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Everything posted by Nydus

  1. Yes, the joke is on you. Next time you hear the word "teaser" don't set your expectations so high. - Arcada
  2. I think there is a lot of content in this game that, if available on launch, would have kept a lot people from unsubscribing. Revan is an absolutely adored Old Republic character, the character that got many of us into this universe and if they play their cards right they could bring a log of people back (who might stay now given all the other content). So yeah, it needs a snappy title and it should have "Revan" in it. "Reven's Revenge" or "Revan, Revan, Revan: Come Back". - Arcada
  3. I'm not part of a particularly large guild, and I'm hardly the best player in it, and we are generally in contention for the top spot. We weren't 2nd last time around and within the same order of magnitude as the winning team. Just pull your weight and make sure your guildies pull their weight. This is a bloody MMO. Not a single player game. Why does some crap guild with hardly any players deserve to win a conquest? Please explain it to me. EDIT: If loser guilds do start winning through some mechanic, it will defeat the entire purpose of the competition. Why would I want to win if everybody can? What is wrong with people. Too many participation prizes me thinks. - Arcada
  4. It's not a trailer. It is a teaser. As a teaser, which are lame in general, it is fine. As a trailer, it wouldn't be fine. - Arcada
  5. +1. Exactly. Honestly, there isn't some big master plan for this game and the designers are human. Two years ago, we were told that player housing would not be implemented and the most we could hope for was re-skinning our player ships. Two years later we have player housing and we can't re-skin our ships. What I'm trying to say is, they probably have a lot of different projects that are up in the air and I don't think it is in their interests to talk about everything that they are fiddling around with (because much of it may never make it into the game). EDIT: Especially given how some in the community react. Even polished finished products gets $h!t on. - Arcada
  6. Teasers are lame. And people are lame for expecting them to be anything more. - Arcada
  7. I re-subscribe every month (since launch). - Arcada
  8. Lower... your... expectations. A teaser is exactly that... a tease without substantive information. Are You Ready for an Epic Expansion n December 2014?!?! There, that is my teaser now relax!
  9. I don't think we'll see this anytime soon. Agree maybe we'll see Advanced Classes. - Arcada
  10. I almost got kicked from a FlashPoint yesterday for daring to look at the scenery (the new Rakata Prime one). I find WoW references annoying, but wouldn't leave a group over it (or want someone kicked).
  11. The only way I see Pazaak being in this game is for reputation rewards with legacy bound chips that couldn't be traded to other players. Why? Because people can't control themselves and the bar has to be set low for people who have no self control. - Arcada
  12. Arkerus, I'm being serious now. I agree with you about the warning signs; there are definitely some underlining psychological issues at play. However, an online forum is not a venue to address them and we may even exacerbate them if we continue. I'm backing off now, but everybody should consider how ludicrous the tone of this thread is and not contribute further to it. - Arcada
  13. This bothers me. Just because I grew up in the dark ages of gaming and it would have been nice to have interacted with a few women that shared my interests . Instead, I had to go and date and stuff and smile through inane chatter and pretend some band or movie was important. So that doesn't happen with the next generation of youngin's? - Arcada
  14. I would agree with you EXCEPT that I thought the timing of his first death was inappropriate. Seriously, the idea that Revan dies at the hands of a ragtag group of characters that aren't even at their full potential yet was a bit ... much. If it was a hardmode operation that was only available to players end-game, it would have been an acceptable close to his story. As a mid-point relatively easy flashpoint available to players at 35-40 !? That was the character that launched "The Old Republic" universe...
  15. You should have seen the first version of that closing line. Hopefully it (not at all subtly) makes the point that this is not something worth getting so upset over. - Arcada
  16. Don't bother with this post. I agree with you that they need to expand the companion base and opening this up would be a neat addition to the legacy system. However, you'll note from the responses that there are a lot of close minded people who play this game who resist anything radical (and then turnaround and complain that the game isn't imaginative enough). - Arcada
  17. I liked it. I thought that there was something missing between Part II and Part III (i.e. the plot seemed to skip forward) but I enjoyed all four flashpoints. - Arcada
  18. Arkerus, branmakmuffin, I think you are way out of line. I wish I hadn't clicked on this thread. I loved this game until I was informed that there was a mistake in a class-story email sent to a Jedi Knight. The strange thing is, I keep telling people that September 11th is the worst day of my life and they all seem to agree with me. There must be a lot more people playing this game than I realized. - Arcada
  19. I know what you mean. I did the Rakata one last night and was taking in the sights while the rest of my group was just storming through it and getting mad at me for not spacebar'ing. I just swore at them and took my time . - Arcada
  20. That is not acceptable. Even though I don't play a Jedi Knight, I'm going to unsubscribe because of this small error, uninstall the game, replace my hard drive and incinerate my SW:ToR Box. Because you are incapable of delivering perfection at all times, I now realize that SW:ToR is a game and not real life. This is unacceptable. I hope the employee responsible for this hate crime is viciously executed without trial and his or her family shamed for generations. - Arcada
  21. Awww.... Hello, Toronto? 4th Largest City in North America and the place stars know they will always get a standing ovation? - Arcada
  22. I've quite enjoyed the flashpoints since 2.0 dropped. Oricon is was also a worthwhile addition and I enjoyed the associated operations too. We've had a lot of content sent our way over the past six months. Given the strongholds and guildship additions, I'm actually concerned that I'm not keeping up with it. Then again, I have a life and wasn't one of those people who burned through all the content in a month. - Arcada
  23. I have heard that all but the final flashpoint can be solo'ed. I've never tried it. Honestly, I get what you are saying but this is an MMO so force yourself to be the bare minimum of sociable and do it with a group. There is probably some player out there who will never be able to solo it who is dependent on a GF pop. I know it is irritating to be grouped with people who run through it and spacebar, spacebar, spacebar but if you explain this is your first run through my experience is they generally oblige and take it more slowly. - Arcada
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