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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Volxen

  1. No and no. You can only see a marker on yourself if you or someone on your team marked you, and it can only be removed by you or someone on your team. Unfortunately, I think this confuses some people. Sometimes people will mark healers on their own team so that they are easier to find in battle. The healer (or someone else on the team), thinking he/she has been marked by the enemy team, removes the marker, which actually hurts their own team. The marker placed on the healer by the enemy team is not affected at all by this.


    So in short, if there are healers and/or tanks on your team marked, do NOT remove the markers. The markers have been placed by someone on your team so that the healers/tanks on your team are easier to find in battle. I'm actually glad you made this thread, because this is a mistake people still make in warzones today.

  2. Are you sure your getting less expertise with partial PVP gear OP? I'm currently getting 1936 expertise with 6 pieces of PVP gear and 8 pieces of PVE gear. I have NEVER lost any expertise as I have incrementally swapped out my PVE gear for PVP gear one slot at a time. It has stayed exactly at 1936 as I have added each new piece of PVP gear.
  3. I love you guys to death, but seriously, stop playing so selfishly. Play the objective not the scoreboard numbers. Guard your healers, don't ignore them. Last night in a voidstar I defended a door by myself against 3 imperials, called for help three times, nobody came. Not only did they end up killing me, but before they planted on the door I was solo guarding, but before they even did that they managed to plant on the door where the other 7 pubs were. That's just sad.


    "You mad?" Last night, absolutely yes I was.

    "Cry some moar." No crying involved, I went and hopped on Warframe and kicked some butt with Saryn, with a big smile on my face.

    "L2P". At what point do you draw the line? Defending by yourself, the odds are stacked against you by a long shot, and I can only do so much before I die.

    "Do carebear PvE if you can't handle losing." No, I can handle losing, but just like winning every time gets boring really fast, losing every time gets boring even faster and just makes you want to pull your eye lashes out one by one, backflip off of the rafters and land on a single stick of vermicelli while singing the lyrics to Tastes Like Kevin Bacon by Iwrestledabearonce... Backwards.


    There's my rant. Do with it what you will, but I don't see myself coming back until 2.4 is released, maybe by then the pubs will have gotten their act together, and PvP will be enjoyable. Bonsoir, mes amis.


    Just move all of your pub characters to the Bastion.

  4. Imps have always dominated on POT5, OP. The faction imbalance on POT5 has always been pretty terrible (this goes for both warzones and especially open world PVP). It's possible reps are winning more now with the server transfers, though. In any case, probably 50% of your matches are imp vs imp, in which case it comes down to which side has the good premade(s).
  5. I've always had characters on both the Bastion and Propehcy of the Five, but I recently created my first rep character on the Bastion. On POT5 rep vs rep warzones NEVER happen, but on the Bastion they actually happen fairly frequently. Are there actually more reps than imps on this server, or at least more rep pvpers?


    In any case, it's been a very good experience so far. Pugging as a rep on this server is much, much better than doing so on POT5.

  6. Cross-healing is not anymore "ridiculous" than focus fire is. They are both extremely effective in warzones. The difference is that most pugs are not capable of coordinated focus fire, which is why you typically only see it successfully executed by premades.


    Asking for a cross-healing debuff makes as much sense as asking for a focus fire debuff (i.e., a debuff that would limit the damage you can take from focus fire). In other words, it's not going to happen.

  7. and they are only "the ideal ranged" in the eyes of every ranged. because what caster WOULDN'T want to be uninterruptable and unmoveable for 20s of ever 60? who cares if you, yourself, aren't moving. you can't move while casting anyway. not much of a trade off.


    The tradeoff is that you lose entrench if you move during it's duration. So you cannot, for example, reset your ballistic dampers during entrench without ending it prematurely. Diversion can still knock a sniper out of cover when entrench is up. The worst case scenario is that you simply los and wait until entrench is over before attacking/CCing the sniper. Or better yet, have a stealther behind the sniper ready to CC as soon as entrench ends.

  8. How to get pass the invisible wall on the road to Anchorhead ?


    i am in area where is an edge of the map


    That video he posted of imps attacking Anchorhead is from last summer. At that time, if you went to the edge of the map near Anchorhead (all the way to the right) you could get past the invisible wall and get into Anchorhead. They've since patched that, meaning you can't get past the invisible wall at that spot anymore. As far as I'm aware, no one has found a new path to reach Anchorhead, and there haven't been any attacks on Anchorhead since last year.

  9. 1st though about this thread

    How did they get there?


    2nd Though i have to try it too( i mean getting there past exhaustion zone)


    3rd Who want to go Anchorhead on TOFN server with Imperial character for sight seeing


    4th It is PvP server and everyone(who has read description) that you can't report harassment in this server soo it comes to rues of engagement


    5th The are not set Rules who and when attack someone in PvP area


    Some of us have their own rules when and who and where they attack,some kind of Code of Chivalry

    Some of us have mood rules

    Some of us have persistent urges and lusts


    My rules are:

    1. attacking lowbies only when in a mood and only killing 1-2 times max if only after those death they don't fight back

    2. killing lowbies that have attacked my high lvl toon

    3. if i have to much of urges and lust for blood i queue for WZ

    4. Attacking same lvl gap toons also when in a mood

    5. When attacked persistently by someone higher lvl i try to escape/change instance or just logout and change toon .This things just happen in PvP and i ave to live with it.. or make my revenge


    I don't consider fun to kill someone over and over again at their re spawn point on the other side why someone re spawns when killed 10th time or more.??


    I explained exactly how to get to Mos Ila in my post.

  10. How to get to Mos Ila as a pub:


    You need: at least 2 people, one of whom is a Guardian with force push (and intercede if you don't have anyone who can pull)


    In the back of outpost Varath (NE area), there is a mountain that you can get up. You need to "climb" this mountain by using force push until you get all the way to the top. Once your at the top, go straight and then go right towards the tunnel entrance. There will be a short exhaustion zone here, but it will end well before it kills you. After you go through the first tunnel, there will be a second tunnel you need to go through. After the second tunnel, you should be able to see the outskirts of Mos Ila. If you have an imperial character, you will notice these are the exact same tunnels you go through when you take a speeder to Mos Ila. After you go through the two tunnels there is a large exhaustion zone, so you need to run through it and queue for warzones once you die (remember to rez in the warzone before you leave). Once you come back from the warzone, start running again. You will have to die and queue for warzones a total of three times to get through the exhaustion zone and reach Mos Ila.

  11. stop. I'm done listening to you. you're being ridiculous. electro net actively denies exactly one enemy from leaping to you once every 90s. cover -- not even entrench, mind you, simply cover...a stance that snipers need to be in ANYWAY to use most of their rotation -- denies multiple targets from leaping for an infinite period of time.


    electro net is a devastating ability. it should NOT be on a shorter cd. I have argued against reducing the cd many times. however, to argue, as you do, that they work analogously is insulting.


    as for hold the line? 6s. the equivalent of 1.5 stuns. entrench, 20s and stuns cannot neutralize anyway. once again, both classes work the same way: stationary (turret) casters. one class has vastly superior tools to do so than the other class. still waiting for exactly how their play styles are fundamentally different so as to account for snipers keeping that instant, aoe, 30m mezz. you just go ahead and sleep on it. my sub doesn't expire until sunday. ;)


    Maybe if people like you wouldn't fight against mercs getting any sort of buff (e.g., reducing the CD on electronet), mercs would actually be on par with snipers. Mercs are less powerful than the other 2 ranged classes, and all you suggest in every thread is bring the other ranged classes down to the level of mercs. All of your suggestions essentially amount to "I want all melee classes to be able to easily kill snipers".


    If you are against buffing your own underpowered class that you supposedly main, then you certainly have no right to complain about the disparity between mercs and snipers.

  12. Integral part only for snipers and operatives?

    Where is 8-sec-AOE integral part for squishy sorcs or mercs or even for maras and sins? :rolleyes: I smell bs! :D


    As far as mercs are concerned, the range of cryo grenade should definitely be restored to 30m.


    as for dealing with ranged as is, if it's 2v1, why on earth shouldn't you die to two melee dps? or even a dps and a tank (more cc/interrupts). if it's just your lone gunnery and a smasher, he leaps. you punt. grav. electo+htl. unload on him. you ought to be able to kill him. but you can CERTAINLY escape him. if he gets to you w/o having to use his leap, then good for him. bad for you. that's life. that's the meta. nothing wrong here. I do think it's wrong that you could just stand there and free cast, immune to interrupts or have electro net up for every fight. and yeah, you are pullable. but htl is also on a very short cd (even shorter for medics). so yeah. you can be leapt to. you can punt all but one spec back where he came from (with a root!). do you want entrench on a 2m cd? ok. sure. fine. but entrench on every fight? NO. F that sheeit! it's up to often for (most) snipers as is.



    The fact that mercs are always susceptible to interrupts and pulls/leaps is largely why electronet should be on a shorter CD. Mercs don't have cover, and electronet is essentially the one big "get out of jail free" card that mercs have, which is why it should be available more often. It's the one unique thing that mercs bring to the table, and it's CD should be no longer than 60s.

  14. no. they should not be able to keep melee classes perpetually in check...which is what "in check" means. the solution to surviving a ranged attacker is los. ranged can los ranged. no ranged would ever die if they could always los each other. no commando would die to melee if he could call on electro net for every fight. and by the by, if you were granted all the tools that snipers have, you become ANOTHER "hard counter" to every non-stealth melee.


    So basically, you're ok with marsmanship sniper overshadowing arsenal merc (that is, do everything better) in everything except for electronet? Because electronet is really the only thing unique going for mercs right now, and it's a bit overrated due to its long cooldown. Don't bring up burst, because snipers have just as much if not more.

  15. Mercs still asking for buffs are a bunch of morons. With the possible exception of pyro the class is OP. Learn to play. I'll give you a hint, if they can't catch you and stunlock you, they can't shut you down.


    1) Plays on a PVE server


    2) Thinks mercs are overpowered


    3) Thinks snipers are overpowered


    4) Thinks all healers are overpowered


    5) Lol


    Arsenal is like this, hug a wall > select unsuspecting target > blow up unsuspecting target > pillar hug again > rinse and repeat


    Until you get focused by one or more good melee players.

  17. They at balanced. They at squishy as hell and can't dps at all when they are focused.


    Which is why they are still underpowered compared to the other ranged classes.

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