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Posts posted by fadingdimension

  1. I dont see how it forces you to roll alts tbh, you get far more legacy xp from playing on max level toons, so if anything it encourages playing your main


    One would assume that if my Juggernaut wants a flamethrower I would need to level a Bounty Hunter.

  2. Look at Lea. In the movie she was part of a family that uses the force. She carried a blaster, but with some training of course she could use some force abilities if she wanted to. As a marauder it would be nice to use force push or Juggernaut to use force camouflage. I don't see a problem.


    One of the problems is that it's essentially forcing you to level up alts to max out your characters. If you don't want to level alts it could be that you're going to be at a disadvantage. People already threw fits about biochem and slicing being too advantageous. This seems like it would be leaps and bounds more advantageous in combat than the biochem crewskill.


    I also feel like they are going to be throwing a monkey wrench into the balancing machine.


    This also feels like a feature that I have NEVER seen a request for. I've read no blogs or posts from anyone saying they'd want a feature like this. Bioware has created a whole lot of work and grief for themselves by creating a feature that really should be on the way, way, way, back burner.

  3. Don't know how people can say WoW has more endgame. People are just grinding the same raid over and over until Pandaria. It took blizzard 6 months to put out Firelands after the release of cataclysm (1 raid). During that time they released 2 recycled dungeons.


    Is SWTOR doing any better endgame wise? No not really. But WoW isn't this neverending endgame utopia that people make it out to be. Add on to that the fact that the SWTOR hasn't even been out as long as the WoW Dragon Soul raid.... Really? WoW has more to do?

  4. They said they want to do it. They have 100's of other feature that they want to add and some are in the works as we speak. They don't have the time or manpower to develop all of these things at the same time. They are trying to focus on the most important/popular features first.


    They could have spent another 3 years developing the game if they wanted to include everything that everyone wants. The game had to come out and ea gave them a due date.


    Bioware agrees with you. Ship customization would be awesome and will come out sometime. That doesn't mean it's more important than everything else they are trying to get out. Everyone is going to have a different opinion on what Biowares priority should be.


    I know people would love to believe that you can just throw endless amounts of money (which they don't have) at a problem and it will exponentially speed up the process but it really doesn't work that way.

  5. People admit they or there friends are horrible at doing damage but that it shouldn't matter, the boss should die anyways. DPS are suppose to deal damage, that is all. There job is to kill the boss before the enrage. Just like the healers job is to heal people before they die, and a tank is to use cooldowns and hold aggro so the group doesn't die.


    The enrage is there to challenge dps. If you hit enrage people either died to avoidalble mechanics or dps didn't do its job. If people aren't fufilling the role they are playing you shouldn't be able to down the boss.


    Essentially this is like complaining that your healer is bad and can't keep the group alive so they should nerf the bosses damage output so you can just kill the boss.


    Unfortunately being a good dps'er isn't as easy as people think. I see people always say dps'ers just stand around and press buttons. Yeah, some of them do that.. and that's why you hit the enrage. Dps have to work just as hard as tanks and healers if they want there group to succeed.

  6. People don't like to admit when they waste time and money on something that they aren't happy with. So they convince other people and themselves that it's the products fault even if it's working as advertised. They don't want to see other people enjoying a game that they couldn't find joy in.
  7. Congrats. This post of yours has convinced all of us having issues that those issues do not exist.


    I think the point is.. you asked if the game could handle more than 8. He has no problem playing with more than 8. Unless he has some special secret copy of the game... It answers your question.


    That's not to say that on some hardware the game runs poorly or that it isn't poorly optimized, coded, or designed. Also that you need to have beyond reasonable specs to achieve acceptable performance sometimes.

  8. I use a Vengeance/Immortal hybrid spec and I love it. Vengeance provides better survival in PVP, period. 20% damage reduction on charge plus CC immunity. Intercede applies to you and your target. 4% flat damage reduction. 4% endurance.


    The only thing deep Immortal provides is Backhand and Channel-less Choke. These are great. But if you are looking for pure survival/damage then Vengeance/Immo hybrid has to be the best.


    Something like this.



  9. I was frustrated. But I completely revisited my keybindings and since then I have no problems. I'm not using a Naga mouse.


    One big thing that helped me was using Shift+mousescroll to swap to a secondary actionbar and put all my non combat abilities on that (buff, mount, sprint, stim, fast travel, channel hatred). It's become second nature to shift+mousescroll after/before combat, buff up, and flip back.


    This freed up a lot of space on my bars for actual combat abilities and keybinds. I'm using 1-6 , Shift 1-6, A, D, F, R, T, X, C, V, and Middle/Side mouse buttons, and F1-2-3-4. These are all easily reachable with your left hand.


    Took me a bit to get used to this. Now I have no problems. I'm defintely a better gamer, or at least mmo-er having played this class now.

  10. this has already been discussed and imo recon would be a perfect name for sniper.


    Except that doesn't even describe a Sniper in this game. Reckon would have stealth and speed. You'd go into the enemies territory undetected. Snipers in real life do this. Not in this game though. Reckon is basically what an Operative is.

  11. I'd feel better about "Sniper" if we lost some of our visibility while in cover. Maybe you have to be within 15m to target us, for instance.


    I was saying this to my girlfriend earlier while playing my Sniper... I mean a Sniper is about stealth. Obviously you'd have to make certain abilities break this "stealth" otherwise you could just kill people while being completely undetected sometimes. Maybe make some sort of "muzzle flash" that breaks stealth for x seconds everytime you fire your rifle.


    It boggles my mind that Snipers can't sprint but Sorcs can. I'd love to have a sprint to get away or move into position. Or a temp vanish like a Marauder which feels more like a Sniper ability anyway (I mean it's called CAMOUFLAGE for cryin' out loud). I'm sure this will NEVER happen though unfortunately.


    Remove Shield Probe and Evasion and give us an escape ability imo.


    I really want to love my Sniper. It's the first class I wanted to play. It's not bad by any means. But it's just not as "sniperish" as I'd like.


    Also if I'm behind cover and someone launches rocks at me shouldn't my cover protect me some? How are pepples yellow damage but plasma energy bolts from my rifle are white hits lol.

  12. Autoface is pretty weak in my opinion. Reason why? You shouldn't face tank melee while trying to cast long/channeled spells... You should have to get away, use instants, and cc. You shouldn't be expected or expect to just stand still while casting/tanking a melee player. Same reason a melee should expect to use gap closers, stuns, and slows to stay on their target.


    Melee = want to stay in melee range

    Range = doesn't want to be in melee range


    When ranged characters can just sit and face tank melee without punishment it pretty much makes melee useless.


    It's enough already that interrupts only lock out 1 spell.


    The only class i could support autoface for is Snipers/Gunslingers, since they are more or less stuck in cover already.

  13. If it dropped to 1 million subs? One million? Still... Horrible... Dying...


    Even 500,000 (10 full Dodger Stadiums). $7.5M in subs a month... Horrible... Completely dead. Only way an MMO can live is with 10M+ subs, 100% retention, and at least 10% constant per month or it's DEAD. Even WoW is dying now.. Everything is dying... Skyrim forums people are bored of Skyrim.. 2012... Death of gaming..


    Don't worry... Guild Wars 2 guys.. It's going to save everything... Yeah.. That will be the game to end all games. Time to pull out my hype pills and overdose again..



  14. planets are large, so where you land on any given station currently is just 1 city or area...


    maybe down the road there will be multiple options for landing on different sites that you will be able to choose from when going through the orbital stations


    hopefully this

  15. It's a video game. It's pre programmed responses with pre programmed answers. The characters have no feelings, emotions, morals, or sense of self. If you really have a serious emotional and physical reaction from the choices your character makes, you should pinch yourself, it's not real.


    You're killing people in the game all the time. It's the whole game. Would you do that in real life? Even if they were all "evil" or "dangerous" I'm sure it wouldn't be so easy for you to slaughter 100's of humans and creatures. But you know it's just a game. I'm sure you'd feel fairly insulted by someone trying to tell you you're a serial killer waiting to happen, just because you've murdered 100's of "living" creatures in a video game.

  16. So you're saying you want to group with players. But then that you'd rather wait 10 levels to do a heroic quest/flashpointrather than group with other players? Think about that for a moment.


    You can group up with any other player(s) for all the quests in the game. If you want to play with other people then why not just do this? Do you need to? No. But again you can if that's what you with to do.


    You can group up with 3 other people for warzones and then have an 8v8 pvp battle. Your choice. One would assume if you wanted to group with other players you would do so.


    All flashpoints are designed for 4 players. You can do them or skip them. One would assume if you want to group with other players you would take advantage of this content.


    Basically, you can do all the content in the game as a group. Why do the developers need to force you to do it as a group or provide some amazing benefits to do it as a group? In fact a lot of the content does reward or require group play.


    If you want to play with others so badly then do it.

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