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Everything posted by Hoseman

  1. its just beserk. Predation and bloodthirst dont affect it. Edit: Beserk as Annihilation due to the aoe healing
  2. you most be one of those fanboys that will never see anything wrong in the game, thus killing it instead of trying to fix serious problems.
  3. I dont think calling someone garbage for agreeing with you is in good form. its obvious some of the "Yea i break 500k easy in every wz" is exaggerating. Not that its impossible but that its rare. I dont see why people are arguing about having marauders looked at better to tweak the class. I dont think anyone is asking for a super buff that makes them flavor of the month Operatives or something. Why is it discussing flaws always brings out the argumentative trolls in everyone? >.< I also find it hard to believe half the people arguing even play the class...
  4. Ok lets start off by you combining all three specs into one super tree. Snare's /= CC Especially with the inherent mass amount of knockbacks that people are capable of. Stuns, Force Sprint, Force Pull, Harpoon leading into another stun, Force Push, 30m aoe Blind grenade. I dont even... Really? I ask for a stun and you cant understand why?
  5. You think the marauder forums are the most used besides general? i constantly see our threads being updated with Class is fine Class is broken posts. I guess i wanted to see if there was a consensus on the most discussed community? i think us as marauders are the most vocal, thus deserving dev feedback. I don't really use the other forums though. General is a sess pool of trolls, and the other class forums are not intresting to me as i dont play those classes / love them as much as my mara. thoughts?
  6. is there a summary here somewhere? 2 huge posts.... way too long to read.
  7. im skeptical of this. because either you are not fighting in a 50 bracket, or youre playing against complete derps. I can tell you now when i was pvping to gear up for raids, i specced rage, waiting for a big fight, charged in to a couple of sorcs aoe'd and almost killed one of them, then got cc spammed to death while being thrown around like a volleyball, all the while the damage i did negated by a healer. It was hilarious and frustrating at the same time.
  8. op's clearly needed the nerf. To the ground. End of story. Even the Op's in my guild are crying about it.. but it is definitely needed. im sorry but you had a good month and then some to take full advantage of being over powered. time to sit down son.
  9. im pretty sure you could argue scoundrels and operatives to be better melee classes. =) just a thought not a surmon.
  10. what cc? if you're talking about force choke i dont think its cc'ing yourself to stun someone is "sufficient"
  11. yea im coming off like a dick. I agree once people learn how to play the class it does tend to become easier, and it only gets better with gear. But at the same time there are these glaringly annoying problems with the class that need to be addressed. Lack of sufficient CC is one of them, also buffing our damage Just a BIT to keep us on par with the other classes.
  12. i like this. Constructive and helpful and pretty much tells you how our class is viable in a pvp setting without punching your monitor. like he said, were 1v1 heroes, otherwise pick your battles like a vulcher, and make sure people die when you get on them, otherwise ****. Having a dedicated healer makes us less frustrating but the key elements that annoy are still in play.. we just deal with it longer.
  13. Also, 27 keybinds, you're saying you have to use all your abilities... how are you pulling off 27 abilities in a single fight? I retract though.. im being silly, of course situations arise where you only need to use 13 of those abilities...
  14. bah... I give up. Its the same thing over and over. Learn to play noobs don't voice your concerns just reroll.
  15. The problem is there is no guide on how not to be cc'd to death by a sorcerer, or how to mitigate tracerspamlol mercernaries from owning you in the face, show me the guide on how to dodge knockbacks, ill take that one easy, how to avoid back to back cc. How about a guide on why my damage is nothing compared to the other classes? This class IS NOT super hard to play. I dont know why this misconception is brewing, Yes its harder than the other classes, but its not, forgive me from refrencing WoW, DK's early wrath before macro mashing. Most of the big issues are attributed to being too damn squishy for a non stealth melee class. I dont think its too much to ask to have bioware look into this themselves is it? If they feel our concerns are unwarranted they would have told us so in a post like they've done in so many other threads. Hell theyve already stated they're going to be implementing some "ease of life" fixes, and DPS Bug fixes as well.
  16. Ive read alot of the complaints. while i do agree some are ilfounded and i think are due in fact to lack of knowledge, Alot of the complaints hold weight. When you say every single one of them comes back to the same thing, its the same few people arguing the same things "L2P" and are not actually giving constructive feedback, why?, because there is none, there are clear and present flaws in the class, i wont go as far as saying its broken as i love my marauder, and will continue playing, but to say its fine and its only the player at fault when attributing issues is plain, to be blunt, retarded.
  17. you got proof? you got meters? go ahead post them, ill wait. OH Thats right there is no proof. Utility is great, if you want to be a fluffer. You should try a sniper, a bounty hunter, an operative, a sorcerer, and try and see how they compare. Until then all i see is "im an ignorant baby and i rolled 3 marauders". You want a SS? wait till i get off work...
  18. lies? do you even play this game? You keep repeating the same broken tune, i don't think 80% of this community is drop dead retarded, and cant play this class, i think all the concerns brought to these forums should be addressed in an intelligent and logical manner. Im more frustrated with the lack of forethought and outside the box thinking that YOU and others seem to demonstrate, you are in this terrible train of thought called "denial" and refuse to see anyone else's point of view but your own. I don't know who you are, you might be Pro status MLG and know exactly what your doing All the time. You might be group queuing in warzones and not see that the solo queue is clearly suffering. whatever it is get off your high horse.
  19. hi guys im in full battlemaster gear, and i finally feel like im useful, i no longer get cc'd to death, and i now hit with chopsticks instead of wet noodles. Weeks of grinding and now im finally able to compete with everyone.... Were BALANCED! /sarcasm Broken or not, mara's are weak in comparison to every other class. That is not balance. If i need to take training courses and spend COUNTLESS hours attempting to learn my class, that is not balance. Keep riding that l2p into the ground... it will butcher this class and eventually the game. I would like to see some constructive and BALANCED criticm for once, all i hear are the same people using the same argument "Class is fine you just suck". And people please. don't assume the class does fine damage until hard numbers and statistics are released. I have a slight incling that bioware does not want to release damage meters for fear of backlash once these numbers come out.
  20. You realize swtor had stated very clearly in many interviews that they are NOT Trying to reinvent the wheel. In fact they used those words exactly. They are merely expanding on already existing concepts. Im too lazy and dont care enough to find you a link... try to be less ignorant.
  21. Hose Reporting in: Nearly Full rakata gear, Damage is mediocre at best. thus im in agreement with OP. I agree with the OP on almost everything but his suggestions on how to fix it. I dont think any of us have the full knowledge of the game to create suggestions like "remove fury". The only suggestion i make is that we as mara's get a form of a knockback or stun that doesn't cc yourself in the process, and to tweak our damage. The fix they are making for annihilation while deserving, doesn't even tap into whats wrong with the class. AGAIN were not Broken, we just suck. take your L2P comments and go back to WoW, none of your critism is helpful or argumentative and you are just merely trolling. I also highly doubt the people posting L2P even have a marauder or are so bad at this game that every marauder no matter how gimped facerolls them.
  22. /signed id like to know what is going on as well, especially if this is intended.
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