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Posts posted by fadingdimension

  1. Using the horrible sorting/searching functions isn't a fun way to spend my in-game time.


    I have enough credits to suit my needs.


    I'd rather someone get some use out of my items instead of vending them.


    You still make more than vendor cost.


    Unless its something you crafted there is no overhead or production cost on your end (maybe repair bills or "fuel" cost?).


    Don't have to deal with my mailbox filling with items that didn't sell.

  2. This doesn't have to be a war. Can't everyone just agree that an individual choice is the best solution? Everyone gets what they want. Shouldn't that be the end of it?


    Half your customers want hamburgers and half want hot-dogs. Add them both to the menu.


    Instead of arguing with eachother we can just unify behind this idea and show Bioware there's only one real option for them.

  3. Well, some people don't actually have to look. Depending on the size of your screen, your peripheral vision can pick up the visual cue without your looking directly at it. Mine is small enough vertically that I can pick up when things are off cooldown while playing.


    So you are using the action bars to gather the information?

  4. What does clicking or keybinding have to do with looking at your cooldowns? I have every ability bound to a key. I still need to look at my bars to see if X or Y ability is available for use.


    Do you just hammer your key for 5 seconds until it goes off, or just track every cooldown in your head like some idiot-savant?

  5. If you're trying to make a pvp/pve hybrid build it's going to be lackluster for both. You're really better off specializing in one thing.


    In my opinion with that many points into Immortal you may as well get Dark Blood which is good for both. Then at that point may as well get Crushing Blow, also good for both.


    If you want a hybrid I would go to Invincible and then down to Impale in Veng like this:




    There's 7 points left over to fiddle with. The Eviscerate dot is not amazing but a good choice along with if you want more offense. You could grab Huddle/Deafending Defense/Unleashed for defensive. Heavy Handed smash damage is good with Decimate and Ruin. Rampage is decent and debatable for pvp.


    Keep in mind Accuracy, Defense, Shield, etc are all pretty much useless in PVP. Combine that with the fact that all 3 specs can guard and taunt in pvp and it makes Immortal less appealing unfortunately.


    So really depends on if you're more concerned with performing well in PVP or in PVE.


    Also, don't get Crash for PVP. Charge already has a root and allows you to position yourself and stay on the enemy without wasting resolve. You're better off dropping points into stagger.

  6. Can't find it, but, there was a dev post about allowing transferable set bonuses. They want to add it.


    edit: found it.



    The current situation with end game gear and item modifications isn’t final and, in fact, many community members like yourself have correctly guessed at what our plans to correct the current design are.


    Since this is a fairly important issue to many players, let me disclose more details about what is currently in the work regarding purple items and mods:


    - All partially moddable purple items will be made fully moddable again, allowing the removal of the armoring, hilt and barrel.


    - The set bonus of end gear purples (PVP and PVE) will be transferable to custom items.


    - Some item modifications will be restricted to a certain item type. For example, some item modifications will only fit on helmets, while other will only fit on chests, etc.


    As usual, the caveats about unfinished work apply, but this should give you and the community a very good idea of our intentions. We are serious about making custom gear an entirely valid alternative to end game gear and we support the players’ ability to customize their appearance all the way to (and including) end game.

  7. One thing I've noticed in mmo's is that people always expect them to be everything they ever wanted. They move from game to game to game and constantly anticipate the next big mmo being marketed. They hype the next big game up, build computers, visit fansites, mark calendars, brew in the anticipation, and in the end the game will never live up to all the hype they've created in their own mind.


    This is pretty much the case for most people who are quitting this game. I'm sure Guild Wars 2 will come out and the same thing will happen for most of them. I'm sure most of them have a dead Rift account, and Aion, and Lotro, and Warhammer. Mists of Pandaria will come out and they'll probably crawl back to that and never be fully satisfied. Maybe you just need to find a new hobby or genre.


    I'm not saying any of the games I listed are bad, were bad, or are going to be bad. Some people still play and will play all of them. But there's always a huge migration of people every time the next big thing is released.

  8. One of the biggest factors from computer to computer is going to be how clean people keep their computer. Not just physically. But seriously I've seen people with really nice rigs that have them loaded with random applications running, viruses, defragmentation, "registry tweaks", gpu "overclocking", all sorts of garbage that just slows your computer down.


    Essentially it's not always hardware, but somtimes software.


    Simplest thing is to just reformat your drive, reinstall windows, install fresh drivers, install the game, defrag, and see if you still have issues. I did this at launch and have had no major issue at all and neither has my girlfriend who I did the same thing for. This seems extreme but in the time it takes to hunt down some little driver issue, just wiping everything would have been faster.


    All it takes is one little blip on your computers software to ruin performance.

  9. My issue again, with posts like this, is that Bioware never hid the fact that the game has levels, and level gated content. They said over and over again they are not trying to break the mold. Then you have people who hyped this game in their own mind to be some insanely ground breaking thing.


    If you thought the game would be anything more than Bioware said it would be, that's your fault.

  10. Meh. They've been fixing bugs non stop since launch. They've released new content and been working to balance the game. Some MMO's are 3+ years old and still have terrible balance and content issues. There are always going to be bugs in MMO's, period. There are always going to be people who blow through content. Certainly there is also never going to be a way to make a game exactly the way each player wants it.


    I play the game and just enjoy it for what it is. I don't go into any game expecting it to be everything I ever wanted. I've never played a game that I didn't have some gripes about.


    I think a lot of people recently have been hyping games up in their own minds to be something that the developers never promised. They are let down by the ideas and impressions they created based on nothing.


    Bioware could have spent another 10 years developing this game. There's an nearly unlimited amounts of features and content that could be added. If you think Bioware should have waited another year to release, then wait a year and come back. I don't mind playing the game sooner and dealing with some issues (in my opinion minor). I personally think there's way more awesome about this game than bad.


    In the end it's a game. I accept it for what it is and personally enjoy it.

  11. Girlfriend and myself have been having nothing but fun playing this game since early access. We've had issues and bugs but it's never been unreasonable for a new game of any kind. I've played on 3 different computers without a problem.


    I really don't know... I'd say this is one of the most enjoyable games I've played. I feel like if you really don't like SWTOR then I can't see how you could love any other mmo really. I played WoW for years, Aion, Guild Wars, and Lotro. SWTOR has no more or less issues than any of those games.


    Just my 2 cents. I can't argue other peoples experiences but this has been mine.

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