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Posts posted by LordTynell

  1. OP preaches again as a Biodrone.


    Show me the many requests on the forums pre-KotFE requesting mandatory scaling. Don't bring me "mentoring," bring me mandatory scaling on low level planets. You did say it had been requested over and over.


    Or maybe you're an idiot who eats up recycled bullsh content and calls it "new."


    Anytime you remove an option, you remove content.

  2. Sweet. I just gave my money to Blizzard. Better product, better options, better optional scaling, better mechanics, fixes bugs, better raids, better dungeons, better rep grinding, better, well, everything.


    Oh, and their expansion as has new endgame stuff, you know, unlike recycled H2s on old planets.


    I am sure your level-synching will save TorTanic.

  3. Some of you are overreacting WAY TOO MUCH about this! It's NOT what you think it is at all! It's just a system designed to make the whole game relevant again when you are higher or max level so you always have stuff to do. Everywhere. Didn't you people want reasons to go back to the old planets? But now, they give you that and you now complain it's not the reason YOU wanted to go back.


    I bet half of you never even went back to the old planets or did anything lower level with your max level character. So why would level scaling even effect you if you did none of that stuff before? It's not going to hinder your character in anyway. It's just making it so there is relevant content throughout the duration of the game and when you are max level. Not just "ok I'm 60 now what?" you will have loads of things to do. And when you want to go back to help your friends or help low level people, you can now! But you personally will still be powerful. It's a little ridiculous why some of you are overreacting on this.


    I still have to see it for myself but if you listen to the stream and understand what this is, it seems it's going to be good for the game. There will always be stuff to do everywhere all the time regardless if you are max level. Now, say you are doing a mission on Tatooine and you get scaled to 26 even though you are level 65. YOU will still be level 65 and have all your gear, weapons, earpieces etc and still kill enemies fast, it just won't be faceroll because the reason for that is so the content stays relevant and it's not just "ok, I facerolled these guys, now what?" Like I heard a poster say "If I can't faceroll, that's unacceptable" seriously.....cmon now.


    You even get rewards for the level you are. If you are 60 or 65 and are scaled to the level of the planet, it doesn't matter. YOU will still get the rewards as you are a high level player. It won't punish you in any way for being a "low level player" again. That's not how this system works! It is just a system made so you can go throughout the WHOLE game and do everything all the time anywhere you want while making older things relevant again.


    Besides, I'm sure you guys wanted more dailies to do. Well now you have them AND you have a reason to go back to the earlier planets now. But it's not forcing you to do so. If you don't want to go to the planets, don't do it then. Nobody is making you do that. But now there is a reason to go back to the other planets because there will be relevant content on them. Also, have you guys noticed it actually gives more player choice in the end of things to do in the game? Don't be so overly emotional on this. It's going to be ok! It's going to be fine!


    Wait until you see for yourself before you make any rash decisions about it. I'm going to see to. But I don't have any expectations and am not for it or against it. I just know from being in this type of system before how it works and how good it is for the game. I'm optimistic about it but still have to see for myself and I suggest you do the same to!


    Just stop. You've admitted to being a white knight and friends with people at Bioware. You're hurting your cause far more than helping it.


    Also - people requested more dailies? Are you effing serious?


    Recycled content is not cool, it's not fun, it's unoriginal, unimaginative and frankly, trash. They didn't even change it. At least Blizzard redid SFK, ZG, ZA, VC... Bioware, just stuck their thumb up their *** and herp derped.

  4. So you're really in favor of this, at least in part, because it you think it will force more people to group with you? Or am I not understanding that part?


    If raids, dailies, weeklies, Ranked PVP didn't make people group... I highly doubt taking away their levels and putting a carrot on a stick will. The person you replied to is delusional.

  5. I love when I come to these threads. They remind me of Draenor. 100s of complaint threads, and did Blizzard listen? Nope. Now they're down to less than 6 million subs (Still way more than this pile of dung), but they learned their lesson and are changing things, for the most part, back to the better days.


    So, yes, Bioware, people won't really unsub. I mean JohnDoeplayer3243242 said so.

  6. Now I can help some friends throught the leveling without leveling another character with them, get XP and credits, very nice.

    I can imagine the events will bring to the table, making an event on a lvl 20 planet will be awesome, you don't have to create a new area just for the event or even bother with bolster...

    Stupid players will not be able to one-shot lower level players.

    People ask for challenge other than HM Ops, world bosses will be a good challenge again.

    Heroics will be fun again.


    Other games has it and it works perfectly.


    Some people likes to see their epeen bigger by one-shotting a low level player...


    Hey, what's the one game that destroys all the other MMOs? Oh yeah, that one. It has optional scaling for dungeons. It just announced an expansion that will make this game even more irrelevant.


    Guess what it doesn't have? Mandatory bullsh.


    PVP is not the only way to play. You think magically grouping will be easier? Sheesh.

  7. They will explain it more in the coming weeks and I will also explain it. It makes sense to me now, how they are going to do it. It seems they are going to do it like GW2 system. Don't get so down hard on it! :o


    Because GW2 is exactly why people bought this game... 4 years ago. Stop the white knighting, man.


    It's a monumental shift and a bait and switch. If they were so confident, why'd they hide this feature until this late?

  8. I don't think there is even going to be a sensible discussion here. I don't mean that as an insult to you. So if you are so against it, vote with your wallet. It seems there is a refusal to like or adapt the new system or see how it goes and THEN make a decision. I was afraid at first also Max but it seems they are going the route of GW2. Which is good. Just take a step back and see how it goes!


    Be rational and don't be overly emotional about these type of things. Just simmer down. :) I want to help you buddy!


    Why? Why should he wait and spend an extra $15?


    This game has been the same for 4 years. It's now going under a monumental shift - to copy a style of a game with no real sub system.


    You once again are championing recycled content. It's not new and it doesn't become "fun" again by reducing levels.

  9. I don't know how many times I haveseen people threaten to unsub only to see them continue to post in the forum for months after making their claim. It's gotten to the point that when someone says they are unsubbing for this reason or that reason I immediately think they are just grandstanding trying to get attention and have no real intentions of unsubbing.


    You mean like all those grandstanders that said they would quit WoW and now it's dropped 1/2 its subs? Those types of grandstanders?



    I hated this crap in GW2. It was awful, and made farming mats efficiently nigh impossible.


    I don't understand why Bioware looks at other mmos and takes only the bad ideas.


    Did you have any faith they would actually take something good? This game is known as TorTanic for a reason in most circles.


    That being said - Bioware won't let their panties be ruffled here. Go to the other sites and run it there. I mean, Blizzard looks at MMO-Champion.com... Bioware must be intelligent enough to look at othe... oh wait.

  11. You will be back.


    Actually, I won't. I left this game before Draenor, gave it a shot, and now they've revealed to me that they can't create new content and have to recycle. If I want recycled content, I can find a lot better stuff at Blizzard.


    So you can dream and wet yourself thinking I'll be back, but.. nah. Game's still ****.

  12. You even don't know what are you talking about aren't you?

    Why would someone require help of 60 level character to get through class mission?

    Maybe instead of ripping mobs apart - you will EXPLAIN your friend HOW to do it properly?

    Give some advices about gear and rotation? No?


    But i guess it will be too hard for you...


    Why do you get to dictate how others play a game? Why do you care so much to throw thinly veiled insults at people? Can't others have a different playstyle?

  13. I take it you couldn't come up with an intelligent response to what i stated, as I contradicted everything you said, but simply brushed it aside with "intended" canard, which holds no merit.


    Actually, it has a lot of merit, and he explained himself quite clearly in the other thread.


    I don't think elite players are complaining.. I think it's the casuals.. you know, the ones who fund the game? Notice no new "end game" content for "elite" players - wonder why that is?

  14. And we have two sources both claiming opposite informations. Which is more likely? That the feature is permanently activated on test shard to fully test it, or that BW are evil and will downscale people just for lulz?


    Not to be flippant, but you're asking me to trust a company that has given us no information regarding this issue less than a month before Open Beta.


    Also, last I checked, Bioware was owned by EA. It's never for the lulz, it's for the money.

  15. "Mentoring" systems in other games usually bring rewards for the "mentor" (high level player dropping to lower levels to coach a newbie without messing up their XP/loot gain)


    And that's the reason it should be optional, if implemented. That way, the people that want to chase those increased rewards can do so at their pleasure. And those that don't want to, don't have to.

  16. Forced group content always fails outside FPs and Raids. It's why WoW killed their group quests. Helping someone out with an objective on a lower planet should never punish you and your accomplishments in a game. I have never seen a request for mentoring on these forums. It should be optional. Not everyone wants to do it. If you take away choice, you take away a feature.. you're not adding anything.


    Let's say that again - taking away anything is never adding anything.


    Optional scaling is the only answer.

  17. if, and that's a big if right there - IF they drop? the droprate is going to be very similar to current storymode/solo rate.


    aka so low as to be negligible.


    why am I so sure?


    becasue if they want people to actualy group? there need to be incentives for grouping. making solo flashpoints drop the same loot as group ones? will remove that incentive. why roll against three other people when you can just sleep through the solo mode and get the same rewards?


    You keep talking about Ops or FPs. I think we're talking about the planets autoscaling people down. You know, so the Kor Slugs can be a challenge to the Empire's Wrath, or what have you.


    This isn't about drops in a FP.

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