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Everything posted by AaronPenick

  1. srsly suprised at the amount of civil people here lol. Generally I never get buyers remorse on characters. Probably because I am a altaholic so I will just think "man next one i create will have THIS instead" lol
  2. Ironically I am rolling a alt on the Pub side tonight when i get off work
  3. yes please. Just copy and paste with vendors selling social armor top heavy, social armor top medium, etc. Not sure why this wasn't done to being with?
  4. the over time sink of traveling in this game actually has me tempted to speedhack >.<
  5. I agree with most of the stuff you reviewed. However companions are a GREAT addition imo. At this point I will continue to sub for another month or two cause I want to see the legacy system. If im not wowed by the end of march I will be moving on.
  6. I was amused until this. Then I LMFAO!
  7. http://knowyourmeme.com/photos/190171-what-the-fck-am-i-reading
  8. this sums it up http://knowyourmeme.com/photos/190171-what-the-fck-am-i-reading
  9. no issues here with that. I had a pretty epic full raid vs raid+ in illiium the other day to (course it lagged a little) but no CTD and have yet to CTD
  10. I am going to be honest if I was on a PVE server I would run to do this right the heck now just for the laughs lol (and yes if it was being done to me I would laugh too and go faf off waiting for them to get bored)
  11. /signed would love to see faster speeders with how much time sinks this game has for traveling v.v
  12. Its really only changing your monitor so as long as you can run max specs normally hooking it up to your tv is only going to be limited by max resolution on your tv. Mine runs just fine on my 55 inch led tv. Also I have no problem reading txt on my tv. Maybe my tv is smart enough to scale or something? I have experianced this on other tvs like my 42 inch when i played rift but not on my new tv. Samsung d5000 or some such
  13. My biggest concern is the stuff you unlock character customization/ race wise. If I make a alt now and level it more then likely the game wont allow me to change it around once legacy hits. Even though i REALLY want to level a alt healer to 50 the whole lack of information on the legacy system is making me hold off
  14. Sad thing is I notice alot of that stuff that isn't missing from a major MMO released last year. Rift at LAUNCH had more features then tor does. Really baffles me why they didnt include stuff. Really hope they get this game up to snuff before GW2 hits cause its looking like a game changer.
  15. Love the ability to look how I want to look without having to sacrifice stats so once they get it fixed and I can have end game loot in a moddable orange it will be one of the best equipment setups in any mmo ive played. That or they could just do a apperance tab which would be nice too. Hate being a clone of all people in the same end game gear
  16. /signed I understand using travel as a somewhat time sink but this game smacks you over the head with it.... repeatedly.....while laughing at you....
  17. This is my stance. Staying till March update to see how far they come and legacy system. After that I'll just move along if they still haven't wow'd me.....no pun intended
  18. Not everything in entertainment is mediocre. To combat Avatar I give you Inception. But I will agree that this game is a bit lack luster but who knows maybe they will get standard stuff in asap and turn it around. As to being dead, since its Star Wars and SOE couldnt even kill SWG as much as they seemed to try, im sure it will continue on for a few years to come.
  19. if blizz could tank worth a damn I would love him but as it is I have to keep using mako
  20. **some spoilers but dont think to bad***** I played trooper up to about 20 in beta and a BH to 48 in live. So far BH REALLY took off after act 1. During the great hunt i was very meh I really cant get into this but once I was framed by the republic and on the run me against the galaxy style it got interesting.
  21. I like the macro setup in Rift because I play for fun and like to relax, not contort my hand all over the place trying to hit keybinds. When i left about 3 months after release you couldnt have just one button due to restrictions so I think I had like 3-5 macro buttons and that was awesome.
  22. According to a interview with james ohen not till march update which ticks me off since it was marketed as being in game at launch v.v One of the key selling points on this game for me since I am a alt aholic
  23. Ok lets compare a new mmo like Rift to tor. 1. Rift had macros 2. Rift had guild love (man the guild missions and guild skill trees were pretty cool imo) 3. Rift had lfg tool at launch (may be misremembering this one so someone let me know) 4. Rift had pvp brackets AND you could queue for the one you wanted (God I loathe you huttball) Sorry but this game is missing alot of standard features that it shouldnt be. Also the fact that Legacy was marketed as a key selling point pre launch and isnt included at launch just ticks me off to no end. Yes I decided to sub for another month, maybe even two but unless they wow me, no pun intended, I will be moving on. On a side note I am impressed that they are implementing UI customization so quickly I just hope it comes sooner then the march patch
  24. This feature was marketed as being part of the game pre launch and imo ticks me off that we have to wait till March. I highly doubt the races/appearance options will be made available to alts already made. I would love to be proven wrong by devs here since I am a alt whore and not rolling alts because of this v.v
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