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Everything posted by Amdarius

  1. Very bored. I still log on daily to do some crafting, but not really sure why since I don't get much enjoyment from it (and there's little reason to do it). Probably won't resubscribe after this month. Will eagerly await the next sandbox MMO.
  2. It's not just nostalgia. I'm trying to figure out what this "Progress" is that you refer to? I can't think of anything in SWTOR that is better than EQ1 other than the graphics (and the PVP by default because there was almost no PVP in EQ1 other than on the PVP servers).
  3. Imagine an MMO Skyrim where players could setup player cities, build keeps with their guilds, hire henchmen, populate dungeons... alchemy, crafting, enchanting (not on the broken scale that is skyrim, but in a way similar to SWG where you could find limited quantities of certain resources in a certain area before it would move elsewhere).. There is a phenomenal MMO WORLD out there waiting to be made. Who will be the team to go for it?? I would never leave a game like that.
  4. Why is gaining 5 levels in a day any more fun than .5 levels in a day if you're enjoying the experience? I had way more fun camping spots in EQ1, rife with danger and the risk of death, than I do grinding 38 simple quests that involve me mostly just running from one spot to the next on a map that lights up to show me where to go. Then again, I guess I just don't like games that my 4 year old nephew can play as well as anybody else.
  5. Cazic Thule, baby! I'll take EQ's more open world where you could just enjoy a dungeon with friends for 5-6 hours over this single-player MMO-faux game. At least in EQ1 you knew more than a couple other people on the server. That was back when community mattered (and kept you engaged).
  6. Don't bother. Bioware has set a new low for customer service in a MMO. It is pathetically bad.
  7. Only in the newer generation MMOs. It didn't used to be. Then the soloers non-stop crying to be able to enjoy the game like everybody else resulted in these dumbed down MMOs we see today where you can pretty much solo the entire game and get all the best gear on your own.
  8. I somewhat enjoy the story.. but frankly, it's a minor thing to me in an MMO. I like it in single player games, though. For an MMO, the more important things to me are community, PVP/RVR, lots of advancement to be had, challenging PVE, and lots of exploration. SWTOR fails in community, RVR, and exploration.
  9. Cite? I love when people claim that they know what the "majority" of players want. Because, of course, the majority always wants what you want, right?
  10. I'm pulling in about 30k every 2 hours at lvl 33 just on taris. And those nodes aren't worth as much as the later ones. Just because YOU aren't pulling in 70k every 3 hours like those guys are doesn't mean they aren't doing it.. it just means you aren't.
  11. I've made a ton of money on my alt that took slicing as a skill. He has 500k credits at lvl 30. My main had about 5k credits at lvl 30 after buying his first speeder and speeder skill. Slicing is still an awesome skill. If you're not getting rich off of it, you're doing it wrong.
  12. You're nuts. SWG's crafting was the best ever. I crafted 95% of the time in SWG - had more fun doing that than killing rancors.
  13. I don't mind the lack of single player content. My concern is that this is a single player game. The PVP was horribly thought out and designed. The gear is pretty limited. Crafting, except for biochem and artificing, is an afterthought at best (although I like the companion system and crew skills idea, the overall crafting system and the way it fits into the game was not well thought out). The flashpoints are okay once or twice, but really they're just like any of the heroic missions I ran and there's not much point to them. The HM FPs are a little better as are the Ops, but they've been fairly buggy and don't always trigger completion properly. I also don't feel part of a world. I feel like I'm playing a single player game where I occasionally pick up a "buddy" or two for a heroic mission that takes 10 minutes to complete and I never see those people ever again even after adding them to my friends list and trying to keep in touch. There's just no need or reason to. Guilds? What's the purpose? It's just a chat room. There's no functionality. No guild levels. No guild house. No guild bank. How a game launches without more guild functionality is beyond me. I know people don't like to talk about SWG, but that game survived for a long time based only on its player cities and guilds. SWTOR is a very thin MMO. Nice veneer, but once you get into it, fatally flawed.
  14. Nah, slicing isn't broken and doesn't overinflate the economy. It's a decent moneymaker. It also gives augments and bonus missions. Good skill.
  15. Maybe your buddy was exploiting and it has nothing to do with a question about whether his account was hacked (which is what the authenticator is for). Maybe you should try posting your buddy's account name or something rather than pointlessly ranting here (you haven't provided any info that would be useful or asked for any action). You might wanna try the CS forum, although you're probably not going to get much help there either given that Bioware provides the worst CS of any MMO I've ever played - and it's not even close.
  16. Separating the queues just screwed over any 50s that play casually. Unless you're in a pre-made 50 with expertise-laden gear, you're going to get rolled. Doing solo queue and waiting for 30 minutes only to get steamrolled isn't all that fun. Which just means fewer people queue. Seems like nobody does PUGs for HMs or Ops either. You pretty much need to join a guild to find a group for one. And even in my fairly active, fairly large guild, the runs are not frequent. There's a reason server populations are dwindling, although a good chunk of the 50s are rerolling alts. The problem is what happens when every runs an alt of every archtype and then realizes there is still nothing to do and/or no point to doing it.
  17. The delays are not entirely gone. My marauder does seem more responsive, but my sniper still has issues.
  18. My 29 sorc can deploy 3, so not sure if that's entirely accurate..
  19. I'm still praying that we'll someday see another Star Wars sandbox game that is well designed and has no involvement from SOE or EA. Something that combines the good story elements of SWTOR with the crafting/open world/PVP-RVR-epic battle feeling of SWG. There is a great game out there waiting to be made.
  20. Disagree with OP. They've gotten plenty of praise. Frankly, this game is a very good single player game with coop play.
  21. Really? I don't play THAT much and I have a level 50, a lvl 29 and a lvl 25. It would be easy to have 4 lvl 50s if you played a good amount.
  22. I'm enjoying the game, but definitely feel it came up short in many areas. It just doesn't feel much like an MMO. It's mostly solo-oriented until you hit 50. While I enjoy the companion/crew skills system, crafting as a whole is a fairly big let down. Far too little variety (and I care more about utility than appearance). They should've allowed you to tinker more with the stats of various items while selecting a certain appearance for the item, instead of locking us into one particular item for every 5-7 levels. Very uncreative. I hate playing games on rails. Absolutely hate them. I don't want to be able to play the game while looking at my mini-map. The immersion factor in the world is very poor. The immersion factor in your character is good with the cutscenes and voice acting, but frankly, any company that emphasizes voice acting at the expense of things to do is looking extremely short term (because now that I'm on my third alt, I find the cut scenes to be annoying and just space bar through all of these repeated conversations). Space combat was dreadfully disappointing. After doing a few of them, I've never gone back to it. Bleh. I like the combat graphics and the skills.. PVP needs a lot of work.
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