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Posts posted by LordTynell

  1. The reason this game is casual unfriendly. You take an overleveled toon back to a zone... say you're 37 and the quest is 31. You try to fight a champion (gear is up to par as a 37). You have to run. It's silly.


    In that other game, you're 37, you trounce 31s, 32s, etc. The genre is built to be easy now. Sure there are different modes at end game, but honestly, I have 3 50s, I know how to play, I should have no trouble with a mob 6 levels below.


    I know, all the fanbois will come here to say "L2P Noob." Yeah, I am geared, I've done the OPs, I've done the HMs. I am telling you why casuals are bleeding, not hardcores. I am tired of the bugs, the unbalance, the just straight up fail in this game.


    It's stupid. Say what you will, my sub's cancelled. Keep swearing by this game. See you in Pandaria, with, well, everything better. You know, rated warzones. :)

  2. If you're going to make them, police them for RP. I am tired of grouping with "Goodgoodlovn," "Idonthealyou," and "LeroyJinkins."


    If you guys want to roll PVE server, by all means, do so. No issue there. But to come to a RP server and have Bioware bow down to you.


    Eff, I hate to say this, but Blizzard is superior to handling this. At least they seem to care. So all that Daniel Erickson "We care about RPers." Right out the door.

  3. Let's see... if I were going to bash my competition, what would be the easiest way? OH wait, I got it. I'd go to a free critique website that takes all of 30 secs to sign up for.


    Don't trust everything you read.

  4. Actually... (if you hadn't seen it)



    Later in the romance she tells you she found her shock collar as you have some private time, so.....



    Due to that, I would much rather have Vette (it's for more reasons than that actually, lol). And I don't understand what in her voice bugs you. Jaesa sounds like she's going to die before finishing her lines when she speaks. Don't get me wrong, I love both Jaesas and I love Vette.


    From your perspective though, I can understand wanting to shock collar her every time she speaks. Wanting to shock her ended for me as soon as she opened up. There are funnier things that occur or that you can say which don't involve the collar.


    I don't know. I have always loved Rachael Leigh Cook's voice (from She's All That to Psyche). I find I really like the way she delivered her lines for Jaesa. But, we are allowed to like different things. :)

  5. BioWare gave you a choice. They said choices matter. Jaesa doesn't want you if your LS. So... go DS. You are Sith after all, right?


    If you still choose LS, well, have the happy Twi'lek.

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