....rage would ensue.
  10. I have never needed on gear for my companion before, but after reading a handful of peoples posts here against rolling need for something my companion needs, I will each time. Thank you for opening my eyes to me passing on loot that I rightfully deserve. This is not sarcastic I am doing it.
  11. TL;DR You are wong. You wasted an hour of your life writing that.
  12. PVE games do PVE first, then PVP. As PVP is a distraction. WoW had this battle too, they tried to embrace both and borked everything.
  13. Force push or choke them when they are in cover. Then have your way with them. That has been my go to.
  14. Like anything else, the game is not balanced around your level 22 Jugg in greens. The game is balanced at 50. Therefore any whining, crying, cutting, threats, or complaints are just a waste of time until you get to 50. I start reading a thread about a complaint and then 4 posts down the OP says he is level 22 with outdated gear or some crap, then I just want the 5-10 seconds of my life back. Thank you for understanding that you are wasting your time and ours by these silly posts. (I also appologize if I wasted you time with this post. I wish I didn't have to write it.)
  15. In order to help with threat you want to save enough points in the Invincible tree to get to the Accuracy talents in Vengance. Get rid of Throw Guantlet and the stun break thing. Maybe this has changed, but the 5% chance to miss after a smash is superior to the extra points for the free force scream.
  16. Same here. Also, this is the only acceptable race. Pureblood.
  17. Would you rather the Sith invade Carebear Cloud and have the Jedi's come to rescue their idols? They are bad for everything, we kill them, take their purplez. You act like I cared about killing Voodoo Trolls, no, but they had purples.
  18. No, steady income for steady support and content. If 15$ a month is too much for you to spend on a hobby you need to not be spending a ton of time playing a game.
  19. At first I wasn't sure I could deal with running, but with being able to drive over things without being dismounted this is fine. I can't think of very many "small" vehicles in the universe that could actually fly anyway. Lukes speeder floated, Darth Maul's speeder floated along. I don't think we need people flying around in T-16 Skytoppers torpedoing Wamp Rats. Plus it makes all teh Datacorns a joke, and cities like Narshadaa are not designed for it at all.
  20. The people at Bioware browse Reddit too. /thread
  21. If you find it so appauling, then don't use yours, walk around everywhere, and hope it catches on. If people can't show off their mounts on the Space Station it is worse than your immersion.
  22. That is completely fine, you tell me how bad your DPS is, I will call you bad, you call me a toolbag and we go our seperate ways. I will find people I want to play with and you can go play with the non-toolbags. See win win.
  23. Flasks were fairly rediculous in WoW too, especially when they took a rare spawn item to create (The Great Frost Lotus Shortage anyone?). But, in the end people will want them for progression, so what do you do when things take a lot of hard to find mats? raise the price. I have seen the prices skyrocket for these and they still sell. Remember a person will only buy 1 epic earpiece (maybe 2 for offspec), but they will buy 1 stem for every hour they raid.
  24. First of all what class are you playing, are you using the more effective compaion for your situation? There are difficulty jumps in the game, but if you are in all blue mods, orange gear with implants and ears in you and your companions, then it shouldn't be a big deal. I would suggest double checking your compaion choice, and making sure you are pressing your buttons right. If you got by facerolling in early levels you should prob figure out the actual mechanics of your class and/or faceroll the buttons harder (I reccomend learning the class mechanics, keyboards break.) I hate to default to you pressing the wrong buttons, but if all else is the same, you are the weak link.
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