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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Volxen

  1. Yeah those mercs and their heavy armor are so OP alright. Especially since electronet has no cooldown. Just got out of my 30th warzone in a row of 8 mercs vs 8 mandos. When is BW going to do something about this?
  2. you're drastically overstating things. commandos have good tools to maintain separation (punt w/root, FA snare, electro net, and the silly SS root plus cryo and the mezz) and fair immunity/break abilities (htl, diversion, breaker). HTL and punt are on relatively short CDs. what you seem to want is to be a sniper, who is able to entrench for an ungodly time (20s) on a short CD that guarantees it will be up for every fight (yes, MM) and on top of that, all of the goodies that any other ranged class has (snares, roots, escapes, breaks). well guess what? give that crap to commandos and suddenly two classes are equipped to ostensibly face tank every melee class. that's not how it works. if ranged are able to sit there and "unload" on melee, then melee become utterly worthless. if ranged are going to be able to hold their ground the way a sniper can, then you've invalidated every non stealth melee class. you want too much up time on extremely powerful dcds. dcds should not be available for every fight. yes, I do think entrench is available too frequently. no, there's nothing inherently wrong with mando dcds. go back to lower cds on tech override or reserve power cell. those are more reasonable. they don't make the mando unapproachable but sitll more potent.


    Your assertion that ranged classes should not be able to keep melee classes in check is simply wrong. Snipers are, in fact, designed to be the hard counter to non-tank, non-stealth melee classes (marauders, non-tank juggernauts, non-tank powertechs, etc). Marauders, for instance, are supposed to have a very difficult time getting in melee range of snipers. This is because the two stealth classes (operative and assassin) hard counter snipers, and only these melee classes (due to stealth) are supposed to be able to easily get in melee range of snipers.


    Of course, even if all of these changes that I and others have proposed were implemented (e.g., reducing the cooldown on electronet), melee classes like marauders would still have a much easier time dealing with mercs and opposed to snipers due to the lack of cover, leap/pull immunity, interrupt immunity, stun immunity (entrench), and so on. This is why mercs need to be given something so that they are not so easily shutdown, and so that they bring something unique to the table other than one single ability that is on a 90s cooldown.

  3. ...


    The only irony here is that you are suggesting someone is "bad" because they believe commando healers should be buffed. Let me guess, you think the other two healing classes are "OP" and should be brought down to the level of commandos? I'm sure you also believe you should be able to solo kill all three healing classes as well.

  4. Tell me more about these wonderful defensive CDs we have! The ones on short timers that can be used to keep us alive an in the fight! The ones that function almost identically to those of other classes, but are on longer cooldowns. The ones that barely do anything like adrenaline rush or KO.


    Name me one thing, just ONE THING that we do better than another class! Is it off heals? No. Ranged DPS? No. Mobile ranged DPS? No, as already mentioned, this is covered. Utility? No!


    Simply there is no reason to bring a Merc/Mando to rated at the moment. EN is a one-trick pony on a long CD


    Yes, exactly. And when someone comes into this thread and does nothing but go on about snipers being "OP" and needing to be nerfed, I would seriously question if said person really "mains" a merc/mando.


    You don't make an underpowered class suddenly good by nerfing a balanced ranged DPS class down to it's level.

  5. have I said that in 2.0? if I did, I take it back. they're fine. assault is trash now, but gunnery is what a ranged should be. some immunity. still moveable. still interruptable. good tools to escape/maintain range.


    edit: if you don't understand, no ranged should be able to stand by itself. they have range. if you make everyone like snipers, every melee would be dead before they ever reached an objective or their target. I do agree that mandos/sages were too weak prior to 2.0, but they have plenty of burst now, and the class I know more about (mandos) have gained the much needed tools to maintain range. what I see now are ppl asking to be "the best" and to get tools that will give them an answer for everything.


    I'm going to have to completely disagree. I play both merc and sniper, and sniper feels like a true ranged class with cover and all of its tools to keep melee in check. Merc doesn't feel like a truly "ranged" class, but rather a class that just so happens to have abilities that can be used from 30m away. You can be leapt to at any time while fighting from your maximum range, and what do you get in exchange for it? You get heavy armor and off heals (I'm talking about DPS mercs here), two things which do not even come close to comparing to all of the tools snipers get. Now if heavy armor and the healing tree (and off-heals) were buffed to the point where mercs are actually more survivable than snipers (which they should be, but aren't), then I might agree that mercs are balanced. As it is now, heavy armor does not have any notable advantage over medium armor; certainly not when you factor in all of the tools at a snipers disposal to keep melee at distance. Same thing with the off-heals. And the range "advantage" of mercs compared to melee classes is debatable at best thanks to 30m leaps/pulls.

  6. You all come here and complain, whine etc about the event turning out to be a bust. "The Imps had 4x more people than us" "The lag was unbearable" "Wheeeehhhhhh"


    Well, that's EXACTLY why I took half of our Quesh force to Tatooine and started a battle there.


    Yes, and that was much, much better than the event on Quesh. One of these days we need to get a group together and raid Mos Ila, even though its a bit of a pita to get there.

  7. How is this thread still going? Why is it still being bumped?


    Commando is no gunslinger, but they're a close second. I continuously see commandos top the leaderboards in both ranked and normal que, and electro net may just be the best new ability to come out in Makeb besides the roll.


    I think the real issue is that I see far too many Commandos that have no idea what they're doing on one of the easiest classes in the game.


    Lmfao. Yes, easiest so long as everyone decides to ignore you and let you free cast.


    Commando's easier than gunslingers? 0/10 dude.

  8. lol well -- and bear in mind that I'm a mando -- I think you need to invert your relationships. entrench and hold the line have more in common. hold the line actually has a shorter cd, but it's uptime is considerably shorter as well (the medic cd is particularly short). the two abilities are primarily immunity related.


    electro net is an incredibly powerful ability. as a healer, I can literally solo anybody who isn't also a healer. if they chase, they die. if they stand still, I mortor volley. they die. they'd die a lot quicker if I were spamming grav + hib + demo. that cd is fine. if anything, it's the cd on entrench that needs to be adjusted...or maybe just the uptime on it 15s instead of 20s.


    I know many ppl say buff "underperforming" classes rather than nerf those that perform well, but I also feel there's nothing to buff for commandos, in order to put them on par with snipers, that won't also make them OP themselves. make snipers as susceptible to CC as mandos/sages, and I say problem solved. from what I understand, this is more of an issue for MM tree.


    .....Oh brother. Please don't derail this into "snipers are OP and need to be nerfed", because that's not the case. Snipers are fine, and play exactly how a ranged DPS class should be played.


    Really, this "nerf snipers so they are as bad as us" nonsense needs to stop. Doing that would only benefit melee classes, particularly smash monkeys. It most certainly would not benefit mercs in any way. Mercs are, as you even said yourself, an underperforming and underpowered class, which is why they need to be buffed.

  9. bear in mind that Aux is arguably the best mando healer on our server and has been since the last merger (when I arrived). There are only a handful of mercs/mandos who can do what he's talking about (hang with highly skilled sages/scoundrels), and his team/guild is the most tactically advanced/sound on the server (strat/discipline). I'm not sure he didn't say as much in his post. I just thought I'd reiterate that he's doing more with less and under optimal conditions (team-wise).


    from a dps standpoint, the mando healer is like a watchman sent trying to keep up with a smasher on the dps charts. better survivability, but the raw numbers are WAY easier on the smasher.


    personally, I think mando healing is fine in 2.0. I would rather see scoundrels nerfed (which will get me flamed), but think about it: healing is already too high in 2.0. do you really want to buff another heal class or make them smash-like simple to churn out numbers? that is the fundamental difference between mandos and the other heals: ease of use. knock down the cast heal potency of the scoundrel. this will reestablish the mando as king of single target healing. the scoundrel can still move and heal and maintain his numerous escapes. he just wouldn't have the focused, single target "burst" that he does now if he just stands there and casts (with that crazy 30% < proc).


    regarding some of the electro net chatter, please leave the cd alone. that abil is VERY potent. and if there's a mando dps and healer in ops, the practical cd is a hell of a lot shorter than 90s.


    I'm for tech override cd reduction, but I would prefer reserve power cell instead....just because I run into major ammo issues if I do any dps but hammer shot or charged bolt (during supercharger). not sure how much this matters in a rated match, but since rated is so damn rare....


    As I see it, electronet is to merc as entrench is to sniper, and hydraulic overrides (hold the line) is to merc as the roll is to sniper. One is arguably the defining ability of the class, the other is the escape. And yet on both accounts the cooldowns are lower for snipers, which is why I'd like to see the following changes:


    1. Reduce the CD of electronet to 60s (45s if talented in gunnery/aresenal) so it has the same CD as snipers entrench.


    2. Reduce the CD of hydraullc overrides (hold the line) to 20s so it has the same CD as the snipers roll.


    We are, after all, talking about the class that is the least powerful at both healing and ranged DPS. Snipers are still by far the best ranged DPS class in this game, just as operatives are by far the best healers in this game. Making the above two changes would close the gap at least somewhat.

  10. From what I've been told, the factions were like 60'ish (Pubs) to 120'ish (Imps)...


    It doesn't mean there are more "epic PvP'ers" on Imp side, it means Cilas was able to communicate with his faction very well (coupled with Imps being interested in PvP) as opposed to the majority of Pubs, who'd rather farm EV for social points as opposed to PvP. The Imp side has no qualms working together for this stuff, however there is a very small contingent on the Pub side that wants to fight but not enough allies to go with...which sucks...because no matter how hard they try to rally, most of the Pub guilds are carebears.


    It's fact, lol. I do agree the server lag plays into not wanting to attend, but that's something both factions deal with mutually so, it's just evident the Imps rally to this more than Pubs. And it's NOT because the Pubs don't have a lot of peeps either...


    What is so hard to understand? There are many, MANY more imps on this server than pubs. The imp:pub ratio is clearly 2:1 or worse. Who knows, it may even be closer to 3:1. I'm sure there are "carebear" guilds on both sides, but that has nothing to do with the faction imbalance with respect to open world PVP events.

  11. Lol, just logged back in and there are 22 reps on instance 1.


    Kind of pointless to organize something like this, to only ruin it by camping the medcenter. This event was literally over with in less than 15 minutes. The effort was good, but this event was just a complete and utter failure.

  12. Man, it was a great idea. I don't see Bastion organizing anything close to this.


    Cilas, I'd love to see a Galactic PvP event, like the old SWG ones. Sort of.. but more silmultaneous maybe.


    The faction imbalance wouldn't be quite as bad if there was at least agreement to not camp the medcenter, and if the fighting took place by the rep champion mobs.


    Of course, the lag would still be unbearable.

  13. Highest I saw on the rep side was 57 (in instance 1), which quickly dropped down to 37 after a few minutes of the endless AOE bombing of the med center. Someone on the imp side said in /say that there were 132 imps.


    So no, the turnout on both sides is not even close. It's just an imp steamroll.

  14. You should not be doing pvp......playing mmo's or spending any time with actual people. Seriously, discussing ways to screw other players in an open forum, very nice.I wonder if Bioware reads this stuff?


    If you want to do more ACTUAL PVP, not Ganking or Griefing then.


    1. PVP servers (I think you can switch now)

    2. GIS area on Tatooine........pvp, don't gank!

    3. Farm with a Player on another faction at a natural re spawn point.



    Rofl, carebear trying to pose as a hardcore "PVPer". I love it when so called "hardcore" PVPers on PVP servers denounce open world PVP as ganking or griefing. If you truly believe that, then you have no business being on a PVP server, because your missing the entire point of having PVP servers in the first place.


    If being attacked in the open world bothers you, roll on a PVE server (where you belong) and do warzones there. I'm seriously starting to believe a lot of people think they can only do warzones on PVP servers, given the amount of crying over getting attacked in the open world that occurs daily on the PVP servers. It's hilarious how many carebears there are on the PVP servers, all of whom chose to subject themselves to being attacked in the open world at any time.

  15. Everyone in this thread has it backwards. Commando DPS is very good, in fact it is currently one of the best single target DPS AC's in the game. Commando healers are not on par with other healers.


    Taking everything into account (cover, entrench, roll/escape, etc), I would still strongly argue that DPS commandos are not by any means on par with snipers. Snipers are still the best ranged DPS class in the game. Elecronet has not changed that by any means.


    What I find particularly hilarious is the notion that elecronet is the end-all, be-all ability in PVP that makes Commando's the God's of warzones.

  16. 2018 expertise :

    +60.00% more damage boost on player

    +37.00% damage reduction

    +20.00% healing boost at pvp


    What the hell is that really ? I am commando healer almost full ranked warzone gear. However against same gear - or near gear ( if you have full normal lvl 55 warzone gear you will have 2018 expertise too ;and if you do some modification on it you still do good damage ) I cannot do anything anymore even I stay behind my teammates. Why ? Because of insane damage ( even at 1 vs 1 ) at lvl 55.


    I don'T know if you play against good gear players or ranked warzone premades ,if you played you will understand what I mean !!! My healings are not healing to keep group or a person alive fast most of times - even I made that person keep alive -I am out of ammo for sure at the end ; or they targeting me first ( I am commando which is easy to kill by melee classes or other ranged classes so thy targeting me first or thy see me thy change target to kill me ...)


    Other 2 healing classes are much more better at healing than troopers - it is for sure... I have never able to reach a sorc's or an operative's healing done amount at the end of warzones...


    The problem here is " We get too much damage ;and our heals are not enough anymore ". Already after lvl 55 new cap came - this game's balance on classes increased too much again. It is the truth unfortunately...


    Not only me - most of healers want this " healing nerf on pvp " to remove by Bioware really !!! Damage percentage is 3x than healing. Where is justice here ? Make it fair - and let us get more fun from warzones...


    Additionally, make combat commando medic more usefull at warzones pvps ( we don't have open world pvp at end game - and Bioware doesn't think bring such a thing - we stuck ed with warzons... I have full pve gear too - I don't like to do operations or flashpoints too anymore ;because they take too much time...). The only thing left to do is warzones which are not go so well most of times... Give commando medic more usefull healing skills ;or buff our current healing skills...


    Since patch 1.2, Commando healers have been behind the other two healers (especially operative), just as DPS commandos have been behind the other two ranged DPS classes (especially sniper). I don't think that's ever going to change, considering it's been this way for well over a year now. Yes Commandos/mercs got some buffs with 2.0 (electronet and hold the line in particular), but the other healing and ranged DPS classes arguably got buffed much better.


    Aside from electronet, Commandos/mercs don't really bring anything unique to the table. And that ability is still underpowered due to its excessive cooldown (90s).


    In short, you will probably enjoy healing more if you just roll an operative or at least a sorc. I wouldn't wait around for Bioware to buff Commando healing up to the level of the other two healing classes.

  17. When a DPS does 1 M damage everybody cries, when a healer does 1 M heal that's all good. Yep that's SWTOR PvP for you. Now the good thing is, that's a few months from now, when everybody and their dogs will roll Operative healer, BW won't have much option but nerf them to a realistic level.


    Really? Because all I see in thread after thread are people crying over healing numbers being "too big".

  18. I have also been thinking BW needs to put a limit on healers per WZ. But yeah when things get too hectic, Scoundrels/Ops throw the emergency Stealth, Scamper 30 meters away, and heal themselves. Still I don't think it's really OP, unless you get 7 healers.


    How could 7 healers possibly be any more "OP" than 7 DPSers? A team with 7 healers isn't going to be killing anybody.

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