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Everything posted by ArcTrooperElite

  1. I can only assume that the tooltip was a mistake. To my knowledge ship droids have never had a weapon proficiency and they even point this out to you in their initial conversation saying that they "aren't programmed for combat". Have to admit I was scratching my head when I read that tooltip.
  2. Whining in a forum is not holding a company accountable for its actions. It is in fact whining in a forum. If you want to hold a restaurant, a tool manufacturer, or a video game developer accountable for their actions then you eat somewhere else, buy a different brand of tool, and play a different game. I love this game and I don't wanna see it die but either hit em in the pocketbook or grin and bear it. Keyboard commandos don't scare anyone or change anything, if they did this game would be perfect by now.
  3. Having played every class story I can tell you that I've never felt as though the Republic was in any real danger of losing the war. I cannot say the same for the Empire (my preferred faction). Simply put the Republic just seems to big to be slain in a straight up war of attrition, but is too bloated and inefficient to be able to swiftly defeat the Empire which seems to be at a massive numerical disadvantage. The Empire's best chance of victory would have been to remove the head of the beast when they had the chance during the sacking of Coruscant. With the signing of the treaty the Empire condemned itself to a long and drawn out war of survival with an opponent who can afford to lose far more battles than the Empire can, hence the Imps take something and the Pubs take it right back. The Empire's performance in the war as a whole seems to have improved after Darth Marr took the reigns of the war effort but even with sound strategic leadership and a reduction in the infighting the Empire needs some sort of "shatterpoint" to truly turn the war in their favor. It would seem the Dread Masters hurt the Empire worse than the Republic so we'll see how the Rise of Revan affects each side.
  4. Don't think it would ever happen but I'm gonna put it out there. BIOWARE should step up and admit they put absolutely no effort whatsoever into the socorro weapon line. The lightsabers are the best of the bunch and they're just plain. The blaster weapons are the most ridculous looking pieces of garbage released to date. Some of them look like a tube of toothpaste with a handle, or an aerosol can, the pistols look like hair dryers. The blaster rifle design is so bad that when held by certain body styles it looks like they're going to blow their hand off when shooting it. I designed and drew better looking weapons when I was in kindergarten. I think BW should put the entire new weapon line at the Binary Star realty vendor as a way to say "our bad". I can deal with the inevitable armor rehash with a color change but come on. I can't tell you how many Socorro weapons I've destroyed cause I'm not gonna waste time posting them over and over for 100 credits and stil no one will buy them. PS whoever created the Socorro weapon look should be flogged.
  5. Just wanna give a big thank you to the user who started this thread. Changing GF ops back to 16m almost caused me to quit the game. Ever since the change was made I've all but stopped running GF ops and flat out refuse to tank them. Lag filled pug fest chocked full of baddies is no fun. I was running somewhere between 6 to 12 gf ops per week in 8 man and now I'm lucky to do 2 (and only if its locked at last boss). Unless you're in a mega guild you're going to be hard pressed to get a 16 man group without pugs and frankly there are just too many bad players out there. I won't tank for them and I'm tired of carrying bad dps. I run progression NiM DF and DP but do the sm for conquest points which have taken a serious hit since I barely run gf ops now. Either change gf back to 8m or give the option for 8 or 16 please! Otherwise I believe you'll see that my GF queue button won't be the only one with cobwebs on it.
  6. There's a reason sniper/slinger are bringing up the rear on the ranked leaderboards at the moment. Everyone and I mean everyone else is topping 2k ratings while sniper/slingers are barely over 1800. Basically BW has boned us by repeatedly taking from us while giving nothing in return. They didn't nerf Orbital Strike they utterly destroyed it rendering what was one of the coolest abilities in the game nothing more than an area denial tool with a long cast time. OS in pve is a joke, better off throwing frag grenades and no one even bothers to get out of it in pvp anymore. The buff to evasion that would have given us some defense against tech/force abilities never happened so our survivability has at best remained constant while our dps has fallen. I can outparse my MM sniper on my lethality operative and my op doesnt have nearly the gear my sniper has (180/186 4 set with DM implants DT earpiece and DF relics). Snipers are pure dps with some utility (self cleanse on a 60s cd and armor debuff if no one else can do it) but for some reason we are getting outparsed by almost everyone. BW apparently hates snipers now as they continue to give the world to melee classes while we fade into obscurity.
  7. Actuallly I'm in a good guild and run on a DF/DP NiM progression 8 man team. GF for me is primarily how i contribute to conquest and relaxing diversion to the more stressful progression runs. I don't understand why it's necessary to make 16m sm rewarded so richly and 8m sm ops get squat. There will be literally no motivation for anyone to run 8m sm ops now and if I want to do group finder i'll have to suffer through terribad filled 16m pugs.
  8. Yeah thanks for nothing. Having an older machine I was thrilled when they switched back to 8m gf because I actually got to play at a solid 30fps and lord knows you never see 8m pug runs organized on fleet. Was looking for a reason to stop playing this game after almost 3 years as a sub and this is as good as any. Now with no real reward for 8m ops at all it looks like its time to retire from SWTOR after almost 3 yrs as a sub.
  9. I've never understood why 16 man sm bosses drop ultimates and 8 man does not. Most of the time 16m bosses are more forgiving then 8m (not all the time, Bestia and Dread Council come to mind as exceptions) and a 16m raid group is always able to carry a couple of undergeared or just plain bad players whereas an 8m group calls for everyone holding their own a bit more. I have an old system that bogs down pretty hard in 16 though it is still playable enough for sm but i enjoy 8m much more and get ALOT smoother more enjoyable framerates. Change 8m bosses to drop ults and you will fix the problem. Hell even if 8m only dropped 3 ults instead of 4 most would take a 1 comm hit per boss just for the ease of assembling an 8m group. I also believe this would lead to more alt runs and so more ops would be getting put together overall.
  10. I would like to see Ultimate comms drop from bosses in 8m sm operations. I've never understood why 16m drops ultys but 8m doesn't. In all most every case (with the exception of the dread council in DP) 8m is less forgiving than 16m. My machine is old and 8m ops provide very smooth gameplay and a more enjoyable experience while 16m ops are far more laggy and less enjoyable (not to mention double the bad pugs). No one wants to run 8m sm because the reward for 16m is soooooo much better. Even if it was just 2 or 3 ultimates per boss instead of 4 like 16m i think there would be far bigger demand for 8m. The other benefit to increasing the number of 8m ops as opposed to 16m is more runs means more chances for alts to get their weeklies done and faster forming ops.
  11. Bolster in PVE works for new Kuat Tactical flashpoint because it means a large pool of players in the non 55 queue. However bolster for operations is a TERRIBLE idea for a number of reasons. Endgame PVE is all about progression. Ideally a character will start this progression with the HM 50 flashpoints and work his/her way up thru the level 50 sm and then hm/NiM mode operations. Next up is the HM 55 flashpoints and starting level 55 sm operations. Finally, with a combination of gear earned in drops from the sm ops and gear purchased with comms a player with enough skill and class mastery can start tackling level 55 hm ops and then NiM mode. This process if followed not only allows a player to get gear necessary for each progression but also develops the mechanics and class mastery necessary to move to the next level. It is SOOOO easy and to get geared up now as compared to the days of of tionese/columi/rakata gear that bolster is wholly unnecessary. Truth be told most experienced raiders would say it's too easy and what we see as a result is players with good gear that can't play their classes worth a damn and have no experience with endgame mechanics wiping raids. What you are asking for is instant gratification, you want to run with the big boys without earning the right to be there. PVE character development is a labor of love and something that true raiders take pride in. What you are suggesting is almost as heinous as it would be to sell high end gear off the cartel market allowing the creation of a true pay to win environment. It's bad enough that the cartel commandos can buy hundreds of dollars worth crap off the cartel market and turn around and sell it on the gtn and make millions of credits that real players go out and earn by crafting, doing dailies, farming mats, etc.
  12. Just wondering about the new PVE gear in 2.7, will it be like Dread Forged/Oriconian and have both a token and comm version or will it be like Kell Dragon and be a strictly token gear? Also, if it is both a token and comm gear tier will there be a new comm ?
  13. I'm in utter shock that BW actually went through with this madness. They've completely and utterly destroyed one of if not the coolest ability in the game. When leveling an agent/smuggler you can't wait to hit 49 to get OS/Flyby and now it's utter garbage. Hell they should give it a level 10 now. I've been with this game since launch, i've supported it by being a subscriber, and i've defended it in chat on countless occasions. Well now i'm done, there is no good reason to destroy an ability like this. OS's long cast time and 9 sec duration were more than enough to balance it's power and the only time it provided any distinct advantage is when it was pre-queued at the start of a pull. A comparably geared warrior can use a guaranteed crit smash that will hit harder than 1 tick of OS and has a 15s cd allowing it to easily be used 3 times in the same period of 1 OS. I honestly believe that this might be straw that broke the camels back for me in SWTOR, I'm counting my days until my sub ends.
  14. I'm getting 8 to 10 fps in cz-198 and what is really weird is that I see damage and heal numbers coming from fights underground when I'm up by the shuttle. Also when I'm up at the shuttle area the whole instance appears to be experiencing some sort of earth quake. It's almost like a sage is on the imperial landing pad, only it's actually more annoying than force quake.
  15. Shameless bump. As of 06/18 we are still looking for quality raiders on both the imp and pub sides. Our most pressing need on the imperial side is quality dps (especially ranged) and we also have need of an experienced tank on the pub side (though all roles are welcome as most of us have alts). Gear is not an issue as we run hm's daily and will help you get gear.
  16. Shadow-Guard and it's republic counterpart Republic Guard are recruiting members of all levels, classes, and roles. We are a newly formed guild that has a balanced raid and social focus. We only have 2 requirements for admission into the guild: 1. You must me 18 years of age or older. 2. Mumble use is a requirement (hence the social aspect). We are especially looking for members with the skill and desire to run endgame content like TFB and S&V. We are prepared to help those who want to run these ops regularly get gear and experience if needed. We also welcome any who prefer more of a social atmosphere and aren't concerned with endgame raiding. Leave the drama at the door and check us out at http://theguards.enjin.com/ .
  17. Shameless bump alert! If you feel like you have what it takes but worry your gear isn't ready, fear not, we do multiple HM 55 fp's daily to get drops and comms for gearing up members. Potential raid team members will have high priority on these premade groups.
  18. Temporary Insanity is an active social guild with 2 requirements: 18+ years old and mumble usage. We are currently looking for players of all roles to fill an ops team for S&V and TFB sm with an eye on progressing to the hard modes in the near future. While anyone interested in the social aspect of our guild is welcomed to submit an application on our Enjin website, those wishing to receive a spot on the 55 ops team should meet minimum gear requirements and be proficient in their class/role. DPS will need to download TorParse and be prepared to "show what you got" before acceptance on the team. We have both Republic and Imperial guilds and are active on both sides. We have "Classic Operations" raids several nights a week and are also active in 50 and 55 fp's. If interested you can contact Kom'rik through Enjin's messaging or send Kom'rik an ingame mail (Imperial side) or Neyo (Pub side).
  19. Last night I helped some guildies finish the H4 at the end of the seeker droid quest. At the turret part we balanced between maintaining the shields and powering the turrets and got by it no problem. Tonite I attempted to finish the quest and when we got to the turrets the turret generator would not go past 87.5% and eventually we ran out of time as keeping the shields up required power cells at a rate faster than they spawn. 3 times this happened and I'm ready to call it quits with this entire quest. Very disappointing to invest that much time into something and not be able to finish it.
  20. I have 7 level 50s that are in full Black Hole gear or better. I only pvp when leveling up because I don't have time to grind gear for PVP and PVE and I enjoy PVE far more. Today I pvp'd again with 50s that haven't seen a wz in 6 months and i loved it. They playing field is level now and it's about skill again instead of overgeared smashtards who do nothing but WZ after WZ endlessly. Almost hate to see level 55 come. Hey BioWare how about a no expertise, no bolster level 55 bracket . As for the hardcore pvp whiners, get a tissue, my top level pve gear just became obsolete too. If you can't handle a level playing field then you arent very good at pvp and should go back to whining about CoD or some other fps.
  21. It wouldnt matter if Greivous had 20 lightsabers when Vader force chokes his *** to death. LOL Btw Obi-Wan didn't have much problem blocking Greivous with one lightsaber.
  22. Revan fought Sith and Jedi regularly as well as Mandalorians who lived for war. Windu came to prominence in an era largely without the presence of a force sensitive/user enemy to battle. How many Sith and Jedi did Windu defeat? Sure he may have been hot **** against mindless battle droids and 1 bounty hunter, and yes he had Sidious on the ropes (albeit by that age Sidious was well out of his prime). My money is on a battle hardened Revan over just about anybody whose last name isn't Skywalker.
  23. Early access was the main reason to pre-order especially with the digital deluxe ed.
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