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Everything posted by Nydus

  1. No, you are not being the rude one. I generally spacebar now, but if I'm in a group with someone who isn't I slow down and let them experience the flashpoint as it was intended. - Arcada
  2. +1. The every time password is quite annoying. I have a static IP address, yet every day I log-in I am prompted for it. Sometimes the waits for the password are 15-minutes. I like this game, but I'm not sure it is intelligent to make people wait to play a game. I'm sure we have other icons on our desktop that are inviting. I'm not going anywhere soon, but I'm pretty sure there will come a day were I haven't played this game for a few weeks. And I'll try to log in and I'll get this everytime password request... and I'll come to the realization that I haven't been playing it for a reason and unsubscribe. You know, there are other online games I play and this is the only one with such a bizarre system. - Arcada
  3. I guarantee you that the business (i.e. EA) is keeping an eye on the predictable, long-term revenue that the subscribers add to the game. That is not irrelevant to them. For every person who is dropping money on the CM, there are players who aren't dropping anything on the CM. Sans the subscribers, all it takes is a few bad months on the CM and the game is toast. But herein lies the rub: There is definitely truth to this. And you'll note from my earlier post I was iterating what I wanted, not what I expected. The reality is that people who stuck with the game for that first year are probably not going anywhere anytime *soon*. Well, I've had better experiences with BW customer service than my cable company . They are aware, again, that subscribers need to have a few advantages thrown their way (hence the availability of the various expansions in advance, etc.). It seems apparent they aren't really that concerned about length of subscription (and that make sense for the reasons you outlined), just to always have some sort of hook so that the current subscribers delay unsubscribing just a little longer... I'll leave eventually. Perhaps when Star Citizen comes out. Other than that, I'm not really impressed with the other MMO offerings. - Arcada
  4. I hope so. I'm staying subbed, so hopefully if there are rewards they should be directed towards the loyalists. In all likelihood, they will probably give people some time to resub ("or you'll miss out on these fantastical rewards"). Seriously, should the people who have been continually subbed since day 1 get something you don't? - Arcada
  5. Well, the only official statement I remember on this was that they were going to tease the expansion, and then about a week later would provide more detail. I'm not particularly offended by this. Relax. Some forum moderator was told the information was coming and the higher ups have decided to delay it to make a bigger splash. - Arcada
  6. Well, Dark Jedi are essentially fallen Jedi who would normally have the option of becoming Sith. Due to the artificial divide between the factions... this is not possible. - Arcada
  7. Good post. Yes, every time a new MMO comes out "SWTOR is toast". I've always failed to comprehend how a respected company with a popular IP that spent (it has been estimated) nearly $200 million on development is going to be undone by by some one-off. Wildstar... it sounds like some western. Hey, it's probably a good game and I'm hardly a snob - anybody here play Seed, Tabula Rasa, and Fallen Earth? I just don't see anything in the immediate horizon that is going to get me to unsubscribe. ...beyond the horizon... I'm not sure I'll be able to resist the Chris Robert's Star Citizen! - Arcada
  8. Heil ... ? Riiiiggghhttt. You know there is an English spelling to that word and invariably the people who use the German spelling have curious sympathies. - Arcada
  9. I think the benefit to TOR is the many thousands of years before the movies time frame. We know the Sith "Ruled the Galaxy" but don't quite understand all the details. Really, except for knowing that the Sith will be decimated one day, there is SO MUCH possibility. The only benefit to hundreds or thousands of years in the future is that you'll think you are having a real impact on the universe. Which is nonsense, because all it will take is one canon book and it'll all be for naught. At least TOR can adjust it's universe to fit within the movies (so far). - Arcada
  10. Ha Ha Ha! I honestly don't know. I would be VERY interested to see what a month's subscription would go on the Cartel Market. Couldn't we theoretically calculate a poor guestimate based on the number of cartel coins one could buy with a a monthly subscription, and match that up to items of equivalent coinage and what they go for on the GTN? I'm lazy so I'm not going to do it or check if someone else has done it already. But kudos to whoever does / did - Arcada
  11. I heard that you get Revan as a force-ghost pet. He follows you around and watches the rest of your adventures as a silent observer. - Arcada
  12. I am against anything that makes this game easier. This is a MMO and you SHOULD CARE if you get a crappy group. Anything that forces people to play together is a good thing. This is NOT a single player game folks. - Arcada
  13. How about non-subscribers get a unique signature? "Thanks to all the subscribers who paid for this game. I couldn't enjoy it for free without you".
  14. SWTOR is a well made game, by an admired company and focusing on very well recognized IP. It barely survived to year two (hyperbole maybe, but there was a very brutal period when the population fell from 1.7 million to "around half a million"). So I've seen other very well made games come and go. There is always the less than subtle threat that they may be the death of SWTOR. I'm sorry, but no. I take no pleasure from SWTOR competitors facing hard times, but I just don't see the "threat" to SWTOR. There is only one game that I might unsubscribe from SWTOR to play, and it is just a completely different universe and gamestyle so I'll probably end up subbing to both. - Arcada
  15. No. It also has one of the lamest stories in the game (with the exception of the Act where you are building that alliance). - Arcada
  16. How dare you suggest I am mocking other posters!!! Do you know how much time they've invested in this game? And they are repaid with what exactly? There hasn't been anything added to this game since launch!!! Sure, we've had the galactic starfighter, player housing, guildships and planetary conquests added for free, along with hours of content across countless new flashpoints, operations, new planets (and missions) and various events. We've even had a modestly priced story expansion and a level cap increase. But what have the fat cats at BioWare really added? The last straw is Revan pronouncing something weird and you are besmirching my honour by suggesting I am making fun of the SWTOR "fan" community. We forum posters have a code that binds us: "never clever and always cowardly..."... no... that's not it... "never lie, and always reasonable". - Arcada
  17. Sorry if I'm coming across as a bit of an a-hole. I hope you have a great experience with this game. I guess I'm reacting to certain players that seem to think this is a single-player game and should be able to access all of the content (i.e. achieve everything that is achievable). Frankly, I'm not the best player in the world and there is content I've missed out on but I don't want it handed to me. What is the point of winning when everyone wins, etc.' Good luck! - Arcada
  18. "Mmmeeee-SSSAAAA una bbombad sitha lordey, Okeeday?" You're all going to love it. - Arcada
  19. Hello Everybody: I've really enjoyed this game, but it is time to unsubscribe. Why? Well, I was quite enjoying the new Forged Alliance story line, but the ending ruined the entire game for me, and maybe Star Wars in general. Seriously, re-listen to the ending ( ). Dev-oh-tays? Ohhh... look at me, I'm all fancy! It's Dev-oh-tees. In the Queen's English and 'Merican! I demand an apology and this entire sequence re-recorded and a free year's subscription. - Arcada
  20. I'm with K_osss. This is a giant red herring. They are actually adding Nabo as a new planet and the gungans as a player race for 10,000 cartel coins. - Arcada
  21. Seriously, that is so obvious I'm absolutely shocked it has to be explained to players. - Arcada
  22. Well, I would suggest if you are so intent on winning a competition to look at the guilds that are winning the competitions (or at least on the board) and petition their players. Or, whip your own guild into shape. That's what happened to ours. - Arcada
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