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Everything posted by Hoseman

  1. Prison rapists's... LOL Best analogy for a scoundrel / operative ever
  2. this is one of the first times a suggestion like this actually got more positive feedback than the typical L2P comments ive been seeing. Nice. been saying this for a while, force push resetting our charge would be a great way to balance the ridiculous amounts of knock-back every other class in the game has.
  3. OP is either exaggerating to make a point... or is talking out of his ***.
  4. You need to stop making these blatant accusations. I did not put words in your mouth, you are misreading and taking offense to a statement you yourself instigated, and now youre just insulting me, im trying to be relatively logical but you dont want to understand my point, and thats fine, ignorance is bliss. I never once said you CANT hit 500k, i was stating that to do so would mean usually ignoring objectives. can we agree to disagree and stop having an epic light saber duel with our e-peens? This is just getting tiresome. Edit: Just wanted to quote you for reference "or maybe your just bad? there have been many posts of pics with 500k+ dmg hell weve seen sorcs do 700k+.. u fail terribly if your bm geared mara doing 300k"
  5. Listen. Bro. I dont know why you feel it neccesary to continue this argument. But you again missed my point, When i replied "Maybe he was actually trying to win the match" You usually Dont on average hit above 300k unless you are part of a premade roflstomp crew AND go for objectives at the same time. Examples 1. Huttball Usually 6- 0 first 10 - 20 minutes, not much fighting going on there. Good games go even 1-0 or even 3-3 tons of fighting but mostly exchanges between ball carriers. 2. Voidstar, this is usually the place where you can see the highest numbers, defending each place for the longest period of time and then losing it and moving on to the next defense point, 2 main choke points, resulting in massive fights (rage usually wins you the damage medals here) Again, this is if youre LOSING. If youre winning you win in 5 minutes and bust through the enemy team in an epic victory. then wait the 2 minutes to defend and own. I havent been in a match where its been even on void star, my own experience. 3. Alderaan. Its AB in WoW, we all know how that goes. people defend and run around and defend and run around. Unless youre fighting in the middle for a half hour you wont see those numbers and actually win the match. KTHXBAI. Can we move on to the actual topic? Whose math is right? biowares? or these random people?
  6. *Facepalm* So basically all the nerfs that their recieving is NOT because theyre OP its because the people getting roflstomped are just bad? Unbelievable.......
  7. People cant seem to agree on the math, but for the most part alot of people are getting a "nerf" conclusion using their math. I wouldnt know unless i can test it live and have some way to track my damage so im not going to even bother theorycrafting.
  8. Facts are relative, youve not stated one fact the whole time youve been arguing, those are your own assumptions, and youre right everyones got 'em. But here is a fact, You dont need to be #1 500+k in damage to win a match, In fact you dont have to kill anyone at all. Put that on your bagel and eat it.
  9. You dont have to be upset. Im merely pointing out a fact. Victory or not those people more often then not stacking their damage usually are not going for objectives. Doesnt mean they werent carried either way... i can beat on a healer for an entire match never kill him/her and have my damage skyrocket, doesnt mean i helped achieve victory at all..
  10. Or maybe hes actually winning the matches and not fighting pointlessly? Troll on bro. Troll on.
  11. I have a 47 sorc and i do this all the time, i see a marauder and i know exactly how to deal with them being that its my main, elecrocute, pop cd's and burst him down, if he pops his Defensive cd's knockback and kite a few seconds until its finished, repeat burst, dead. EVEN THROUGH HEALS i did this multiple times.
  12. I dont know im at work!!! Look up Natsu on ironcitadel some time tonight ill try and check it out, but probably forget to post it here.
  13. If thats the case ive never seen my dots from rupture crit higher than around 600
  14. Wait hold up. you make a fail vid with a troll topic and you're complaining that people are ragging on you? Riiight....
  15. At first i thought this was going to be an arrow to the knee joke Ive been seeing crits like 1200 from bleeds as well and it seems to be coming from overcharge saber/deadly saber procs, but only every so often. I cant pinpoint where the damage is coming from as the tooltips nor the other talents seem to see this high number make sense
  16. i agree. But ill say one thing about carnage, until they fix all the false execution and ability delay issues this spec will never beat out annihilation on raw damage. It does however have increasingly higher burst when compared to annihilation.
  17. btw. Sithwarrior.com is full of misinformation and terrible theorycrafters. Thats my opinion.
  18. Ok thanks. I would also request maybe creating a thread, reserving reply posts, seperating each portion of your post in sections that way you can create an index / table of contents linking to each section. Hopefully we can get some hard numbers in here soon when they allow us damage meters.
  19. LOL. I wish you had fraps too. So i can actually believe you.
  20. Since when is a stun a nuke? Where in my post did i say i was trying to 1 v 5, i was listing every other class CC's that exist in the game. I dont need to feel better about myself, because i dont think im bad, i think your lack of actual feedback to my comment's is enough to prove it so. Lets just agree to disagree i guess. You can like the marauder how it is and it can stay the same. I can ask for a Stun. lets first try and get you to make sense....
  21. Its definitely bloated on both sides. Although throughout the leveling process as a melee class we are definitely squishy. I mean if were FORCED to use Long CD's every pull whats the point of having a CD on them? The complaint i think is these people are in the process of learning the class while leveling, assuming that they should automatically have mastered the class is illogical. That said when they die to a strong mob pack or a 2 pull and die constantly, even when popping cooldowns, theres an issue somewhere. Wether it be with the player or the class, its bad design to have people frustrated to this level where QQ posts are rampant. Shut up or Reroll is ignorant. I leveled to 50 on my own i used quinn as annihilation from the moment i got him till i got up to around 43 or 44, where i just leveled with my friends to 50, i missed alot of the grind that is involved getting to 50, so i dont know where the complaints stem from personally. Then i stepped into warzones, i replaced my monitor and had to fix a few holes in my wall but i managed to gear myself out so i could start pve'ing. Wont be touching PVP for a while.
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