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Everything posted by AaronPenick

  1. Yeah totally had to steal that link, thanks for sharing.
  2. server specific only has been mentioned by the devs a few times
  3. /signed Dont understand why this needs to be done during that time frame
  4. Yeah my fiance watched me play for about 5 hours the other night lol She is also gonna attempt to roll a character on my account to see if she can play it (usually anything more complicated then mario cart is a no go lol)
  5. Agree with everything. Wish I could go back and just get the standard game v.v
  6. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa die in a fire
  7. Quote from dev tracker: for digital editions of the game from Origin.com, the registration code will have been emailed to you after December 16th and will arrive before December 19th at 11:59PM EST. After December 22nd 12:01AM EST, You should get your email between today and the 19th.......
  8. Bump because I forsee a lot of people asking this after the whole UP TO 5 days fiasco >.<
  9. Quote from dev tracker: for digital editions of the game from Origin.com, the registration code will have been emailed to you after December 16th and will arrive before December 19th at 11:59PM EST. After December 22nd 12:01AM EST, You should get your email between today and the 19th.......
  10. LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUNCH! There. will. be. queues. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
  11. Its launch there. will. be. queues. Especially if you are on one of the first servers. Protip Have someone at home log you in before hand. Personally I have my fiance log me in when I leave work so im usually in when I walk through the door. If your forever alone guy you can always use logmein . com and do it remotely some how.
  12. This is only funny if the OP isnt trolling. Would make me lmfao to see the face of someone who LEGITIMATELY thought they could keep beta characters log in and see blank spaces
  13. Yeah my fiance tried to use some normalish name when she created hers (slips my mind at the moment) and we were both like *** that isnt in any lore to be blacklisted?
  14. Thx for the replies guys. Never came across it during beta.
  15. Can anyone confirm this vendor is located in the VIP area? Which would mean if you bought just the authenticator you still have to pay 1mil to get to it?
  16. Last ditch effort before giving up and waiting on a answer from customer support.
  17. This forum is moving faster then a jawa being threatened by a hutt >.<
  18. I read over the Security Key FAQ and couldn't find a answer to this: If we want to use both physical and mobile security keys will it cause issues? I ordered a physical security key but would also like to have the mobile one to use too in case I dont feel like looking for my keys/physical security key (I almost always have my phone on me) For those wondering why I didn't just go with the mobile version, well, in game vendor access and pressing a button on the fob seemed easier. Just thinking ahead to that crap where is it/ to fricken lazy to look for it moment.
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