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Posts posted by fadingdimension

  1. Pretty much every warzone I do there are level 50's blaming low levels for loosing. Constant "stop sucking" "ur bad" talk. Absolutely no teamwork or any kind of solidarity. We rarely ever win alderan as a result. If you try suggesting a strategy someone is bound to call you a scrub.


    This is mainly on my Empire server.


    Played Republic with less issues. Seems like Republic players have more respect and appreciation for each-other. But my experiences are pretty meaningless.


    Best you can do is find a good guild and only play with them.

  2. Has anyone since the beginning of this thread even complained they could not max the game? My girlfriend's computer can't run it well. She expects that and doesn't complain.


    Everyone is responding as if people are complaining about not being able to max the game out on their low end machine. I don't think anyone is.


    Does it bother you somehow that people can't max the game out? If they are content with however its performing for them, then why do you care?

  3. So last week I went with my not that technically inclined brother as a favor to buy a laptop at Best Buy. The sales people were simply astounding. He wanted to spend roughly $400 and be able to play Skyrim and some decent games.


    I had two different sales agents tell us to buy a Mac because and I qoute,"It is impossible for a Mac to get a virus as they can't make virus' for them".


    It is very easy for an uninformed consumer/gamer to spend a $500 for a computer with an 250mb integrated video card that stutters to play TOR at 20FPS. The sales agent me and my brother spent most of our time with was under the impression that the CPU determines how well your system can play a game as so was my brother. While this is true to a certain extent she was un-familiar with what a GPU was. Thankfully I went and my brother got a good machine that can handle most games very well.



    Yeah. I don't know who hires these people. I've applied for a job a Best Buy a few times. I build my own computers, watch all the new movies, play games, read electronic magazines, have a high school diploma, previous employment history all in good standing, friendly, clean, and well spoken. Never had a call back. However, most of the sales associates and even geek squad employees are generally unhelpful and lack general knowledge about any products. This seems to be a theme in MANY businesses. Ironically, you'd think with less jobs would come more competitive applicants. No clue.

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