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Everything posted by Vedano

  1. Vedano

    Last day of sub

    I played hockey for 18 years of my life, ice, roller and dek. I paid to play most of them because I enjoy the game. Did I pay to lose? Hell no I didn't. I also had control over who I let on my team. I wanted to win, I paid to play just like everyone else on that team. We all practiced, we all showed up for team meetings, we all tried our best. I don't have that luxury right now with ranked warzones, and yes, I am paying to play this game. So do I want to win? You're damn right I want to win. I don't care if I am playing for free or paying to play or if someone is paying for me. I am a competitor, always have been and always will be. To bring the "most optimal spec" into question is kidna silly as well. No, I don't spec optimally, I like to make things as difficult as possible for myself. When I swim I attach cinder blocks to my legs and put duct tape around my ankles. What kind of question is that? Do you see a wide receiver playing in turf shoes when hes on grass? Do you see a center using a butter knife for a stick? Why is doing something to the best of ur ability a bad thing now? Oh you're a cookie cutter, blah blah. I know, I am at the spec that optimizes the class/spec to the best it can be by devs, I am such a terrible person to want to be the best that I can be. How awful of me. I should make myself work harder for something for no reason...... If you don't want to play pvp seriously, then thats cool, but don't mess with people that do. We don't care if you want to be mediocre you're whole life with everything you do, but don't expect us to do the same, kthx.
  2. Vedano

    Last day of sub

    Thank you very much Squidkidz, it is much appreciated. The imperial community has been quite a challenge and a joy to play. I love the competition and sportsmanship. It indeed is frustrating to have pugs try to throw blame on you when you know exactly what happened and why and who did it. And I most definitely will be around for ranked, again thank you sir =) Hope to see you out there.
  3. Vedano

    Last day of sub

    Thank you Elkirin, and yeah, I hope ranked warzones are a huge success as well.
  4. Vedano

    Last day of sub

    I canceled my sub 30 days ago and this is my last day. I am saddened by this, but I cannot subject myself to the warzones as of late without being able to make a premade 8 man. I originally cancelled my sub because i was upset without the ranked warzone addition. But now that I can still only do 4 man premades and are at the mercy of russian roulette warzone pugs, it's time to hang it up. I can only take so much when it comes to the questionable decisions of pugs. I lost 2 warzones today and 3 yesterday to pugs, and that's only just the past 2 days. 4 people that work as a cohesive unit cant take on 8 people doing the same thing. It's frustrating working so hard only to have your own teammates ruin it for you because they don't care nearly as much as you do. I will definitely be back when ranked and 8 man premades are in play, whether thats in 1.3 or even a later patch, but I will be back when that is in place regardless. Until then.....I have no reason to play. I have a 50 with full WH gear, why put myself thru the high blood pressure, stress inducing matches that is brought with pugs that don't play the objective, but only play their own personal death matches. To each their own, so I decided to remove myself from the torture of pug ridden warzones. I hope to see you all in a short period of time, but it's all up to Bioware. Sincerely, Corragio <Crescendo> - 50 Guardian: The Bastion, formerly of The Swiftsure
  5. If you play sith, do you go by east and west by the map, or east and west by their relative position? Cause if you go by relative position their west is republics east, and vice versa. And you say because east and west change? So does grass and snow change? Someone could make a mistake on east and west just as easily as making a mistake on grass or snow. Get over it, we're not going to stop using it. All you do is give us a reason to tell you why you're opinion is flawed.
  6. This argument is null as using east and west would only be helpful to someone new to the warzone itself. They would have no idea as to where grass or snow was and would need an explanation considering they are new. However, most of us have played civil war enough to complain about the use of grass and snow and know which side is which so it is an effective means of communication. Changing grass/snow to east/west only helps someone that has no idea about the terminology of the map. If you don't know where grass and snow are at this point with 6 months of playing this game, then you really shouldn't be playing this game at all, as deciphering the difference between which side is snow and which side is grass is pretty elementery. Further more, who gives a rats ***** about what its called? If it's called just go there.
  7. So basically what I see is that they are trying to bring in line the other 2 unbelievable and unstoppable tanks that are Vans/PT's and KC/Tankassins with Guardians/Juggs. I love all the complaining though, please dont stop. I find it quite amusing that people are upset about how guardians have been all along lol. This is great, and guardians got a buff too. I almost crapped a live chicken. Who held a gun to the devs head to make that change I wonder? Musta hurt the person just typing the buff let alone acutally doing it, musta damn near killed them to buff guardians considering we have been the red headed step child of the tank and dps world since launch. Never thought I would see this day, but it is here at last, and it is good
  8. Yeah, they made them more human instead of demigods now. No more 1 v 3 for tankasins and winning. To quote Rocky IV "You see, hes not a machine, hes a man!"
  9. You just need to find a good tank to run some guard and taunts for you. I am a hybrid guardian and I guard swap and taunt like a boss. Just gotta find someone who is willing to be a tank and guard you and chain taunt the top dps in the group to keep that 30% dmg debuff on him. I love doing that to dps
  10. If i based it off one warzone than I would call myself an idiot. It is just a point of reference because this happens all the time. I'm not going to screen shot every warzone I get obliterated in damage because it would be a waste of time and redundant considering nothing changes. When was the last time you saw a guardian do a crap ton of damage?
  11. So will Guardians ever be on par with the other tanks? I only ask this because I have a screen shot showing the glaring difference between Guardians and Vangaurds or Shadows. https://live.staticflickr.com/7096/7279919034_3e4be7eea3_b.jpg As you can see, huge difference between the damage done from the other two tanks. I had more protection than both of them, and I had only 6k less healing done than the Kinetic, so you can obviously see that I was in combat for a fair bit of time as well. But the difference between the damage done by both is astounding. I never stopped attacking, never stopped running protection, and with the difference in damage it shouldnt matter what spec I am. You might also say, well they are ranged tank classes, and thats all well and fine, but couldnt our base attacks get a slight jump instead of enemy players just laughing at us for the poor damage we do and ask us to stop tickling them? I dont think I am in the wrong here asking for a Guardian dmg increase, am I?
  12. So will Guardians ever be on par with the other tanks? I only ask this because I have a screen shot showing the glaring difference between Guardians and Vangaurds or Shadows. https://live.staticflickr.com/7096/7279919034_3e4be7eea3_b.jpg As you can see, huge difference between the damage done from the other two tanks. I had more protection than both of them, and I had only 6k less healing done than the Kinetic, so you can obviously see that I was in combat for a fair bit of time as well. But the difference between the damage done by both is astounding. I never stopped attacking, never stopped running protection, and with the difference in damage it shouldnt matter what spec I am. You might also say, well they are ranged tank classes, and thats all well and fine, but couldnt our base attacks get a slight jump instead of enemy players just laughing at us for the poor damage we do and ask us to stop tickling them? I dont think I am in the wrong here asking for a Guardian dmg increase, am I?
  13. I had thought about it, and I decided to cancel my sub. I will play the remaining 32 days I have left from payment, but I'm not going to renew. I dont pve enough for LFG to be a factor for me to stay, nor raiding. I wanted ranked warzones, a lot of people did. I'm not an achievement grinder so Legacy does nothing for me either, and I have things to spend money on other than something that doesnt enhance my characters in game abilities to help with pvp or raiding. It was a good first 3 months, and then.....well most of you know the story. So much potential. I hate that it's come to this cause I swore off wow and said this game would do great. It could have too. Not that it's a terrible game, just pvp is a big part of a game for me, and without ranked....its just boring. Oh wells, I could be doing better things with my money anyways so BW did me a favor, I can find the silver lining that way i guess = /
  14. Thats what I'm afraid of. They won't make any mention of it until things are on the cusp of collapse just to keep the dwindling pvp population from depleting completely, but I think it might be too late at that point = /
  15. Can someone confirm or deny this for me please? If it is not going to be there that's fine, I dont question bioware in how to run a business, but for me personally, I will be entirely too bored with what little they will be adding. Legacy is neat and all, but I am not an achievement grinder. Never was in any other game for that matter. I am not too enthralled by the PVE content of this game either so group finder is not reason enough to stay for me. If the PVE content was a bit more diverse and engaging then maybe, but I find it really rather dull and uninteresting. Like I said this isn't a hate post, just trying to figure out if this will be in the next patch so I know not to invest time and money. Thank you in advance for any and all serious replies to this question.
  16. I totally disagree with the entirety of this statement purely because a warzone is a team game. This isnt a series of 1 v 1's, it is 8 vs 8, and last I checked anymore than 1 person to a side constituttes as a team. Having said that, I play as a guardian hybrid tank and I always have guard on a sage healer that I run with. I put her on focus so I can see if shes getting attacked or she calls it out in TS. I peel the would be attackers for her, and if theyre resolve bar is full than I just guardian leap her and taunt the attackers to mitigate the dmg by another 50% (I say another because the guard mits 5% dmg static and splits the dmg between her and I 50/50, then guardian leap mits another 20% and taunts mit another 30%) so she has time to still heal cause they are hitting her for crap damage at this point. I will then stay on them until they are either dead or start to attack me and then I will cycle my cd's as needed. That is how it is done. A healer needs support just like dps and tanks need healers. Its not a parasitic relationship where we just suck heals from the healers, its symbiotic. Healers keep the dps and tanks alive, tanks keep healers and dps alive by mitigating tons of dmg and allowing the healer to live longer thus more heals going out for longer lives for dps as well, and dps help keep tanks and healers alive by killing off the other teams healers and their top dps so we dont have to deal with them for long periods of time. If this is done according to the above plan then things should go well, just unfortunately everyone just decides to go off and do their own thing for some reason, like everyone having their own plan is going to help or complete any objective lol. If its a team game then a team is needed to win it, not 8 individual players that just happen to be in the same area doing their own thing. People mark healers for a reason, attack them. If you want to do even better than form a group and rent a vent, ts, or mumble server. They arent that much. If you can afford this game then you can afford a vent, ts or mumble server. And in closing, to win a team game, it takes all kinds of support. In pvp everyone is a support class of another. If you try to play a warzone as solo then you will have a terrible experience. I am not saying that it is easy to come across a good group of people that will be willing to play as a team and get in vent, ts, or mumble, but if you want to have a better experience then go for it and you will notice the difference with you depending on people that depend on you.
  17. I would like to understand why this is the case. If anyone can help me out please do as it is a serious question. As a jedi guardian I feel confused. A sentinel can crush me everything, and they mitigate more dmg than I do, and Im a tank, "Tank" characters are especially important in large group instances. A Tank's job is to stand before the group, using their abilities and high armor values to force a particular "mob" (or group of) to continue attacking the Tank, while other characters contribute to over all damage while not taking damage themselves. - http://geekdictionary.computing.net/define/tank Got that from online. So we are the first line of defense, we are big damage absorbers. So how is it that a medium armored sentinel can mitigate more damage than I can? Also when it comes to dps, make a dps spec atleast viable. Decent amount of survivability with Vigilance, but I attack a healer, they can just sit there and have a convo with me while I attack them cause Im not really doing much (yes that has happened, healer just sat there and said hey, whats up? How was your evening while I am attacking all out.) Focus can do more dmg, but were about as durable as wet toilet paper. Considering everything with guardians, I wonder why anyone even plays them. Over view - Tanks - Just takes a long time to kill them at some points but you will never kill anyone as a guardian tank. In a dps race a dps will always win no matter how many cool downs you use. Vigil - good survivability, crap dmg. Focus - Much better dmg and crits, but a strong wind could take us down. Is there any objection to this thesis? Anyone have any input? And Bioware, do you have any intention of fixing guardian or will it just go to the way side as the least played spec in the game because its garbage?
  18. If I play focus on my guardian I can get maybe 1 kill in before I die. If a sorc or the equivalent of a sorc (which is 2-3 people hitting me at the same time) then I kill no one. If I am playing as Vigilance I can sometimes get 1 to 1 ratio. With vigilance I live longer, but i dont do near the damage. I am one of the few that have stuck it out with guardian this long.....not sure why though. It seems pretty clear that BW is saying we made this class for people who have lower than average blood pressure so we can raise it to healthier levels. But there should be a warning with this class, so that if your blood pressure is normal, it could be hazardous to your health to play this class.
  19. My question is about the Guardian class. I have some questions about it as it seems to get little love in this game. I hardly see any juggernauts or guardians in pvp anymore but as I play a level 50 guardian I can see some of the reasons. Now tank wise, we are alright, but nothing special to be sure. Kinetics and Vanguards can put out more damage and mitigate more damage than we can so taking one would be handicapping yourself on purpose. The cooldowns aren't terrible, but I can't kill anyone as a guardian so it's kind of like a game of can I outlast you till someone comes here to help me that can kill you. 2ndly, the 2 dps specs that we have are a bit at odds with each other. One is low dmg but good survivability, the other is high damage, but low survivability. Vigilance seems to be geared well toward pvp survival with Unremitting and Commanding Awe. I can go in and atleast live for a while, but for an example; In a Civil War battle I went mid to try to cap, only one person was there, operative heal spec. He had enough time to type to me how what I was doing tickled him and carrying on a conversation with himself about how guardians are terrible. His health never went below 75% health. This went on for well over a minute, I just kept attacking and attacking but with little effect. With Focus, I can put out some nasty crits with powered up sweeps, but I get torn apart like I was wet toilet paper. For a 3 minute cd, saber ward is a bit of a joke for a cd. 25% dmg mit against force abilities is like using a wind breaker to keep warm in a blizzard considering how much dmg force users do. Other than that one 3 min cd, we have no other way to mitigate force damage, and I'm sure everyone has seen how many sorcs/sages and sents/mara's there are out there, lots of force to go around. In a regular warzone if I can get off more than 2 powered up sweeps before I die, I consider that a good life cause I dont last long at all. So basically, with all this being said, are Guardians going to be getting any kind of buff to make them more viable in this game? I ask because it seems to becoming a less and less popular class considering you are basically a handicap to any group you go with. Heavy armor or not, we are terribad right now. Thank you in advance.
  20. Regardless of the groupos the objective NEVER changes. Because its a premade vs a pug doesnt mean huttball rules changes if its pug vs pug. If you want to win, then play the way its supposed to be played. I have seen so many mouth breathers play with no regard to the objective or a common goal. So your mind set is to remove those who understand the common goal and work towards it, not those who worry about numbers and actually work as a team lol. I am glad those who dont give a rats ***** about the actual goal are complaining. You will NOT be carried. You will NOT be given victory for mediocrity. You will NOT be handed comms and valor just because you join a wz. If you want it, then you had better educate your collective brethren, or the same will continue. The want to punish the organized and the understanding group of the game is saying we dont want to think, we want to faceroll our way to victory so we can get maximum gratitude for minimum effort. I am glad you all are struggling for the mediocrity you put forth! I want to see more of these posts so I know that those who give minimum effort gets minimum rewards. You get out what you put in. I have seen premades put down by pugs because they worked together, but not every pug will want to work with the group. There are more than enough mouth breathing carry me players that ruin it for everyone else that tries. Oooh, look at mah damages. Did we win? Then your damage is irrelevant. Play to win or don't play. End of story.
  21. PvP works in this game, but on a fast forward kind of scale. The anit-class of whatever you have not only checkmates most of the moves you can do, but it does it in such a fashion that it seems like its over very quickly. When a sorc can crit for 1200 hp on every tick of a force lightning, then its almost kinda like.....why am i fighting you again? Oh yeah, i cant get to you or away from you so.....gg bud. If they even'd it out a bit so that it wasnt so ability and gear dependent then it would be a much better experience. But some classes were just given the best and others were $h!t on. So what can you do.
  22. I'm sure bioware could do that, but if you took all the people that did premades out of the pug pool of people to que up with, then que times would go up, and premades would have an insane time of getting a warzone considering the amount of premades that are actually out there. I understand what you are saying, but to implement it would make no logical sense considering the above. But when ranked comes out, it will alleviate that issue considering most of the premades will only care about ranked, and hopefully pugs will only care about non ranked considering they will get scraped against the pre mades.
  23. Is there a way to ask a developer a question? Like will guardian ever be worth while playing? Sincere question because when ranked warzones come out I could almost guarantee you that no guardian or jugg will be in the line up considering how gimped they are to begin with. "Oh we gave you force defense" Allow me to quote the great Adam Sandler from the wedding singer "Well whooptiddy doo!" Its a joke of an ability at best and we have always been the red headed step child of this game. Any chance we will become in any way viable in the near future or should I just re roll one of the developers pets of sage or scoundrel?
  24. Vedano

    Not a nerf this post

    Wow, ok cool, and thank you both so so much for taking the time to reply to my post. I really do appreciate it =) I am going to try these and get some practice on vigilance. I haven't played that spec in quite a while now since I can't raid anymore, but it sounds promising. Thanks again you guys and take care =)
  25. Vedano

    Not a nerf this post

    Yeah, see thats what I mean. Its crazy how fast sorcs can burn me up, and its sages too. I get ripped apart and I'm not sure if theres anything I can do about it or just use what cd's I have and pray lol
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