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Everything posted by Jpope

  1. Never let go of her Balmorra gear it is by far the best looking on her in my opinion. It is all white with green embroidery.
  2. bump this post for justice
  3. Manaan is the major colto source of all the planets. Most of the world is undersea so it can be really neat to dive to the depths of the world. Dantooine is the home of a very large ?abandoned? Jedi Academy. Dark rituals could have corrupted the world and made it a breeding ground for Sith. Kasshyk is the wookie home world nuff said. I want a Tauntaun
  4. I'm a Jedi Knight. I base all my decisions on premonition, prophecy, feeling, and the force. I have no need for a damage meter or a recount meter because you know...Jedi intuition.
  5. The most abilities a single character can have is about 30. each bar gives 12 12 X 4 = 48 - 12 for your companion's bar = 36 you should be able to have at least 6 slots open to put in clickable items like Throw Huttball, Use Medpac, and use Relic activation. If you don't know how to access these last two bars it is quite simple. LOOOK AT THE OPTIONS MENU YOU FIG NEWTON.
  6. Most of the dailies can be solo'd even some of the 2man/4man heroics if you are a stealther. I will give you the quest names of what I know that reward an epic modification Darkness on Ilum I don't know the other names, but both of them are in Belsavis One is in the High Security Prison and the other is in The Tombs. You can get an enhancement/mod/armoring from these 3 quests they are all instanced except the one on Ilum. Don't be shy to ask for a group in general chat!
  7. 5. Shadow of the Empire 4. Battlefront 2 3. Jedi Academy 2. KoToR / KoToR 2 1. SWTOR Honorable Mention the Lego Star Wars series
  8. Don't do hardmodes until you have some epics (at least if you are a tank) I would suggest doing the world bosses on Belsavis and Hoth. They drop level 50 epics and they are both tank and spank. The Belsavis boss has 3 adds so you will def need 3-4 healers 2 tanks and 1-2 dps
  9. As many as possible will be coming to Ilum for <The Raven>
  10. The 1.1 PTR patch notes seem to address the problem. They are adding more medals for *real* healers.
  11. I would love to see that implemented. That seems like an interesting idea.
  12. All those moves you mentioned are from Bioware games. In fact Force Stasis was one of the best KoToR moves for Light Side characters.
  14. I can help you get rid of some of the useless abilities. Pommel Strike and Opportune Strike take them off your bars right now. I just opened two slots for you to put other stuff into your rotation. I have played for about 10 days in game and I'm level 50. I've only tried either of those attacks once and it was to make sure they weren't bugged. They would be so powerful if I could use them they have similar damage output to Dispatch which is our execute. I'd say the only way to make those two skills useful is to make them throws.
  15. It is a way to stop Elitism. You are saying someone is bad based on how much damage they do. I would get groups in WoW where they would castigate one player out of the group if they weren't doing a certain amount of dps.
  16. It isn't nagging when that is a selling point of a Bioware game and they don't come up with it. What is appalling is how they claim to have fixed the bug patched the game, and either didn't give a complete fix or didn't fix anything at all.
  17. kira carsen bug fix is major you need to reck'o'nize
  18. In my opinion, the best upfront tank is the Vanguard/Powertech and the best sustain tank is the Guardian/Juggernaut and the Shadow/Assassin are somewhere in the middle.
  19. That seems like a good idea. Although it would have to account for healers/non-offensive abilities. This would be cool to implement.
  20. Zingas brings up a good point making the classes similar does lead to a more balanced game. It isn't perfect, but it does give a good starting area on how to make pvp work.
  21. Ya I'm lovin' the story so far!
  22. On Jung Ma, I win 50% of my games. I'm with the republic and I have never seen another republic team to go up against. Maybe you rolled on an extremely competitive imperial server.
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