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Everything posted by GalnarDegana

  1. So far, there are two things you get for LL50: a title and 1-hr cooldown on the character perk Return to Personal Starship (which because it is a character perk means I have to spend 50k on each toon to even make use of it, but no big). LL40 gives nothing except a title. I think besides titles and the two unlocks for that teleport, there aren't really any benefits after LL25. This absolutely should be special and "unattainable to many players." This will be the argument from people with lower legacy levels every time something cool is added 25+. So if they add something lame, then you won't ask for the legacy level requirements to be lowered? Leave it at 40. Give them something to look forward to.
  2. Man, I don't even know at this stage. PvP is definitely not the way to do it (unfortunately). It just returns too little XP. Try dailies and do flashpoints. I used to do level 50 dailies and level characters and that is what got me to legacy level 50. I hit that on my 7th character to 50 when he was about level 38. So unfortunately, I don't know exactly how to do it right now at level 55, since Black Hole and Ilum are much lower than they used to be. Do Makeb dailies for sure, and you might do the GSI dailies on different planets as well.
  3. Getting in on this early! Look forward to reading the responses. What if they never come in to close the thread?
  4. My favorite villain is one that truly believes he is right. It is just that his morality is so twisted, he is doing terrible things for perfectly justifiable reasons in his own mind. He sees himself as the hero. TV: Andrew Scott's Moriarty in Sherlock. Absolutely hilarious and terrifying. Truly sadistic and crazy, and most importantly, brilliant. Movies: Khan in Star Trek. Both versions, in The Wrath of Khan and Into Darkness. In spoiler tags. just in case, Also, Ra's al Ghul in print and film for his worthy attempts at world balance and purification. Unfortunately that came with death for millions, but "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few." Oh wait...too many crossovers. Gaming: Revan, because he was an almost counterproductive Sith Lord, leaving the structure of a galaxy in place while simultaneously ruining it. A very complicated villain/hero, about whom I would read dozens of books.
  5. We need a single planet all to ourselves that is only there for PvPers. Even on PvE servers, you are flagged on this planet. Only PvP rewards, so no one feels they need to go there if they are PvEers.
  6. This is pretty representative of a large portion of the feelings against Corso. Most people either love him or hate him it seems. I personally love him because he is the classic Southern gentleman, and as I from Texas, he reminds me of many of my best friends. Those who love him recognize that he is chivalrous, loyal, and caring. He has a strong attachment to the Captain and the crew, since they are his family. He is epitomized by the phrase "I hope you don't mind if I come along and take a few hits for you." Those who hate him see him as a representation of a "backwards" ideal where the woman needs to be rescued because she "can't do it herself." In reality, he isn't "backwards" as much as he is respectful. Just like my Southern upbringing dictates, his code of honor means he puts his life on the line for anyone, but especially women and children, who typically aren't trained in combat. The female smuggler is obviously different, as are many kick-butt women in the universe, but he was born on a small, war-torn planet where even surviving is a challenge, so some need protecting more than others. Plus, as many Southern women in my life that I wouldn't dare cross often say, "a Southern girl is a girl who knows that she can open a door for herself but prefers for the gentleman to do it because it demonstrates a sense of respect." He probably has grown up with people with similar traditions. All that to say, chivalry isn't backwards, it is respect towards all, and especially towards loved ones or those held in high esteem, i.e. women. They also think he is pushy and jealous, forgetting that since he lost his family, he is afraid of getting hurt again in the same way. Basic psychology.
  7. Having played all of the classes, I can say with certainty that the agent is the only story I would play more than twice. How do I know this? I am starting my third, with two already at 51/55. The variations are really amazing. I think there are four ways chapter 1 can end. Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 10/10 for the Agent story, all the way through.
  8. Have you considered adding Objective points, including Highest Defender and Attacker points?
  9. The very noobish thing I keep doing that makes me facepalm every time is when I trade Ranked comms for Regular comms instead of vice versa.
  10. If you jump and move forward at the same time you use your roll, you roll in place. This is bad, unless you do it on purpose to drop all five of your Scatter Bombs on an enemy in Saboteur/Engineering.
  11. Ah, gearing. I am not a PvE person, and with Bolster so unpredictably jacked-up, it is difficult for me to tell. But I will give my best guess, based on the knowledge of the stats and the class. Since we have a +9% in Cunning from Streetwise, it is definitely top priority. If you don't take Streetwise, then prioritize Power over Cunning. Basically, my strategy is to opt for mods that have more of the other stats than they do Cunning. This is quite doable by getting the mods that are named with the convention "Artful Mod 30" instead of "Artful Mod 30A" or "Artful Mod 30B." Get your crit to 30% (35% with Smuggler buff), surge to 75%, and accuracy to 110%. Then you stack Cunning augments and build in more Power if given the choice between that and more Crit. Power and Cunning don't have diminishing returns right now. You may also find that as you add more cunning, you can back off of the crit, and introduce more power. Again, I could be slightly off on some of this, so consult with your raid leader and see what s/he thinks. I would definitely get whatever level 55 purples you can. The set bonus is not worth as much generally, and you can still keep the set bonus if you just have to have it by leaving it in the shell and replacing everything but the armoring. The artifact level purples from the Basic vendor and the hard-mode flashpoint drops are better than the Campaign gear from the Classic vendor.
  12. Don't forget to put XS Freighter Flyby on yourself. Melee players will sometimes stand in this, and it is a lot of damage. And yes, cap in cover always. It is a little of topic, but if you are in cover, then you have higher ranged defense and you can't be leaped to or pulled. If a warrior can't leap to you, you can often get a cap off if they are the only one coming for you. Also, ranged classes will sometimes have their attacks dodged by you while in cover. Great idea overall. I would maintain that in SS you should definitely bait out an assassin with Hunker Down while capping. The fact they can start the fight on their terms is the most annoying thing about them. Once they are in the open, you can do more about them. Because you are in SS, you have a reduced cooldown on Hunker Down too, so you might even be able to use it again later.
  13. When it was naked bolster, it was available to everyone, so it wasn't as much cheating as it was an unfortunate mechanic. With the "fixed" system, PvE gear is better, and removing augments bolsters you even more. Using PvE gear is an unfortunate mechanic, using the augment bug is exploiting, albeit with something most people can do for themselves. Now should you exploit this bug? I think people should, or at least not whine when they have a harder time winning if they don't. It is easily accessible to all. It absolutely should be fixed ASAP, but in the meantime, there is something that anyone can do that would help them be on even ground with everyone who is doing it. Why shouldn't they do it?
  14. I, for one, highly doubt that the patch notes will only have three bullet points. Let's see what happens with the first update here before we freak out. Also, I am one of the PvPers that wants Bolster gone/fixed, so I totally get what you are saying.
  15. One of my best friends has a 1-yr-old that he calls "noob" affectionately. Which, he is kind of a noob at life lol. I would put the credits one on the top of the list, since that is so, so, so, SO true, but I don't want to renumber them lol. *gasp* I made someone's sig! /crossesoffbucketlist What is DK? Is that one of the new bosses in the new operation? This is hilariously true. I remember the first time I was in Explosive Conflict to fill a spot for a guildmate, and I instinctively interrupted one of the mobs' casts and it wiped our group because that was apparently bad. I literally had to move interrupt off of my bars, because I couldn't stop myself the next time either lol. Aaaaannnndd I just remembered that I forgot EC in one of the entries...fixing now...
  16. Hehe, this inspired another one. I always read OP as "overpowered" even in forums, and I have to remind myself how other people use it.
  17. My undergraduate was in mathematics.
  18. Gonna add the OP part. Aside from the tautology of the statement, most people probably think Smash is overpowered.
  19. I wish I could live stream, but my machine wouldn't handle it probably. I do want to try to make more videos though! I will do a couple when I am done with my Masters here in a month or so lol!
  20. Comment with your quips, and I'll add them! You might be a PvPer if... 1. Your regular stats are crap. 2. You have your camera zoomed really, really far out all the time. 3. You subconsciously think “Killing Blow” every time you drop a mob. 4. You turn with a mouse. 5. Your stunbreaker is hotkeyed. 6. You know what is meant by “grass” and “snow.” 7. You are surprised when PvE medpacs don’t heal 30% of your health. 8. You think Operatives/Scoundrels are OP. 9. You get an 80% or higher in the Killer category on the Bartle Test. 10. You look at all of the other classes’ changes in Patch Notes first, so you can view yours with the balance changes in mind. 11. Throw the Huttball is permanently on your skillbars, if it isn’t keybound. 12. You know where ALL of your CC skills are. 13. You have no idea which talents or skills increase or decrease threat. 14. You heal, move, heal, move in regular play. 15. You died to standard mobs because you forgot you were naked for an entire week when the expansion came out. 16. You are disappointed with most of the Updates because PvP is mostly ignored. 17. When they removed skills from the game in Update 2.0, you didn’t even notice, because they weren’t on your bars to begin with. 18. You spend a lot of time on the fleets, dancing around terminals. 19. You instinctively flinch when you hear either the stealth sound or the vibroknife sound. 20. You use in-combat stealth skills so you can use your opener again, only to remember that in regular combat, it resets the mobs. 21. You're playing a pick-up game of basketball and as soon as you see one player on your team with out the most expensive shoes on possible, you insult him and walk off the court 22. You circle strafe around a regular mob, even though it just keeps facing you.. 23. Know how to counter every single spec, but for the life of you don't know any boss strategies in Ops. 24. You feel strange if you stop moving while fighting a mob. 25. You haven't done a flashpoint or operation since 1.4 26. The few times you run flashpoints the healer yells at you and says to stay still when attacking mobs. 27. You get knocked back 3 times in a row in PvE and scream that Resolve is broken. 28. It always takes you a second to use your CC break before you realize that your resolve bar is NOT going to fill. 29. You post needless whine threads on the forums based on incorrect information, bloated stats, and little to no understanding of how other classes work...and likely very little of your own class as well. 30. You have no idea what EV, KP, EC, TFB, and S&V stand for. 31. You keep telling yourself that you are going to try a Flashpoint one of these days, but your mouse just keeps automatically moving from the top left to the bottom right of your mini-map. 32. You keep going to bed at 3 AM because warzones are like crack, and "just one more won't hurt me." 33. You think Smash is OP. 34. You remember Ilum's Western Ice Shelf the way it was when people went there to PvP. 35. You discovered the Rakghoul event by getting slimed in a 1v1. 36. You actually own the Outlaw's Den Priority Transport, on all of your toons. 37. You roll alts, not for the story, but for the knowledge on how to beat other classes on your main. 38. You call hacks on bosses that hit you for 15k. 39. You take on 5 mobs while questing and think that you are OP. 40. You consider a class update a much larger change than a new Operation. 41. You regularly state that you beat other players, not because you are good, but because they suck. 42. You get mad even when you win. 43. You call people noobs even in real life. 44. You taunt champions and mass-taunt trash mobs because you want to get protection medals. 45. You don't have any credits. 46. You have the following level-cap stats: Valor - 70+, Social - 1, Alignment - 0, Companions - 2. 47. You finally bought relics at level 50. 48. You kept dying in level 38 class quests because you were still wearing the level 20 PvP gear. 49. You have Ventrilo, Teamspeak, AND Mumble. You also have a dozen or so passwords for random PvP VoIP servers. 50. You instinctively interrupt bosses...even though they are immune. 51. You have no idea what your abilities are called, except 1, 2, 3,...Shift+1, Shift+2...etc. 52. When reading forum posts, you think people may be using the abbreviation for "overpowered" incorrectly. 53. Your instinctive AOE use on packs causes FP rage. You say "my bad". Then do it again. And again... 54. You try to CC bosses.
  21. Well, you do get a slight 4% boost to Trickshot from Slick Shooter, so that could be what you remember. Overall, I think you are right to go Professional with modding to min-max. More Power is always better, and you probably will hit the crit soft cap with a few enhancements later. Too much crit is no bueno IMHO. I accidentally didn't notice on my first piece that there were two different types and just went for the Field Tech version of my headgear. Luckily, I was going for the power on the item, so it worked out ok.
  22. Absolutely the A-300 Sonic Needler, which is by far my favorite blaster in the game. I may or may not have several posts in all of the different forum threads about this gun. It is so perfect, yet is only available from a Smuggler class quest. Of course, it is BoP. Thus, my Gunslinger is eternally doomed to try to find another gun that goes with it. http://tor.zamimg.com/torhead/uploads/images/10175.jpg
  23. Overall, I think this is a great pack. We are getting a ton of desired sets, a ton of beautiful items like the Revan Holostatue, which apparently will be a commendation vendor (!). In Episode 93 of Corellian Run Radio, Jason, John and I were discussing this very item! Either Bioware is listening or we are clairvoyant lol! You win. Best quote in the 'verse. That is how f2p systems work. Why does no one understand this? Yes...just...yes.
  24. Going forward, you should split Snipers and Gunslingers into separate categories for their largest hit. Gunslingers' damage is split between two weapons, where snipers just have the one. Our hits are typically 1k below theirs.
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