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Everything posted by J-Sheridan

  1. Because it makes everyone less special if they can do everything - Typical response Same reason people whined in defense of keeping armor restricted because they didnt want robe wielders running around in power armor. Allowing companions to change their abilities / role - Yes I support that and always have Maybe Bioware should take another look at KOTOR 2 when the Player could develop their companions and train them. The harshest way to do this would be just copy the abilities and tie them to the role package. That way every healer will have the same skills and abilities etc. The more involved way - give companions more proficiencies and main stats so they are more flexible in their weapons and gear I.E Like HK-51 being able to use Cunning OR Aim
  2. The reason why is because if you enter your ship without it going into orbit Bioware will need to re-do the view out your window. Can you imagine how much work it would take for them to change the scene when you look out your ship windows from stars to a hanger / docked layout ? The real reason is Bioware padded this game out so much with timesink filler crap in the guise of 'role-play' to things tedious. Make people have to go through a series of transitions just to get on and off their ship and then make quests where your only going on it to speak to someone before getting off on the same planet - GENIUS The solution is to remove the cutscene where you take off until someone activates the galaxy map. Although, I would rather just remove those sequences entirely by putting in a 'toggle' to hide them.
  3. Firefly in Star Wars - Unlikely The technology of Star Wars SHOULD be way beyond the ability to pull off Firefly since someone can go from Coruscant to Tatooine in hours. That said, the scale of Star Wars has ALWAYS been under-represented to the point of stupidity. When your average Imperial Agent / Smugger is able to call down ORBITAL STRIKES on command. You cannot really have the 'lost in the wilderness' theme. If you want a sandbox MMO like Firely then EVE Online would work. If you want a sandbox Single player game like Firefly then the X series of games would work - X Rebirth being the newest Although, a potential contender exists on the horizon that could become a big MMO hit for the Sandbox / Flightsim market - Star Citizen The chances of Bioware managing to even capture a fraction of the scale or creativity required to pull off a proper space experience is less than 0.
  4. I would like mix and match companions but far too many will complain it makes them less of a special snowflake if someone else can have the same stuff as them. Your going to get more traction from adding new companions which is only going to end up being comedy stupidity like Treek. A universal companion that has a generic background so as to make sure they can be as universal as possible then charge folks for it. Personally I thought it would be an interesting idea if players could use their other characters as companions and tie it heavily into the legacy system.
  5. New items - Would not expect that EXISTING items - That would be more sensible. If they rewarded the Collectors / VIP folks by making that area have access to various things that improve convinience then I would be more than happy with that. I.E Make a whole selection of vendors that sell all the freely accessible items in the game. I.E The specialty items from each planet put onto a single vendor so people do not have to jump around the galaxy finding stuff. The companion customisations and social sets would be a no-brainer to put into a single vendor. Would even do the same for the speeders, pets and novelty items. Thus all these vendors are available to EVERYONE who can access the VIP lounge and benefits more than a CE owner. As for the CE stuff itself, it would be more sensible to just make those items part of a CE collection that CE owners can reclaim like existing collections. Thus CE owners get a full set of items they can reclaim as many times as they want which is no different than what Bioware have done for the existing items.
  6. Speeders ARE woefully too slow. Even the fastest speeders feel like your driving the Star Wars equivalent of a scooter. The game already demonstrates taxi speeders can fly at high speed and now Bioware are selling those speeders as mounts that dont even come close to that speed. That is pure stupidity. Suggestions have been made before to turn the Speeders into another area for customisation like starships but if your not going that route. Simply jacking up the speed increase is more than reasonable. The top speeder bracket should be an increase of 150% MINIMUM. The more intricate option would be scaling speeds based on acceleration. The longer someone is on a mount the faster they will go with the higher end speeders reaching top speed quicker and being less prone to being blasted off. I would go further and add SHIELDS to the speeders so that when people get shot at, it dosent look silly taking body shots. Instead a simple visual effect of shields failing before you get knocked off the speeder. Then we have the obvious expansion with the idea of speeders that have higher ground clearance and stealth tech. Thus at the high end players can woosh around without getting caught up in unneeded chaff or getting stuck on silly bumps.
  7. Doing this should get you a warning if you are intentionally harassing another player. Doing THIS should get you banned outright. This crosses the line of griefing and soundly into malicious harassment. You are intentionally taking advantage of game mechanics to mess around with other player progression which is exploiting.
  8. I find nearly all of the animations in this game are woefully lacking and the gun classes gets a fair chunk of stupidity. Series of Shots - My character is repeatedly reloading the weapon after every shot as if its a single shot weapon. Kinda stupid when the same class has an ability that literally allows the player to lay down suppressive fire by spam firing. Series of Shots should be aim-fire rather than the current reload-fire. The travel speed of all of the energy weapon shots should be reworked as well. It is kinda stupid that in the world of Star Wars, energy weapons fire slower and take more time to reach the target than conventional bullets.
  9. This might be easier to accomplish by just making the Sniper have a limited cloaking screen - Which I would fully support. As for the Operative itself - Yes, it was a dire bit of stupidity to make the Operative rely on a knife as a concealment specialist. The obvious alternative would have been to use the blaster pistol which is constantly pulled out during the 'movie' moments. However... this will not change because Bioware do not have the competency or the financial incentive to do so. Not to mention the massive complaints about balance when you can have ranged stealth classes blowing people away.
  10. You might have a valid argument for Snipers needing to use Sniper rifles because of the superior aiming and range... except the game does not endorse that. The mirror of the Sniper can hit just as far and as accurately with a blaster as a sniper can with a rifle so the Sniper rifle is completely wasted as a weapon. When someone is able to shoot a pistol with the same accuracy and effect as a sniper rifle - the argument of a Sniper needing that Sniper rifle to function is done. Thus, Snipers could be entirely justified in being giving blaster rifles as an alternative. That said, giving the technology of the Star Wars galaxy, sniper rifles should be able to engage targets at ranges of kilometers I.E Attack of the Clones However... game mechanics make this impossible and your left arguing about animations. The use of knives in this game is equally stupid for the entire Operative class. It is kinda of stupid the Operative uses dozens of knives that appear out of nowhere but in the cutscenes Agents pull out the magic blaster pistol. The more sensible approach would have been to make the off hand weapon of the Agents that blaster pistol. That way you do not have to justify why a non-force user can literally spam blades into someone including Jedi while Lightabers are rendered as glorified glowing baseball bats. Having more weapon choices - I would like that both for my character and my companions. However, due to the naive mirror system and the way Bioware have railroaded the weapons it will require a complete rework of animations and skill names to achieve. The far more likely outcome would be to make new items that look like other weapons with custom animations. I.E A blaster pistol that is classed as a Sniper rifle, An assualt cannon that is classed as a blaster. That way, Bioware only have to make that specific item come with animations just like they are doing with the unique flashy lights on the newer items.
  11. It seems like an inevitable conclusion for progression but it will require an entire expansion to accomplish. This will require them to do new quests, animations and powers for companions which is gonna be wasted when endgame use of companions falls drastically. It is more likely you will see new companions added that will be flexible rather than a heavy rework like this. That said, the rough way to do this quickly would be giving companions a special slot similar to appearance but it dictates 'role'. Thus you buy the tank item, slot it and now your healer companion becomes a tank etc. That way, players can use the companions they want to use without having issues with roles getting in the way.
  12. The Jedi Sage could end up using the saber as a replacement for a saber entirely. Their entire concept is the use of force TK. Instead of throwing pebbles at someone or pulling magic rocks out of the floor. Have them use TK to control the lightsaber at range. As for the lightsaber in general: I would not mind seeing some sort of execution style attack being added that mimics Yoda hurling a lightsaber through the chest but gameplay wise that is going to be an issue. Personally, I find the lightsabers in this game completely underwhelming because they are relegated to being glowing bats rather than the movie awesome cut-through-anything and deflect-everything style. If you changed them to a staff like Gandalf's it would not make a difference and you could have animations where the player is channeling abilities through the staff.
  13. This has been suggested over and over again in one form or another since beta. Bioware took the amateur method of making the orange items the cosmetic gear which people have to mess around with a clumsy system to fit out and change. The more sensible system would have been to emulate LOTRO's concept of having a GEAR tab for the players which would be the stat stuff the players are wearing then the APPEARANCE tab that lets players mix and match whatever they like. That said, if Bioware would actually show some common sense and competency these two systems can mesh together. - Make the Appearance tab which lets players slot pieces. - Any items in this tab will ONLY apply the cosmetic appearance and thus NO stat boosts or mod slots beyond dye required Meanwhile, the CURRENT system of exchanging mods would still exist for the gear side of things but would detach from the issues over appearance. The end result is it makes it possible for Bioware to sell all manners of cosmetic armors and options to expand the appearance market and make it intuitive for the players to do so. Star Trek Online - Their cash shop is full of cosmetic options and they sell 'uniform slots' so players can have an entire wardrobe of outfits to change at the click of a button. Players are spending plenty of cash trying to get the cosmetic items in the game and clearly it is earning Bioware money because they are minting out plenty of their gambleboxes with these things. Thus, would it not be far more sensible to further encourage the income by making it possible for players to EASILY switch between cosmetic sets and thus they will more likely get more of the sets.
  14. Solution - Make the unlock only apply to characters when they reach level X,Y,Z That way they dont gain ANY advantage from the Datacrons until a sensible point in the game AND it still makes it viable to collect them. Or are you going to complain that a player who has already gotten all Datacrons up to level 20 is unfair against those who have not ? How about level 30 ? How about level 40 ? At what stat point increase does it become 'unfair' in pvp ? If you are going to take the argument that Datacrons provide an unfair stat advantage then the only logical conclusion is to remove Datacrons to be fair in PVP.
  15. Companions have no effect on player stats and gameplay ? - So either your a liar or just completely stupid You put up the argument that gear was an important factor for companions You put up the argument that players should not be given advantages Bioware have made companions that come with CLEAR advantages in stats and equipment available via legacy unlock. Your failure to see how this is relevant when your entire argument goes against what Bioware has already done and you are DEFENDING those actions - Complete stupidity or hypocrisy There is no reason to make HK or Treek Legacy.... you going to argue people getting those is laziness ? Clearly it is laziness and the entire legacy system should be scrapped because people can get advantages they did not 'earn', Amiright ? IT IS NOT FREE Legacy unlocks require people to meet the requirements and pay credits or pay real cash to unlock things. That by definition means they have PAID - NOT FREE or put in effort to EARN the unlock What part of this do you not understand ? Are you that dense that you think Bioware are going to make this a FREE unlock that would not cost something ? People want an unlock for datacrons in the legacy system - I never said it was gonna be free and I would expect most rational people would know it wont be So explain how it is 'FREE' for people to request an optional unlock that Bioware will set requirements and / or charge for ? Is earning HK51 'FREE' ? Is earning Treek 'FREE' ?
  16. Thank you for demonstrating yourself to be a complete liar or just a hypocrite. Treek and HK come with full sets of equipment that is fully modded with stats. The latter is even modded with level 50 when you unlock him on a new character That enough of an advantage for you yet ? So... Bioware added a companion that players can earn on another character and pay to unlock on another character with a complete set of gear Thus.... Players have earned all the Datacrons on one character and want to unlock them on another Yet, you are getting outraged at the idea of the latter because it provides players with an 'unfair' advantage for something they didnt earn.... while your going to give a pass to the former. Your own stupid argument about gear being the companion should make you rage even more against the companion unlocks. Are you seriously gonna whine that players need to earn everything per-character when Bioware have literally turned the legacy system and the cartel market into the exact OPPOSITE of that ideal. Hey, I can buy a crystal on the store that I can then pay to reclaim as many times as I want on any character - Can I taste your tears of outrage at this unfair advantage ? You want to take that stand point as well or shall we just table the fact your being a hypocrite ?
  17. Hey moron, the devs also thought people should have to go through the orbital stations when you leave a planet and have to go to every raid instance start point. You want to continue this line of argument since you have completely failed to achieve anything but consistently harp on the extremely weak cliche of people being lazy ? If enough players want something to change - the Devs will change it Especially when by changing it they can charge people money to actually get that unlock and it is another convenience feature. Your own stupid argument that the content is optional and can be done per-character is exactly why allowing this as an OPTIONAL legacy unlock is entirely justified. There is NO difference between players asking for this optional unlock than players getting HK51 or the other legacy unlocks. These items provide a stat boost - Which is freely available if you go collect them You argue the stat boost is hardly worth noticing - then there is no reason why it cant be an unlock since it's a trivial CONVENIENCE which people will pay for If you want to argue it gives players an 'unfair' advantage then not only are you a liar but a complete hypocrite in saying legacy HK51 is less of an advantage than a legacy stat boost.
  18. 'Charged' - Datacrons are supposed to be repositories of knowledge which grant power as symbolized by the stat boost. Thus player characters would be completely capable of passing on the knowledge they learned from the Datacron across their legacy because they have learned it from the DATA-cron. Your entire argument is based on a faulty premise caused by game mechanics - Datacrons do not get used up, nor are they one-shot wonders. That would actually be what Artifacts represent. The reason they would be one-shot is because once you learn what they teach - you cant learn it again for another stat boost. As such - Legacy unlock is perfectly sensible either as a player character passing on what they have learned from the Datacron or passing on the datacron. Even if you want to be a completely moronic and argue Datacrons are one-shot wonders. Lore = whatever BW choose to make it Gameplay > Lore Or are you gonna try and justify how any of the other legacy unlocks work ? Ok, so your position is that every single unlock in the legacy system is a handout - right ? Every single legacy item that can be transferred between characters - handout, right ? Every Cartel item that can be reclaimed - handout, right ? Or is it somehow different that someone earned the bonus and can use it on other characters ? Are you so monumentally stupid that you forget the legacy system DOES make people earn the unlocks by requiring Getting a certain legacy level and PAYING either credits or real cash. So make the Datacron wide unlock require legacy level 30 + credits or Cartel Coins to unlock and it is no different than any other unlock. 'Justify asking for handouts' - Seriously ? I guess having a market kiosk, mail droid, skill retrainer and quick travels is a sign of a lazy player as well, right ? Or maybe it allows players to pay for a convenience... much like allowing a legacy unlock of datacrons would
  19. The datacron can only be used once... except if another character goes to the exact same spot they can get the same one-shot datacron. Do you not see how extremely stupid your argument is ? If anything, the fact that they are ONE shot wonders means that once any character picks up a Datacron it should not be available to ANY other character. You want to go down that route or take the rational option and just include a legacy wide unlock ? I cannot fathom how completely stupid and selfish you have to be to deny players the ability to get an optional unlock. If you want to go and do the treasure puzzle - have at it and dont get the unlock. For those that actually want to pay for a convenience - let them have it.
  20. I heartily support getting more legacy wide unlocks - Datacrons, Lore Objects and Codex entries being the top of the list The whole point of the legacy system is that the acts of one character benefit the entire legacy as being shared. It seems fairly obvious then that datacrons can be legacy wide because the characters would pass them down, around or just give the locations of those datacrons to their other characters. The game allows you to unlock HK because you 'earned' him on another character, so I see little issue with allowing a character who has 'earned' all the datacrons to then unlock those datacrons for other characters.
  21. I dont like being stuck watching a taxi that can FLY hugging the ground and taking the roads even when it is stupid to a destination. Oh... look I just flew right over the heads of an entire enemy base but hey... immersion - right ? THAT is NOT immersive or are you really that silly ? The way Makeb has the taxi transition is a far smarter way of traveling as it is A: Faster and B: Avoids the obvious stupidity of players being stuck on a non interactive REALLY slow tourist sight seeing trip through war zones. Easiest way to do it - copy LOTRO and have an option to take the tourist route or the swift travel taxi. Tada - you want to spend 5 minutes watching scenery - go for it Meanwhile, I can happily skip those 5 minutes and actually play the damn game Same situation applies to the orbital stations You want to go through 4 transitions every time you go to a planet - go for it meanwhile, give me the option to skip those transitions and actually play the damn game
  22. I would like a new companion that is a force healer / DPS. None of the current combinations really capture this and most of the force companions end up being lightsaber bat wielders. How about a companion that can be switched light or dark through dialogue and that choice either makes them become a Sith Sorc using lightning or a Jedi Sage using TK ? Unfortunately, I suspect this wont happen because Force users would never run with non-force users like the Agent, Smuggler, Bounty Hunter or Trooper and Treek already demonstrated the effort you can expect from any back story.
  23. Bioware already put in the ability to skip straight to your ship from the ground, the logical next step would be to allow players to skip straight from the ship to the ground. SOME classes have cutscenes and events in the Airlocks but it is beyond stupid that a single scene requires 4 loading screens for every class for the rest of time. The easiest way around this would be to allow players to skip the orbital stations after the first time they go through it. As for class quest mandating they go through it - disable the option for classes where this is an issue while everyone else can happily go about their business. That said, the stupid time sinks in this game have always been a gigantic failure on Bioware's part. The most glaring of these is travel times of the speeders across desolate areas like Hoth. It is not immersion to be stuck for 10 minutes going from one end of the map to the other.
  24. Well done Bioware, you made a patch to fix a bug that did not fix it. It makes me feel so warm and fuzzy inside to have an entire planet quest chain effectively wasted because a single click object is broken.
  25. Empire gets the best accents because the world has magically decided that British people naturally make for great bad guys. That said, if you want to break that type-casting then I am for it, I will trade you the Sith Inqusitor VA for the Republic Trooper VA. It would be beyond funny to have a Sith telling Satele Shan to get stuffed by the same voice Actor.
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