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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by HeavensTerror

  1. I also had issues with the last ones. This helped:


    Also the power converter makes a huge difference. I use like this, with more powers to blasters while i got shields (u see shield status o the far left, its the blue around ur ship). If my shields are completelly gone i either go shield mode for a few secs or hit the ability where enemies cant target me. Depends on if u have to attack at that time or not. If u dont already, practice on making evasive manouvers while firing. See the comments on the tube.


    Edit: Theres one more thing. Maybe ur having problems with the slightly harder fighters. SThey looka abit bigger. These needs to die fast, cuz they hurt u bad.


    Thanks for the helpful reply and video.

  2. Don't know where to post this. So I'll try here.


    I'm having a huge problem with them.


    There are currently three missions in my lvl range. The first one is Drexel Sweep, it says it requires lvl 3 part. I have all the lvl 5 parts so it shouldn't be a problem. Yet I can't beat it no matter what. The other two requries lvl 5 parts, and I get destroyed in seconds.


    I really don't know what I'm doing wrong! I never had a problem with there before until now. Is there something I'm missing? Like better parts or any tips would help.



  3. Are the guards supposed to be neutral? It's getting annoying being spawn killed by imp players. :confused:


    I go into a conversation with a npc. The moment I'm done I'm being attacked... :(

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