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Posts posted by fadingdimension

  1. You have to pay $60 to buy the box game, f2p means you can try the game, if you like you can chose to spend money on it. Not be force to give up $60 to try the game


    Personally I pre-ordered SWTOR for $60.00. As did a lot of other people coming back for f2p. If I want the cartel coins I was gifted for buying the game and subbing for months I have to give them even more money.


    Yeah if you're a completely new player you don't need to buy a box copy. Honestly though I'd venture to say a huge majority of people coming for f2p are former players.

  2. I play have been playing Guild Wars 2 since launch off and on. I like f2p because I don't feel pressured to "get my moneys worth". I have spent a total of 10 dollars on the GW2 shop to unlock some bank and bag slots but mostly because I felt obliged to give Arenanet some of my money for providing me a great experience. I have total access to all the games content, ui, etc. Nothing impedes my enjoyment of the game and I encounter no road blocks with their f2p model.


    Why can't SWTOR follow a system like GW2? From what I can gather Arenanet is making plenty of money and I know of players who have spent 100's in the GW2 cash shop. I actually want to give Arenanet my money because I feel like I'm getting a great experience. With SWTOR f2p I just feel like I need to either subscribe or get nickle and dimed. Instead of enjoying just SWTOR and in turn wanting to spend a little cash I instead feel obligated to pay for a reasonable experience.


    Yeah it's free. Objectively speaking I can't really complain much. But as a former and prospective customer this is my opinion.

  3. 1) Dead, uninteresting, static, empty, bland.... world. I seriously can't stress enough how, for me, bad this is. I was unfortunate to start at Ord Mantell, the ugliest of them all, and that one really burned me.


    2) Very, VERY bad game engine and game optimization in general. It's a real downer to buy a new graphics card just to see it being kicked in the balls by this kind of game.


    3) Dead server, which leads to bigger problems like empty GTN, no grouping, no socialization... I really miss chat trolling and those stupid but funny jokes you get to see in general in other mmos.


    4) Fight, fight, fight, travel, fight, fight, fight, travel, sell things, fight, fight, fight. I'm sick of it


    5) I don't feel immersed in the story/world at all. Most sidequests (including planet/class) are sugarcoated "Go there and scan that, and while you're at it, kill half the map worth of trash mobs". It gets tedious at some point, and since there is nothing else constructive to do...


    Basically what he said.


    No interesting crafting mechanics. You're character can't even craft! I want to forge my own armor. I don't need Vette to do it for me. I want to spend time questing for materials and ancient artifacts to build something awesome. Space combat is just a silly mini game with no depth. Why can't space combat be incorperated into the story. You fight and that's all. Rerolling alts doesn't seem to be a reasonable "endgame" activity. Usually that's what people do when they're bored of endgame.


    No day night cycles. Planets are basically frozen in time like the movie "Langoliers". Essentially no meaningful world pvp. Unless you're on one of the top 2 servers the planets feel empty. Wish they spent more time making planets bigger and had less planets at launch instead. I want to spend days exploring a planet not a couple hours.


    The game does not run well when objectively compared to its graphical fidelity, other games, and your hardware. Is it "playable"? Yes. But it's not acceptable. The game uses a 1GB disk cache. Why? How is this acceptable for a AAA, 2011, $200,000,000 game. We have DX11, 64-bit Operating systems, and most people have at least 4gb of ram. The game is basically duct-taped together running 2 processes to get around multi-threading and 32bit ram limit. No chat bubbles? Seriously? Your engine is so fudged up that chat bubbles are a technical challenge.

  4. I wish they would just get rid of the idea of selecting a server. You just pick PVP, PVE, RP, or RP-PVP. When players enter the game they join the "Galaxy"


    Planets would have dedicated servers. When one fills up it opens up a second instance and so on. There may be 3 instances of a planet or 30 or 300 depending on current players online on that planet. You'd still be able to group with any other player on another instance and move to their instance.


    This basically creates a Galaxy that is always full and bustling with 100,000's of players to interact with. I want a real Star Wars Universe! There are 7+ billion people on Earth yet it feels like the entire Star Wars galaxy only has 1000.


    World of Warcraft recently announced they are moving towards a hybrid of this idea. DC Universe also uses a system similar to this. So the technology is their and already being utilized.

  5. As people have said earlier, more fps = more heat.


    If you cannot or will not use v-sync I suggest a program called "Bandicam". It's basically like Fraps except that you can limit your FPS while NOT recording. I use it in almost every game to limit my fps. It's free for unlimited trial (which allows the fps limiter to be used indefinitely). It's super light weight and simple.




    Once you install and open it click the "FPS" tab and check the box "Set FPS Limit" enter your desired FPS in the next box, then un-check "Only when capturing". You can change the key-bind to toggle the fps limit also. It also provides an optional FPS overlay with toggle. That simple. Hopefully that helps take some heat/load off your card.


    Bloom in this game will also drive heat up a lot. I'd turn that off. Not much of a loss anyway.


    If your case airflow is bad then just open the side of your case and leave it open or get better airflow.


    I see you said your fan was at only 40% when at max temps. You should be running the fan at 100% @ 90c. Personally my card (HD 6870) will automatically down-clock/crash at 100c to avoid damage.


    I use MSI Afterburner to OC my card. It will allow you to set up a custom fan profile. Basically you set up a x-y axis graph with fan speed and heat. Again I set 90C at 100% speed and have a nice curve down from there. This will allow your fan to gently ramp up as heat ramps up. This program will also allow you to increase voltage and clock speeds. It has heat, fan, gpu usage, voltage, clock speed monitors you can check also.




    If your card is still running @ 90C even at 100% fan speed then I would say don't OC.


    It's good to keep in mind that a hot chip will run slower, be less stable, and require more power to operate. More power obviously creates more heat and in turn starts a vicious cycle that quickly hits a wall.


    Or buy a new card.




    I use this. Good card. Very cheap if you're on a budget. Comes with a free copy of Dirt3 (good game btw). Wouldn't waste money on anything too cheap/low end. Will run SWTOR at max. Will play any modern game with respectable settings. Overclocks well. Mine is at 1025core/1200memclock/1.3v/ Runs around 65c - 85c under load. Just make sure you have an adequate PSU (500w at the very least). Also you can buy a second later on for very cheap to run in CFX.

  6. You do sum it up well and I can relate to the dissapointment in BioWare especially after the botched ME3 ending (not the game itself, which I thought was fantastic). Still there are some things you can do but it can also lead to more tedium, I was very dissapointed in my server which I had 2 50s one rep and one imp, one day I just bit the bullet deleted them and went to the Swiftsure, this was a good move, but I also wanted to create those characters that I loved over again on it. This led to some problems not only did I want to be 50 again as soon as possible I wanted to play lotsa warzones which popped constantly on a full server so I ended up way outleveling everything and getting bored of my questing which led (still) to me not having a legacy.


    EXACT same for girlfriend and me. Low pop server, got to 50, worked on a couple alts. Decided we would re-level on Swiftsure. Tried to level same characters that we liked. Got bored doing it all over again. Haven't really been playing at all anymore even with 30 free days. Stuck @ 30ish with little motivation to get back to 50.

  7. Then stop grinding gear and just play for the fun of it. If you're still not having fun then do yourself a favor and stop. It's very self destructive to spend your leisure time forcing yourself to do something you don't enjoy.


    The simple explanation of why MMO's have such a gear grind; It keeps people rehashing the same content over and over. Thus continuing to pay their sub fee and allowing developers time to create new content.


    I agree that there isn't much to do in this game outside of pvp or pve progression. It's sad to see such a massive and dynamic game in SWG get shut down and basically replaced by this game which doesn't come close to the complexity of SWG.


    I've seen people mention GW2 being less about gear grinding. Well that game isn't going to have a monthly fee. Do the math.


    Again, stop grinding gear and just play for fun. If it's not fun then stop.

  8. From a recent interview with Daniel Erickson on the podcast "Mos Eisley Radio":


    "One of the primary passions I've always had in the MMO's is getting into the living world."


    I really think day/night cycles and weather would help achieve this. Right now planets are entirely static. They always look the same and act the same everyday at all times. The new Rakghoul event definitely helps. However, even this event is static. There isn't specific things happening at specific times. Also, adding day night cycles and dynamic weather requires no real future updates, voice acting, or content creation. Once it's implimented you're done with it.


    It would be easy to tie other dynamic events, quests, or bosses to the weather and time of day. Perhaps a certain boss only comes out at night. Maybe a certain quest is only available during the day. Maybe an NPC tells you to come back in the morning because they need time to get something for you. Maybe at night NPCs go inside and the creeps and criminals come out. You could even do the same thing with weather. Maybe rain spawns special plants for Biochem. A sandstorm on Tattooine sends NPCs fleeing for shelter. Day/Night cycles also don't have to coincide with real time and could simply be a few hours per cycle.


    I feel like every mmorpg I've played has sported at least a day/night cycle. Many also have weather. Even in a single player game. Imagine playing a game like Skyrim without day/night or weather. I really feel like it would completely diminish the game's immersion.


    This really is one of my biggest gripes with the game at the moment. I don't want a static world. I don't want static questing and npcs. Day/night and weather seems like one of the easiest and low maintenance ways of giving players a sense of a "living world". I've even seen a

    with simple ways of


    I hope Bioware will reconsider. It would be my most favorite addition to date.

  9. I've noticed since patching to 1.2 that the action bar buttons don't show the "depress" graphic when pressing a keybind.


    The keybind text does alternate from light to dark but not if you are in range of a target for the ability you are using. I'm fairly certain prior to 1.2 the whole button would show a "depress" graphic every time you pressed a keybind.



    1) place an offensive ability on action bar

    2) bind a key to that slot

    3) target nothing

    4) press the keybind and notice the keybind text changes from light to dark

    5) target a friendly target out of range from the ability you bound

    6) press the keybind and notice the keybind text changes from light to dark

    7) get within range of the target now

    8) press the keybind and notice the keybind text no longer changes from light to dark and has no indication that you are pressing the button.


    If you're using a mouse to activate abilities you won't have this problem. You actually still get a button depress graphic while clicking.


    It's most noticeable if you're in combat, between global cooldowns, pressing a keybind, and you have no visual feedback that the corresponding action slot is receiving your input.


    Anyway, I've found no way to fix this and maybe I'm simply blind and can't find an option for it. If not hopefully someone else can verify if this is happening to them. Haven't seen any posts about it.

  10. Posts like these are fun because they only focus on the subjective negative aspects of the class and leave out all the good things.


    Maybe you don't like this class. That's fine. However, that doesn't mean the class is broken. It just means it may not fit your play-style. If you really like Rage and just want to run around slaughtering people then a Marauder is probably going to be more fun for you.


    My Jugg Intercedes an ally, AoE taunts, Pushes an enemy away, taunts another, and drops its aoe stun/snare. Then laughs as my enemies hit like wet noodles and my ally gets away.


    My Jugg grabs the Huttball, Intercedes and ally, Charges over the flames, Pushes an enemy off the catwalk, then charges again to score a goal. My Marauder can't do that.


    Again... You may not enjoy your Jugg. But that doesn't mean there's something wrong with the class. Each class has a pretty unique style in this game and for good reason; to give players a choice.

  11. You can probably open a ticket in game and tell them your name violates the EULA/TOS and you'd like to change it. Provide the new name you'd like as well. May or may not work. I know someone who did this with their characters name.
  12. As it stands, you can move raid gear stats to any orange armor in the game to get equivalent (or better, with an augment slot) states + set bonus. On the flip side, in the future they will be adding the ability to add augment slots to existing gear, so you're not going to be missing out on that if you happen to like the raid gear. I'm not seeing the problem here.


    I've already stated my opinion on guilds forcing peopel to have augmented gear, so I won't re-state that.


    I guess what I'm not clear on is exactly what you would like them to be doing different. To me, it seems like they're pretty much going to let us have our cake and eat it too.


    They have not said that. They said custom gear that people have saved in their banks. All this means is that you will be able to add an augment slot to custom orange armor that you can't in 1.2. No more and no less. Nothing about raid items or pvp armor. We already disagreed on what they were implying with this quote so it's not much use to debate about and doesn't apply to 1.2 anyway. We have no clue when this will happen.


    Your opinion about the guilds forcing people to wear armor is fine. But regardless a player is gimping their stats if they forgo crafted armor. Bioware has even explicitly stated this.


    I've said what I believe they should do differently and given several suggestions that I won't reiterate again.

  13. How is it illogical? Basically since launch, people have been complaining that endgame gear is ugly and they want to be able to wear whatever looks cool. So Bioware is giving us the ability to mod orange gear to endgame status so we don't have to wear ugly gear anymore, and now we're finding reasons to whine about that.


    Customization is great. I don't think anyone is arguing that. You may like this system and that's fine. But if people think it's lacking or that something else would be better they should voice their suggestions and opinions. I'm sure Bioware doesn't want it's fans to settle for something they don't really think is 100%.


    I don't think anyone is "whining" it's just criticism and constructive feedback that Bioware asks for.

  14. The point is in the future you won't HAVE to RNG craft to get an augment slot.


    That quote simply says you'll be able to add an augment slot to more existing custom armor. It doesn't say crit crafting and reverse engineering will not be required. All I would read from that is "Yeah you will be able to RE and crit craft more armor in the future"

  15. I also think a big driving force behind these changes is that Bioware wants to give crafters a larger roll in the game and economy. A good way to do that is by allowing them to craft augmented gear or add augments to other gear, making them an integral part of acquiring the best gear. Personally, I wholeheartedly support this notion.


    I want crafting to matter too. But allow them to craft armor that is desirable stat wise. Not make them the fashion designers of the galaxy. Essentially they will be creating "looks". Not powerful armor. They will create shells that you shove mods into.


    Or if augmented gear is going to become baseline then just make all gear have augment slots. Crafters can they make alternative looks that are exclusive to them and stat augments for people to place into armor. This will give them essentially the same thing but allow bosses and pvp to drop armor than is worth equipping immediately.

  16. Maybe you guys should have read that Community Q&A a little bit more carefully. From the second-to-last paragraph:




    So there you go. They're adding the ability to add an augment slot to existing gear later on.


    Point is they don't even have to do this. Just separate crew skills and customizing your look. Why do we have to rip apart armor and then rng craft over and over until we proc a piece just so we can wear the peice of armor we already owned.


    Just let us put on a peice of armor a boss just dropped without gimping ourselves. Thats all I'm saying. With this system if a chest peice drops off a boss in basically every situation the person obtaining it will immediately rip the mods out of the item. This is a silly design!

  17. There are currently over 50 three-piece craftable armor sets available in the live game right now, which will all be able to crit augment slots in 1.2. They have already stated that some other gear looks will added as schematics that drop from various mission crew skills.


    So while I agree that social gear should be able to have augments added (which they are going to add sometime AFTER 1.2), I do think I can find something within those 50+ armor sets that works for me visually during the interim.


    Take a look at this awesome thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=320129


    Everything you see there is in the live game already, made with synthweaving, and everything you see there gains an augment slot on crit. (The same is true of Armormech, I just haven't found a good link to preview those armor sets.


    I'd call that a pretty big step in the right direction towards customizing the look of your gear while still having the very best stats available to you.


    While yes that's a decent selection you should be able to wear any look you want. Also 50 sets? Yeah for all the classes combined. Your character isn't going to have 50 sets to choose from. Probably 10 that are reasonably obtainable.


    Again. This is still basically forcing you to look at a few sets of gear for augmenting. Any sort of high level raid armor will be extremely frustrating and annoying to obtain, research, and then crit. If you have the item already, you should be able to wear it. Not rip it apart and hope you can crit it so you can actually wear something you like and not be gimped.


    Like I said there's way easier ways to let people customize. Look at basically every other modern MMO. They all have way easier and intuitive systems than this. Bioware doesn't have to reinvent the wheel.

  18. From the most recent Q&A:


    Exaro - Will crit crafted orange gear with the tier 4 mods in it and an additional augment be required to get the best possible stats or will the stand alone purple tier 4 be just as good?


    David Hunt: Augments are required for the highest possible stats, but augmented gear is not required for any existing content. A fully augmented set of endgame gear will put you above the stat curve.


    Basically Bioware seems to be really naive.


    It seems like they think players will forgo getting augmented BiS gear in favor of wearing what they think looks nice.


    This won't happen, Bioware. In fact it will be looked down upon. If someone isn't using augmented gear they will be gimping themselves, period. Any remotely serious guild will require players to have full augmented sets to raid. Any sort of remotely competitive pvp team will require augmented sets.


    I've been playing MMO's for a decade now. Players will always do whatever produces the most stats and the best results regardless of personal enjoyment. Players will play the absolute most boring specs if they produce better results. They will wear gear they hate because it has the best stats.


    Unfortunately Bioware will most likely see people running around in low level augmented armor and say "Oh Hey! They must like that armor!". No they don't like it but it's essentially required.


    You will be able to attempt reverse engineering your t4 armor if you like it. But the cost of mats and random RNG will be too punishing for most players to bother with since wearing a set of low level augmented armor provides the same stats. This is assuming they even have the appropriate crafting skill. Since the tier items are BoP you can't trade to a friend for them to learn. This is all just for the "cosmetic" look. This doesn't encourage players to customize their armor because frankly it's a pain.


    Customizing your armor should be the easy part. If I obtain my teir 4 after much work I should be able to equip it and look the way I want to look. Instead this system encourages you to immediately rip the mods out and put them into some low level augmented armor that you may not even like.


    How is this promoting choice and customization?


    I want crafters to have a reason and incentive to be crafters but this is far from the best solution.

  19. In regards to the Q/A about the mercenary AC's lack of interrupt...


    BW, you realize that Sorcerers and Sages have a CC, stun, and interrupt right? As someone who plays a merc, a real interrupt is becoming a must have in both PvE and PvP. This is especially true when playing against one of the above mentioned classes, as they have MUCH more control options as well as their insane damage output for having said abilities. Not to mention the fact that a merc's abilities are entirely dependant on the target not being immune to CC/Stun/Knockback....


    And that is not even bringing in to account how unbalanced the "bubble" is, versus the merc shield.




    Sorc/sage have:





    temporary 100% Damage Immunity

    Excellent Damage output


    Mercs/republic counterparts have:




    temporary reduced damage taken

    Excellent Damage output (if not interrupted)


    So what was all that about class balance???


    Sorc's also get sprint and pull.... "BUT... BUT..... HEAVY ARMOR!"

  20. If I remember right, you can RE a piece of raid gear to learn the recipe which turns into an orange piece when you craft it. But, it is not 100% chance to learn the recipe.


    Anyway, this is why I am not a big fan of the system...


    If you want BiS, you need a crit orange piece of gear. You can crit the low level orange gear so you can technically have the BiS piece for that slot. While true that you need to mods from raiding to turn that piece into BiS, it also makes that raid piece you got instantly inferior to that orange gear you already had.


    Yes, while technically you can have that raid piece be BiS if you RE it, get the recipe, craft it, and hope you get it to crit. So basically, it puts a lot of work on someone that likes to be able to show off that super rare nightmare mode quality item. If you only care about stats (like me) then you'll just be wearing that low level crit orange piece you got relatively cheap for the long foreseeable future.


    Exactly. It seems like bosses may as well just drop mods. I mean this system will work... But it just seems like a really confusing, contrived, and unnecessarily awkward way of doing things. There's WAY WAY WAY easier ways to balance crafting and raid gear.




    Allow a crafter to add an augment slot to a peice of gear.

    Make this require a lot of mats.

    Allow it to be done in a trade window so they can mod someone elses armor for credits.


    With this system you get a new item off a boss, open a trade window with the appropriate crafter, they use their "augment" ability on the item, and you both click trade after the effect has been applied (see WoW enchanting).

  21. Thanks fading, hope that changes as its still test patch notes.


    The notes also say you will be able to reverse engineer the new teir 2 items and have a CHANCE to learn it's recipe. I would assume that then you could craft a teir 2 item and MAYBE get a crit... and maybe it would add an augment slot to that item (not clear)? Which would possibly have the appearance of the original(not clear)... Thus allowing you to wear the item's model with an augment slot also?


    Seems like a lot of work/rng just to wear an item you already have without gimping your stats assuming it will even be possible.


    And you'd also have to be the proper crafting proffesion. If i'm a Cybertech Sith Warrior i'm not going to be able to reverse engineer my main armor slots.


    Seems like a mess.

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