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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Volxen

  1. It's significantly harder to DPS well than to heal well in this game. At the top level they probably cancel each other out, though that's mostly because top level healers are supported by top level DPS that are good are neutralizing fellow DPS. But at the lower levels, it takes way less skill to heal adequately compared to the effort needed to overcome that healing.


    No. Tanking/healing have always required more skill than DPSing.

  2. I have been playing since beta but I have never met healers so OP!!! They are practically immortals espacially operatives/scoundrels! Yes I know some "smart" guy will say "L2P" and "you are a bad player" and so on... But guys: Isn't it interesting thst so many players are complaining?


    Lol, no its not interesting. People will always be complaining about something 24/7.

  3. I was solo qing with my gunslinger (I enjoy soloq'ing), we had a 35K shadowtank in the wZ, he ended up with 0 protection (he was using tank stance). I had 2 more with him, again 0 protecion numbers.

    I sent him a Pm asking why he was not using taunts or guarding healers, that maybe it was better to go infil if he was not going to use his abilities.



    That site should be banned tbh


    Lol, there are sadly a lot of fake "tanks" on the republic side exactly as you've described. That has to be the most hilarious response ever, though.

  4. Yeah....I really wish the old stereotype that bad players flock to the "bad guy" faction was true on POT5, but its really the other way around on POT5......


    For whatever reason, the imperials definitely have the upper hand on this server. On the other hand, the Bastion is full of tunnel vision "I want to be Darth Vader" people on the imperial side.

  5. No we don't, nothing is sadder then a Warzone with more then 1-2 tanks in it. :p


    Ever been in a Warzone where you have so many tanks we run out of things to actually guard? Talk about lessons in futility. :(




    That's easily one of the biggest problems with tanking in general (pve or pvp), you only need 1 most of the time. Maybe 2. They don't stack well at all.


    No, I have never, ever been in a game with "too many" tanks where all of the healers are actually guarded all of the time. To actually be guarded by a tank every single WZ would be a dream come true.....


    There is a massive shortage of true tanks in regular warzones.

  6. Here! Here! Tanking is a mentality. A tank must have the mindset going into battle that they are the biggest and baddest mofo on the block. They should be the first into battle, spamming their taunts, challenging and battling 3 to 5 opponents at a time all the while they are guarding someone and protecting the entire time, even at the cost of their life. Dying while in battle is an honor when it saves another team mate or two. Truth be known, dying is but a brief respite allowing everything to reset so one can reengage and do it all again.


    Nothing is better for a tank when they are at the door or a node trying to plant a bomb or cap while half or more of the enemy team is pounding on them and your healer(s) are keeping you going while your DPSers are burning those down surrounding you. This is what tanking is all about. A thankless job to be sure; however, it is a rewarding job bringing satisfaction to those who are true tankers and team players. That is why my Jugg and soon my Guardian never switch stances and always remain in pure tank gear.


    OK, we just need to make a couple thousand clones of you and we will be good to go.

  7. If you're a dps and I'm a dps in def stance (raises my armor and lets my use shields), why should I guard you? So that I die faster than you? I'm just playing devil's advocate here since you aren't elaborating at all. There are definitely reasons to use def stance without guarding. And my guardian has occasionally popped a lot of protection points (well over 100k) just using taunts and aoe taunts but he only uses d stance when he's carrying the ball and when his charge his on cd or when he knows he's about to be focus fired (in which case he won't be guarding)...


    1) I play a healer most of the time, not a DPS. In all of these games I've been talking about, there has been at least one healer (me), if not 2 healers. These fake "tanks" had no excuse for not using their guards.


    2) This isn't about DPSers strategically switching to tank stance to increase their defenses at key moments. It's about people who are in tank stance ALL of the time, NEVER guard anyone, and end the game with sub 100k damage and maybe a few k protection, if any at all.


    These people are far worse than a DPSer with tunnel vision, because they aren't tanking/protecting, and they aren't really doing any damage, either. They contribute NOTHING and waste one of eight slots.


    Oh, and that "tank" with 93k damage and 3k protection was the ops leader. He was also level 54, so it's not like he was a lowbie. Scary how someone that clueless could have that much valor.......

  8. What is will all of these fake "tanks" that refuse to use their guard in PVP? These are the people that are ALWAYS in tank stance (and presumably tank spec) in warzones, but NEVER guard ANYONE, ,including healers. Had a Guardian do this last night and he ended up doing 93k damage and 3k protection from throwing a taunt here and there. Completely useless and a deadweight to the team. Are people really this clueless about tanking?
  9. Funny, as a healer I seem to have an issue keeping people up when I face a team that knows how to focus and put out some dps. If you are one of those people at the end of a WZ that has less than 100k dps, I think the problem lies on your end.


    Lol, yep. But as a healer, I'm glad that 90% of people don't know how to focus fire and then come to the forums to start threads like these. :D

  10. Seriously its getting old now... how hard is it to fix this god mode u gave healers.... Fix bolster, reduce healing done on expertise, grp pre mades with pre mades - ( I do alot of pre mades & would actually want a challange )


    But healing is screwed up right now a couple heals on Both teams and no one Dies & most the game its a stale mate... How is this fun


    Plz look at Healing done in Pvp, copy wow serioisly, u have in the past


    Lol. Look, it's this thread again. :D

  11. The only time you will find it difficult to kill a healer is if that healer is backed up by another 2 good healers and a tanks who are actually using guard and taunt to reduce damage. Of course then you aren't fighting just the healer you are fighting a whole team and might actually need to think rather than mindlessly smash stuff.


    But you see, it's "overpowered" because it forces them to actually think, coordinate, and not just mindlessly DerPS.

  12. Yeah your arguments aren't really compelling. The vast majority of people pug, not all of them are brain dead, but cc in particular has to be highly coordinated in order to work against healers right now. Interrupts are a joke in this game, they need to be used only because it's all dps has to mildly slow down the healing of a healer, but perfectly timed stuns are the only way to really kill them.


    1 Tank+1 Healer= 3-4 dps

    1 Tank+ 2 Healers= 4-6 dps


    Maybe with voice comms or just really good skills can 2 dps kill the tank/ healer combo, but only then after an extremely long time. Meanwhile the WZ is over. Reinforcements have arrived, ect..


    2 dps vrs 2 dps it's the better skilled ones that win, pug or not. That is balanced.


    2 class tank/healer combo beats 4 dps in almost all scenarios. This is the definition of unbalanced.


    The number of DPSers it takes to kill a couple of healers cross-healing or a healer/tank combo has been vastly exaggerated in this thread. Four DPSers can most certainly take out a healer/tank combo........ unless they are really, really, really bad. Guards and taunts only go so far, and there is no cross-healing in this case since we are only talking about one healer. Four DPSers vs one healer/tank combo is basically the same as two DPSers vs one healer (since guard reduces the damage the healer takes by 50%). And two DPSers (especially melee/stealthers) can most certainly kill a lone healer, unless they are really, really, really bad.

  13. On the one hand Damage has been increased, but healing output has been increased as well. The TTK is highly dependent upon healers. If the enemy team has no healers, then you have the ability to focus fire them down even faster (incredibly fast) than before 2.0. On the otherhand, if they have 2-3 healers (though more than 2 is rare), the fights will last much longer (as they should).


    I think this is a step in the right direction, as it makes healers much more vital in warzones and encourages people to do something other than Deeps (which is almost all you saw in regular warzones pre 2.0). The prolonged fights (which, again, only happen if there are healers) makes the game much more skill-based and fun, because healing is the only means to prevent being focus fired down in a few seconds. At the same time, if your team doesn't have any healers you are punished by getting focus fired down faster than ever before.

  14. Sorry what meant was just in any situation. Not just for rateds. Should a dps be able to wipe the floor against a healer 1v1. I say no, but lot's of dps feel that it should be easy to kill a healer 1v1.


    The answer is unequivocally no, one DPS should not be able to easily kill a healer. It should be obvious that if that were the case then healing would be completely pointless. However, one melee DPSer (especially a stealther) can very easily put enough pressure on a single healer and take him out of the fight by forcing him to run away and/or heal himself. Of course, those with tunnel vision that only care about mindlessly DPSing will insist that they should be able to easily kill a lone healer (or 2, or 3...) all on their own.

  15. Again. Balance shouldn't be scaled to pugs playing terribly. If they are bad and fill the resolve too quickly then that is their fault, not the fault of balance. If you balance the game to the terrible pugs then the rateds will be all out of whack.


    That is essentially the center piece to their entire "healers are OP" argument. They want healers to be "balanced" around the inability of tunnel visioned pugs to coordinate, focus fire, and use their brains.

  16. I think vast majority of the healers here are missing the point. It's not that one healer by him/herself is OP (although Op's healers are more tank than tanks), it's that multiple healers cross-healing SCALE dramatically better than dps do. Add a semi-skilled tank that guards and taunts and we have an almost unkillable combination.


    Interrupts block one ability. That's sure going to stop that healer from healing!! :eek:


    I love healers that say use interrupts and stuns is the solution. The window of opportunity for cc on a healer is absurd in any Pug WZ because in trying to focus a healer with stuns your team always ends up accidentally filling resolve, thus making said healer a healing bot that cannot be stunned. Switch healers, and the whole thing repeats itself.


    Once again its not that you cannot crack this with well focused, and well timed dps. However, the point is that in Pug WZ's this level of coordination is just not going to happen 99% of the time.


    All this means is that healers in general are more skilled at cross-healing than DPSers are at focus fire. Period. It does NOT mean that cross-healing is "OP", or that focus fire is somehow weak or ineffective. Given that most games have 6-8 DPSers (Yes, even in 2.0 most regular warzones do NOT have more than two healers), there really is no excuse for not being able to kill a couple of cross-healing healers. Does it require common sense and coordination? Yes, it does. If your team is full of a bunch of derps, then you frankly don't deserve to kill either of the cross-healing healers. Some of you seem to think healers should be this underpowered, non-essential role that at best delays the inevitable (i.e., how they were before 2.0). That's not the case, at least not anymore. Healers play a vital role in the outcome of a warzone, as it should be. With coordination and cross-healing, healers are intended to be able to actually keep their teammates alive. This is why it's the job of your DPSers to counter their cross-healing with focus fire. Stop expecting everything to be easy and handed to you on a silver platter.


    Again, focus fire is really the secret weapon of DPSers in this game. It has the potential to be far, FAR more effective than cross-healing, because of the sheer number of DPSers in most games (again, 6-8 for each team). The healing in this game is actually balanced around the extremely low TTK (remember that the TTK is LOWER now) and focus fire; healing is the only thing that stops people from dying in seconds to focus fire. It's not going to be nerfed just because most pugs have too much tunnel vision to coordinate and focus fire, because the increased healing output is balanced against the reduced TTK and focus fire.

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